



  • 中文名:經典與創新:世界文學背景下中西比較詩學研究
  • 作者:蔣竹雨
  • 出版時間:2023年
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
  • ISBN: 9787544678865
  • 定價:30 元


經典與個性在創作中的相互作用是中西文學批評中的一個重要問題。世界文學的背景下,經典不再是一個既定的理論概念或固定的文學作 品清單,其理論含義及研究實踐是多樣而動態的。與經典對應的個性創作也變得更多元,二者的互動方式也更新穎。《經典與創新:世界 文學背景下中西比較詩學研究》將中西文評中有關經典與創新辯證關係的探討進行了縱向與橫向維度的理論追溯與梳理,呈現這一理論主 題在中西方文學批評中的互動與發展脈絡;總結現代以來經典文學作品在研究實踐中遇到的問題;並以改編與腳註為具體研究案例與研究 對象,探討多元個性在闡釋與傳播經典中的新角度與新方法及其合理性,對於英美文學、比較文學方向師生和研究者,以及其他感興趣的 讀者均有不錯的啟發意義。


Chapter One The Classic and Creativity in Western Literary Criticism
1.1 Poetry and Inspiration: The Paradoxical Plato
1.2 Pope: "Nature and Homer Were the Same"
1.3 Wordsworth: Thoughts Are the Representatives of Past Feelings
1.4 Nietzsche:Apollonian and Dionysian
1.5 Oscar Wilde: Unity Is of the IndMdual
1.6 T.S.Eliot: Tradition and the IndMdual Talent
1.7 Eliot Weinberger: Karmic Traces
Chapter Two The Classic and Creativity in Chinese Literary Criticism
2.1 The Book of Poetry and the "Mao Preface: Emotion and Old Custom.
2.2 Lu Ji and Wen Fu: Feeling, Intent, and Ancient Canons
2.3 Liu Xie: Poetry Means Disciplined Human Emotion
2.4 Yan Yu: Judgment and Spontaneous Enlightenment
2.5 Yuan Mei: Heart and Hand
2.6 Qian Zhongshu: Emotion and Talent, Nature, and Art
Chapter Tbree The Classic and Canon as"Means ofDiscrimination"
3.1 Confined Definition: The Classic and Ancient Greek and Latin Literature
3.2 T.S.Eliot: Tradition and Depersonalization
3.3 Woolf: The Male-Dominated Classic and Discrimination Against Female Talent
3.4 Harold Bloom: The Western Canon for Pure Aesthetic Value and "Achieved Individuality"
3.5 "Centered" and "Periphery" Literatures in this Age of World Literature
Chapter Four Struggle between the Classic and Creativity in Adaptation: The Tempest and A Tempest
4.1 Transformation and Ghettoization of The Tempest
4.2 Particularity and Diversity Indicated by A Tempest
4.3 Deconstruct the Postcolonial Reading of The Tempest
4.4 Universality and Multiple Perspectives of the Classic
4.5 De-Ghettoize the Classic and Culture in this Age of World Literature
Chapter Five Footnotes Where the Classic and Creativity Interact
5.1 How the Classic and Creativity Interact in Footnotes.
5.2 The Importance of Footnotes and the Paradoxical Features of Footnotes
5.3 Footnotes in The Waste Land: References to the Past
5.4 Footnotes in The Book of Poetry: Subjective Interpretation of the Classic
5.5 Footnotes in World Literature
Works Cited


