

《 綜合英語發展教程:文學閱讀1(學生用書)》是2016年3月1日上海外語教育出版社出版的圖書,作者是秦秀白。


  • 中文名: 綜合英語發展教程:文學閱讀1(學生用書)
  • 作者:秦秀白
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787544642132




Unit One Get Started
Read and Explore
Text: The Dear Departed (A Comedy in One Act) by William Stanley Houghton
Explore the Writer's Ideas
Explore the Writer's Techniques
Increase Your Language Proficiency
Enjoy English
Unit Two Get Started
Read and Explore
Text:The Dear Departed (A Comedy in One Act) by William Stanley Houghton (Continued)
Explore the Writer's Ideas
Explore the Writer's Techniques
Increase Your Language Proficiency
Enjoy English
Unit Three Get Started
Read and Explore
Text: The Nightingale and the Rose by Oscar Wilde
Explore the Writer's Ideas
Explore the Writer's Techniques
Increase Your Language Proficiency
Enjoy English
Unit Four Get Started
Read and Explore
Text: The Gift of the Magi by O.Henry
Explore the Writer's Ideas
Explore the Writer's Techniques
Increase Your Language Proficiency
Enjoy English
Unit Five Get Started
Read and Explore
Text: A Glimpse of Heaven byjack Trammell
Explore the Writer's Ideas
Explore the Writer's Techniques
Increase Your Language Proficiency
Enjoy English
Unit Six Get Started
Read and Explore
Text: Goalie by Rudy Thauberger
Explore the Writer's Ideas
Explore the Writer's Techniques
Increase Your Language Proficiency
Enjoy English
Unit Seven Get Started
Read and Explore
Text: Dusk by Saki
Explore the Writer's Ideas
Explore the Writer's Techniques
Increase Your Language Proficiency
Enjoy English
Unit Eight Get Started
Read and Explore
Text: Two Poems by Robert Frost
Explore the Writer's Ideas
Explore the Writer's Techniques
Increase Your Language Proficiency
Enjoy English


