米歇爾 J. 懷特

米歇爾 J. 懷特

米歇爾 J. 懷特(Michelle J. WHITE)博士為長江商學院經濟學訪問教授,加州大學聖地亞哥分校經濟學教授,美國國家經濟研究局副研究員。曾任教於美國賓夕法尼亞大學,紐約大學和密西根大學。現在還擔任布拉格經濟學博士學位項目CERGE-EI的執行及及監督委員會成員。


  • 中文名:米歇爾 J. 懷特
  • 職業:教師
  • 外文名:Michelle J. WHITE
  • 著作:《經濟展望期刊》
  • 研究領域:美國個人破產系統
  • 任職院校長江商學院


擔任《經濟展望期刊》(the Journal of Economic Perspectives)副主編以及多家期刊雜誌的編委會成員。曾是多個經濟學相關協會的主席、顧問等。




List of Publications:
  1. "Asbestos and the Future of Mass Torts," NBER working paper 10308, February 2004. Forthcoming, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2004.
  2. "Resolving the 'Elephantine Mass',"Regulation,Summer 2003.
  3. "In-state versus Out-of-state Students: The Divergence of Interest between Public Universities and State Governments," with Jeffrey A. Groen. NBER working paper 9603.J. of Public Econ.,vol. 88:9-10, pp. 1793-1814, August 2004.
  4. "Personal Bankruptcy and the Level of Entrepreneurial Activity," with Wei Fan. NBER working paper no. 9340.Journal of Law & Economics,vol. 46:2, October 2003, pp. 543-568.
  5. "Sovereigns in Distress: Do They Need Bankruptcy?"Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,2002, number 1, pp. 287-319.
  6. "Bankruptcy and Small Firms' Access to Credit," with Jeremy Berkowitz. NBER working paper no. 9010.RAND J. of Economics,vol. 35:1, pp. 69-84 (Spring 2004).
  7. "No-fault for Motor Vehicles: An Economic Analysis," with Yuping Liao.American Law and Economics Review,vol. 4:2, pp. 258-294 (2002).
  8. "The Household Bankruptcy Decision," with Scott Fay and Erik Hurst.American Economic Review,vol. 92:3, June 2002, pp. 706-718.
  9. "Bankruptcy and Small Business,"Regulation,vol. 24:2, Summer 2001.
  10. "The Role of Bankruptcy Procedures in Countries Undergoing Financial Crises," inResolution of Financial Distress: An International Perspective on the Design of Bankruptcy Laws,edited by S. Claessens, S. Djankov, and A. Mody. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank WBI Development Studies, 2001.
  11. "Bankruptcy and the Market for Mortgage and Home Improvement Loans," with Emily Y. Lin.Journal of Urban Economics,vol. 50, July 2001, pp. 138-162.
  12. "An Optimal Personal Bankruptcy System and Proposed Reforms," with Hung-jen Wang.Journal of Legal Studies,vol. XXXI(1) (2000).
  13. "Viewpoint: Too Many Incentives to Go Bankrupt (op-ed),"American Banker,November 19, 1999.
  14. "Why It Pays to File for Bankruptcy: A Critical Look at Incentives under U.S. Bankruptcy Laws and A Proposal for Change."University of Chicago Law Review,vol. 65:3, pp. 685-732, Summer 1998. Reprinted in A Bankruptcy Law Anthology, Charles J. Tabb, editor, Anderson Publishing Company, 1999. Shorter versions of this article were also published as "What's Wrong with U.S. Personal Bankruptcy Law and How to Reform It,"Journal of Lending & Credit Risk Management,November 1998, "What's Wrong with U.S. Personal Bankruptcy Law and How to Fix It,"Regulation,Fall 1999, and "Viewpoints: Too Many Incentives to Go Bankrupt," op-ed inAmerican Banker,November 19, 1999.
  15. "What's Wrong with U.S. Bankruptcy Law and How to Fix It,"Regulation,Fall 1999.
  16. "Why Don't More Households File for Bankruptcy?"Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization,vol. 14:2, pp. 205-231, October 1998.
  17. "Comparative versus Contributory Negligence: Empirical Comparisons," inThe New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law,P. Newman, editor, London: Macmillan Press, 1998.
  18. "Corporate Bankruptcy" inThe New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law,P. Newman, editor, London: Macmillan Press, 1998.
  19. "Personal Bankruptcy and Credit Supply and Demand" with J. Karl Scholz and Reint Gropp.Quarterly Journal of Economics,v. CXII, pp. 217-252, Feb. 1997.
  20. "Measuring the Benefits of Owner-Occupied Housing: Effects on Children" with Richard K. Green.Journal of Urban Economics,May 1997.
  21. "Survey Evidence on Business Bankruptcy," inCorporate Bankruptcy: Economic and Legal Perspectives,J. Bhandari and L. Weiss, eds. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
  22. "The Costs of Corporate Bankruptcy: A U.S.-European Comparison," inCorporate Bankruptcy: Economic and Legal Perspectives,J. Bhandari and L. Weiss, eds. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
