

《精通Python網路編程第2版(影印版)》是2019年東南大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是[美] 埃里克·周。


  • 中文名:精通Python網路編程第2版(影印版)
  • 作者:[美] 埃里克·周
  • 出版社:東南大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787564182946


基礎設施中的網路為應用程式的部署、維護和服務奠定了基礎。Python是網路工程師的理想語言,可用於探索先前由系統工程師和應用程式開發人員所使用的那些工具。在《精通Python網路編程(第2版 影印版 英文版)》的第二版中,您將踏上從傳統的網路工程師過渡到下一代網路開發人員的Python之旅。《精通Python網路編程(第2版影印版 英文版)》首先回顧了Python的基礎知識,講述了如何使用Python與傳統型和支持API的網路設備進行互動。然後,你會學習到利用高級Python軟體包和框架來實現自動化、監控、管理以及安全增強等的網路工程任務。在後,你要使用Jenkins進行持續網路集成,另外還包括於驗證網路的測試工具。結束《精通Python網路編程(第2版 影印版 英文版)》之時,你將能夠通過Python完成所有的網路任務。


Chapter 1: Review of TCP/IP Protocol Suite and Python
An overview of the internet
Servers, hosts, and network components
The rise of data centers
Enterprise data centers
Cloud data centers
Edge data centers
The OSI model
Client-server model
Network protocol suites
The transmission control protocol
Functions and characteristics of TCP
TCP messages and data transfer
User datagram protocol
The internet protocol
The IP NAT and security
IP routing concepts
Python language overview
Python versions
Operating system
Running a Python program
Python built-in types
The None type
Python operators
Python control flow tools
Python functions
Python classes
Python modules and packages
Chapter 2: Low-Level Network Device Interactions
The challenges of the CLI
Constructing a virtual lab
Cisco VIRL
VIRL tips
Cisco DevNet and dCloud
Python Pexpect library
Pexpect installation
Pexpect overview
Our first Pexpect program
More Pexpect features
Pexpect and SSH
Putting things together for Pexpect
The Python Paramiko library
Installation of Paramiko
Paramiko overview
Our first Paramiko program
More Paramiko features
Paramiko for servers
Putting things together for Paramiko
Looking ahead
Downsides of Pexpect and Paramiko compared to other tools
Idempotent network device interaction
Bad automation speeds bad things up
Chapter 3: APIs and Intent-Driven Networking
Infrastructure as code
Intent-Driven Networking
Screen scraping versus API structured output
Data modeling for infrastructure as code
The Cisco API and ACI
Cisco NX-API
Lab software installation and device preparation
NX-API examples
The Cisco and YANG models
The Cisco ACI
The Python API for Juniper networks
Juniper and NETCONF
Device preparation
Juniper NETCONF examples
Juniper PyEZ for developers
Installation and preparation
PyEZ examples
The Arista Python API
Arista eAPI management
The eAPI preparation
eAPI examples
The Arista Pyeapi library
Pyeapi installation
Pyeapi examples
Chapter 4:The Python Automation Framework—Ansible Basics
Chapter 5:The Python Automation Framework—Bevond Basics
Chapter 6:Network Security with Python
Chapter 7:Network Monitoring with Python—Part 1
Chapter 8:Network Monitoring with Python—Part 2
Chapter 9:Building Network Web Services with Python
Chapter 10:AWS Cloud Networking
Chapter 11:Working with Git
Chapter 12:Continuous Integration with Jenkins
Cha—pter13:Test-Driven Development for Networks
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