原作為中國美術館收藏。時經三十多年後,該作又被《百年中國畫集》《二十世紀中國美術》《新中國美術史》等多部大型畫典輯入,永載畫史。Mr. Kang Zuotian was born in Guoyang Town, Yuanping City in 1941。 From 1955 to 1961 he was a student in Fan Ting Secondary School. After graduating from high school, he was admitted to the Arts department, Shanxi University,specializing in Chinese painting. Graduating in 1965 from Shanxi University, he has worked in the following places; Shanxi Province Socialist education exhibition, Shuoxian No. 1 Middle School , Culture Bureau of Yanbei District, vice president of the Literature and Art Association Of Yanbei District. President of Yanbei fine art Association. he was transferred to Shanxi Art Academy in 1986, serving a director and retired in 2001. Currently he is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a national level artist. And served as the first president of the Shanxi Institute of Chinese painting, portrait branch,president of Flowers and Birds Society, vice president of Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Association of Shanxi Province.《紅太陽光輝暖萬代》
His representative works is "Red Sunshine Warm up Thousands of Generations, created in the seventies of the last century. After displays in National Art Exhibitions, the painting caused great repercussions. it was the focus of national press, highlight of a large number of books, movies, TV. This painting was also an important page in the textbooks of primary and secondary schools. Original painting was kept as a national treasure by the China Art Gallery.