  23. "Liability in Medical Malpractice: The Author's Response," (response to comment by Troyan A. Brennan),Health Affairs,Spring 1995.
  24. "The Value of Liability in Medical Malpractice,"Health Affairs,vol. 13:4, 75-87, Fall 1994.
  25. "Does Chapter 11 Save Economically Inefficient Firms?"Washington University Law Quarterly,v. 72:3, 1994, 1319-1340.
  26. "A Comparison of Formal and Informal Dispute Resolution in Medical Malpractice" (with Henry Farber),Journal of Legal Studies,vol. 23, June 1994, pp. 777-806.
  27. "Corporate Bankruptcy as a Filtering Device: Chapter 11 Reorganizations and Out-of-Court Debt Restructurings,"Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization,vol. 10:2, October 1994, pp. 268-295.
  28. "Housing and the Journey to Work in U.S. Cities," published inHousing Markets in the United States and Japan,edited by Yukio Noguchi and James Poterba. N.B.E.R./University of Chicago Press, 1994.
  29. "A Simulation Model of a Decentralized Metropolitan Area with Two-Worker, 'Traditional' and Female-Headed Households" (with D. Hotchkiss),Journal of Urban Economics,vol. 34, 1993, pp. 159-185.
  30. "Insolvency and Bankruptcy" and "The Costs of Bankruptcy," inThe New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance,P. Newman, M. Milgate, and J. Eatwell, eds. New York: Stockton Press, 1992.
  31. "Legal Complexity and Lawyers' Benefit from Litigation,"International Review of Law and Economics,vol. 12:3, 1992, pp. 381-396.
  32. "Economic versus Sociological Approaches to Legal Research: The Case of Bankruptcy,"Law and Society Review,vol. 25:3, 1991, pp. 685-709.
  33. "Measuring Deviations from Absolute Priority in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy,"J. of Legal Economics;2(2), July 1992, pages 71-78.
  34. "Medical Malpractice: An Empirical Examination of the Litigation Process" (with Henry Farber),Rand Journal of Economics,v. 22, Summer 1991, pp. 199-217.
  35. "Commuting and Congestion: A Simulation Model of a Decentralized Metropolitan Area,"AREUEA Journal,vol. 18, 1990, pp. 335-368.
  36. "Why are Taxes So Complex and Who Benefits?"Tax Notes,vol. 47, no. 3, April 16, 1990. Also published inChange and Complexity as Barriers to Taxpayer Compliance,Internal Revenue Service, 1989.
  37. "The Corporate Bankruptcy Decision,"Journal of Economic Perspectives,vol. 3, Spring 1989, pp. 129-152. Reprinted in J. Bhandari and L. Weiss, eds.,Corporate Bankruptcy: Economic and Legal Perspectives,Cambridge University Press, 1996, and inLaw and Economics,R. Posner and F. Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 1995.
  38. "An Empirical Test of the Comparative and Contributory Negligence Rules in Accident Law,"Rand Journal of Economics,Autumn 1989, pp. 308-330. Reprinted in Comparative Law and Economics, G. de Geest and R Van den Bergh, editors. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2003.
  39. "Contract Breach and Contract Discharge due to Impossibility: A Unified Theory,"Journal of Legal Studies,XVII:2, June 1988.
  40. "Urban Commuting Journeys are not 'Wasteful',"Journal of Political Economy,v. 96, October 1988, pp. 1097-1110.
  41. "Location Choice and Commuting Behavior in Cities with Decentralized Employment,"Journal of Urban Economics,July 1988.
  42. "The Economics of Accidents," book review article of "Economic Analysis of Accident Law," by Steven Shavell,Michigan Law Review,vol. 86, no. 6, May 1988.
  43. "Personal Bankruptcy Under the 1978 Bankruptcy Code: An Economic Analysis,"Indiana Law Journal,Fall 1987, pp 1-57.
  44. "Property Taxes and Firm Location: Evidence from Proposition 13", inState and Local Public Finance,H. Rosen, editor, University of Chicago Press/N.B.E.R., 1986.
  45. "Property Taxes and Urban Housing Abandonment,"Journal of Urban Economics,November 1986.
  46. "Sex Differences in Urban Commuting Patterns,"American Economic Review,76:2, May 1986.
  47. "Housing Abandonment and Taxes,"New York Affairs,8:2, 1984.
  48. "Bankruptcy Liquidation and Reorganization," Chapter 35 inHandbook of Modern Finance,Dennis Logue, ed., Warren, Gorham & Lamont, 1984. Revised version published in 2nd edition, 1990, and 3rd edition, 1994.
  49. "A Comparison of Taxes, Regulation, and Liability Rules under Imperfect Information" (with Donald Wittman),Journal of Legal Studies,XII, June 1983.
