


  • 中文名:絲綢之路國際青年學者研討會
  • 地點:西安
  • 會議類型:國際會議
  • 舉辦時間:2015-12-21至2015-12-22


Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) is a key university directly administered by the Chinese Ministry of Education and is one of the oldest higher education institutions in China. Currently Xi'an Jiaotong University is a comprehensive research university with scientific focus, comprising 10 branches of learning: science, engineering, medicine, economics, management, humanities, law, philosophy, education and art etc.
Silk Road International Symposium for Distinguished Young Scholars (SRIS, 20-22 December, 2015, Xi’an) vows to engage distinguished young scholars both from home and abroad in hot issues in the forefront of international scholarly community as well as in individual and career elevation and development and eventually build a platform for in-depth understanding and academic exchanges.
SRIS comprises 1 keynote session and 8 parallel sessions. Keynote speakers will be invited for presentations on the keynote session. The parallel sessions will gather young scholars for academic exchanges in the following areas:
(1) 能源與環境分論壇Energy & Environment Parallel Session
Targeting disciplines: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Nuclear Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning etc.
(2) 機械、空天與材料分論壇Mechanics, Aerospace & Materials Parallel Session
Targeting disciplines: Mechanical Engineering, Instrument Science and Technology, Mechanics, Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology, Materials Science and Engineering etc. (3) 電子與信息分論壇Electronics & Information Parallel Session
Targeting disciplines: Electronics Science and Technology, Information and Communication Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Software Engineering etc.
(4) 醫學與生命分論壇Medicine & Life Sciences Parallel Session
Targeting disciplines: Basic Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Pharmaceutical Science, Stomatology, Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine, Nursing, Biology, Biomedical Engineering etc.
(5) 人文社科分論壇Humanities & Social Science Parallel Session
Targeting disciplines: Philosophy, Marxist Theory, Law, Sociology, Education, Physical Education, Foreign Languages and Literature, Journalism and Communication, Design etc.
(6) 管理與經濟分論壇Management & Economics Parallel Session
Targeting disciplines: Management Science and Engineering, Business Administration, Public Administration, Applied Economics, Theoretical Economics etc.
(7) 數學分論壇Mathematics Parallel Session
Targeting disciplines: Mathematics, Statistics etc.
(8) 物理與化學分論壇Physics & Chemistry Parallel Session
Targeting disciplines: Physics, Chemistry etc.


(1) 申請人學風嚴謹,遵守法紀及職業道德規範,具有博士學位,年齡40周歲以下;
Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree at the age of under 40. Applicants should also be dedicated to research, law abiding and ethical.
(2) 在所從事領域已取得突出的學術業績,為同齡人中的拔尖人才,已獲得學術界同行的高度認可;
The applicants should demonstrate outstanding academic accomplishments in a given field as well as make peer prominence and earn recognition in the scholarly community.
(3) 具有廣闊的學術視野和創新思維,具備成為所從事領域領軍人才的潛質。
The applicants should have a broad academic vision and innovative thinking with enormous potential of future leadership in a given field.


