- 公司名稱:繽特力通訊科技(蘇州)有限公司
- 總部地點:美國加利福尼亞的聖克魯斯
- 成立時間:1962年
- 口號:這一切均在向世人展示:
- 歷史:六十多年
- 業務:已遍及世界20個國家和地區
關於PlantronicsSince introduced the first lightweight communications headset in 1962, year after year Plantronics releases wireless headset, DSP headset series adapted the high-tech which has the function of digital signal process, earhud and Bluetooth headsets of the new generation used with cell phone.
It all shows to us:
Plantronics is the symbolization of the High-Tech and Fashion.
Plantronics is a publicly held company (NYSE: PLT) headquartered in Santa Cruz , California . Over passing sixty years innovation, transform and development, Plantronics' business extends all over twenty countries. Plantronics is the first lightweight communications headset in the world, and today it is the world's leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of lightweight communications headset products.
With the rich service experience to the various worldwide customers, incomparable talent resources, ever-perfecting service and support system and the powerful partnership relationships, Plantronics dedicates to help people use technology more freely, enjoy the fashion, improve communications and its quality in business, social and personal life.
基於多年服務全球各類用戶的豐富經驗、業界無與倫比的人才資源、日臻完善的服務與支持體系以及強大的合作夥伴關係, PLANTRONICS 致力於幫助人們在商業活動、社會活動和個人生活中更加靈活地套用科技,增強溝通、通訊質量,並享受時尚。
In 1969, Neil Armstrong steps onto the lunar surface and speaks the first words from the moon through a Plantronics SPENCOM headset: “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”In 1984, Plantronics is named the official headset of the Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles . And now, Plantronics headsets are widely used in many Fortune 500 corporations.
1969年美國太空人 Neil Armstrong 登月後所說的具有歷史意義的一句“月球一小步,人類一大步”,就是通過 PLANTRONICS 耳機傳送到地球以來。 1984 年洛杉磯夏季奧運會上,PLANTRONCS 耳機被指定為官方專用耳機。而今 ,PLANTRONICS耳機已被財富 500 強中大多數電話公司及商業機構廣泛採用。