  50. "Bankruptcy Costs and the New Bankruptcy Code,"Journal of Finance,May 1983.
  51. "J51: Incentive, Subsidy or Windfall,"New York Affairs,June 1983.
  52. "Pollution Taxes and Optimal Spatial Location" (with Donald Wittman),Economica,Vol. 49, 1982.
  53. "An Introduction to the Non-Profit Sector," inThe Non-Profit Sector in a Three Sector Economy, Papers on Public Economics,COUPE, Vol. 6, 1981.
  54. "Optimal Spatial Location under Pollution: Liability Rules and Zoning" (with Donald Wittman),Journal of Legal Studies,June 1981.
  55. "The Effect of City Size and Moving Costs on Public Project Benefits" (with William Greer),Journal of Urban Economics,April 1981.
  56. "Optimal Inequality in a System of Cities or Regions,"Journal of Regional Science,Vol. 21, No. 3, 1981.
  57. "Residential and Locational Implications of Changes in Labor Force Participation" (with Janice F. Madden),Proceedings of the Research Conference on Women's Travel Issues,U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. GPO, 1981.
  58. "Spatial Implications of Increases in the Female Labor Force: A Theoretical and Empirical Synthesis" (with Janice F. Madden),Land Economics,November 1980.
  59. "Public Policy Toward Bankruptcy: Me-First and Other Priority Rules,"Bell Journal of Economics,Autumn 1980. Summary article published inRegulation,March/April 1981.
  60. "Suburban Growth Controls: Liability Rules and Pigouvian Taxes,"Journal of Legal Studies,January 1979.
  61. "Government Response to Spending Limitations,"National Tax Journal, Supplement,June 1979.
  62. "Long Run versus Short Run Remedies for Spatial Externalities: Liability Rules, Pollution Taxes and Zoning" (with Donald Wittman) inEssays on the Law and Economics of Local Government,D. Rubinfeld, ed.,Papers in Public Economics,COUPE, Vol. 3, 1979.
  63. "Measuring the Benefits of Environmental and Public Policy Changes in Cities: Short-term and Long-term Considerations,"Journal of Public Economics,11:2, April 1979.
  64. "Urban Land Use Patterns: An International Comparison" (with Norman J. Glickman),Environment and Planning A,vol. 10, 1978.
  65. "On Pollution, Pigouvian Taxes and the Market for Land,"Papers, the Regional Science Association,Vol. 41, 1978.
  66. "Job Suburbanization, Zoning and the Welfare of Urban Minority Groups,"Journal of Urban Economics,April 1978.
  67. "Self-Interest in the Suburbs: The Trend Toward No-Growth Zoning,"Policy Analysis,Spring 1978. Reprinted inHousing in America: Problems and Perspectives,2nd ed., D. Mandelker and R. Montgomery, eds., Bobbs-Merrill, 1979, and inNew Strategic Horizons for Social Policy,J. Tropman, M. Dluhy and R. Lind, eds., Pergaman Press, 1981.
  68. "On the Short-Term Effects of Long-Term Change in Cities: An Efficient Land Markets Model,"Journal of Urban Economics,October 1978.
  69. "Proposition 13 and Renters: What Went Wrong?"Taxing and Spending,October/November 1978.
  70. "Urban Models of Race Discrimination,"Regional Science and Urban Economics,September 1977.
  71. "On Cumulative Urban Growth and Urban Density Functions,"Journal of Urban Economics,January 1977.
  72. "The Tax Subsidy to Owner-Occupied Housing: Who Benefits?" with Lawrence J. White, Journal of Public Economics,February 1977.
  73. "A Model of Residential Location Choice and Commuting by Men and Women Workers,"Journal of Regional Science,Vol. 17, No. 1, April 1977.
  74. "Firm Suburbanization and Urban Subcenters,"Journal of Urban Economics,3:323-343, October 1976. Reprinted inAnalytical Urban Economics,edited by H.W. Richardson, K.J. Button, and P. Nijkamp, Academic Press, 1996.
  75. "Welfare Effects in Alternative Models of Zoning," (with J.C. Ohls and R. Weisberg),Journal of Urban Economics,April 1976.
  76. "Suburban Zoning in Fragmented Metropolitan Areas," inFiscal Zoning and Land Use Controls,E.S. Mills and W.E. Oates, eds., Heath-Lexington Books, 1975.
  77. "Firm Location in Zoned Metropolitan Areas," inFiscal Zoning and Land Use Controls,E.S. Mills and W.E. Oates, eds., Heath-Lexington Books, 1975.
  78. "The Effect of Zoning on the Size of Metropolitan Areas,"Journal of Urban Economics,October 1975.
  79. "The Effects of Zoning on Land Value," (with James C. Ohls and Richard Weisberg),Journal of Urban Economics,October 1974.


