




2002/09–2007/06 中國農業大學,生物學院微生物與免疫學,理學碩士/博士
1995/09–1999/06 湖南科技大學,生物學,理學學士


2019/07-今 湖南農業大學,生物科學技術學院生物工程系
2018/04-2019/06 美國北卡羅來納州立大學,農業與生命科學院,國家公派訪問學者
2016/09-2018/03 湖南農業大學,生物科學技術學院生物工程系
2013/12-2016/08 中國科學院亞熱帶農業生態研究所,動物生態營養健康養殖研究中心,博士後
2007/07-2013/11 湖南農業大學,生物科學技術學院生物工程系
1999/07-2002/08 湖南科技大學,生物系


1. 天然產物功能活性成分分離、分析及開發利用
2. 單胃動物(豬)腸道微生物及其功能營養調控




本科生課程: 《微生物學》、《微生物遺傳與育種學》、《微生物學實驗技術》


1. Guan G, Azad MAK, Lin Y, Kim SW, Tian Y, Liu G and Wang H (2019). Biological Effects and Applications of Chitosan and Chito-Oligosaccharides. Front. Physiol. 10:516.
2. Guan, G., Ding, S., Yin, Y., Duraipandiyan, V., Al-dhabi, N.A., and Liu, G. (2019). Macleaya cordata extract alleviated oxidative stress and altered innate immune response in mice challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Sci China Life Sci 62, 1019–1027.
3. Guiping Guan, Shile Lan. Implications of Antioxidant Systems in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. BioMed Research International, 2018, 2018: 1290179.
4. Roisbel Aroche, Yordan Mart´ ıne, zheng Ruan, Guiping Guan, Samuel Waititu, Charles M. Nyachoti, Dairon M´as, Shile Lan, Dietary Inclusion of a Mixed Powder of Medicinal Plant Leaves Enhances the Feed Efficiency and Immune Function in Broiler Chickens. Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 2018: 4073068 (Correspondence author).
5. Chenxin Fu, Guiping Guan, Hongbing Wang. The Anticancer Effect of Sanguinarine: A Review [J]. Curr Pharm Des. 2018,24(24):2760-2764 (Correspondence author).
6. Liu G,Ren W,Fang J,Hu CA,Guan G,Al-Dhabi NA,Yin J,Duraipandiyan V,Chen S,Peng Y,Yin Y. L-Glutamine and L-arginine protect against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection via intestinal innate immunity in mice[J]. Amino Acids. 2017,49(12):1945-1954.
7. Guiping Guan, Bie Tan, Kang Yao, Jun Fang, Guangzu He, Tiejun Li, Hussain Sun, YulongYin. Dynamic profiles of amino acids released from different nitrogen composited diets in the jejunum of pigs. J Anim Sci, 2016, 94:283–285.
8. Guiping Guan, Hongbing Wang, Shuai Chen, Gang Liu, Xia Xiong, Bie Tan, Veeramuthu Duraipandiyan, Naif Abdullah Al-Dhabi, and Jun Fang,Dietary Chitosan Supplementation Increases Microbial Diversity and Attenuates the Severity of Citrobacter rodentium Infection in Mice. Mediators of Inflammation. 2016, 2016 :9236196.
9. Bie Tan, Guiping Guan, Kang Yao, Jun Fang, Yingying Liu, Tiejun Li, Hussain Sun, and YulongYin, Profiles of amino acids released from different nitrogen composited diets in different segments of the gastrointestinal tract of pigs. J. Anim. Sci, 2016, 94:272–275. (Co-first author).
10. Guiping Guan, Hongbing Wang, Hanhui Peng, and Guanya Li,Low Dosage of Chitosan Supplementation Improves Intestinal Permeability and Impairs Barrier Function in Mice. BioMed Research International. 2016, 2016 :4847296.
11. Gang Liu, Guiping Guan, Jun Fang, Yordan Martínez, Shuai Chen, Peng Bin, Veeramuthu Duraipandiyan, Ting Gong, Myrlene Carine B. Tossou, Naif Abdullah Al-Dhabi, and Yulong Yin. Macleaya cordata Extract Decreased Diarrhea Score and Enhanced Intestinal Barrier Function in Growing Piglets. BioMed Research International, 2016, 2016:1069585. (Co-first author).
12. Liu G, Chen S, Guan GP, Tan J, Al-DhabiNA, Wang HB, Duraipandiyan V, Fang J. Chitosan Modulates Inflammatory Responses in Rats Infected with Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION, 2016, 2016: 7432845 (Correspondence author).
13. Guiping Guan, Bie Tan, Yingying Liu, Xiangfeng Kong, Qiling Chen, Guangzu He, Jun Fang, Jianjun Li, and Yulong Yin*. Apparent digestibility of crude protein, gross energy, gross ash and amino acids from four dietary protein sources in young pigs. Amino Acids , 2015, 47:1682.
14. Guiping Guan, Gang Liu, Wenkai Ren, Xia Xiong, Bie Tan, Peng Bin, Shuai Chen, Wei Gao, Ruilin Huang, Yulong Yin, Protective effect of dietary L-arginine against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection in mice. Amino Acids, 2015, 47:1683.
15. Guiping Guan, Xiao Luo, Jinping Deng, Gang Liu2, Bie Tan, Hongbing Wang, Wei Gao, Fang Jun, Tiejun Li. Effect of dietary selenium yeast on the growth performance and serum amino acids level in earlyweaned. Amino Acids (ABSRACTS), 2015, 47:1643. (SCI)
16. 李光燃, 譚碧娥*(通訊作者), 管桂萍, 印遇龍. 鈉離子依賴性中性胺基酸轉運載體2特性、表達調控及功能. 動物營養學報,2015, 27(11): 3338-3344.
1. “殼寡(聚)糖對動物營養生理的調控作用及其機理研究” 榮獲湖南省自然科學獎二等獎(參與,2018)
2. “安全質優生豬養殖全程益生菌營養調控關鍵技術創新與套用”榮獲湖南省科技進步三等獎(參與,2015)


1. 湖南省教育廳科研項目,17K043,茯苓多糖調控仔豬腸道微生物作用於養殖臭氣減排研究,2017/01-2019/12,主持
2. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,31802074,德氏乳桿菌通過調控細胞自噬緩解仔豬腸道炎症的機制研究,2017/01-2019/12,參與
3. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,31402092,茯苓多糖通過NF-κB信號通路調控仔豬腸道氧化損傷修復的機制,2015/01-2017/12,主持
4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,31640078, TEC腹瀉仔豬Th17和Treg細胞分化及JAK-STAT途徑的作用機制,2016/01-2016/12,參與
5. 中國科學院亞熱帶農業生態過程重點實驗室開放基金項目,ISA2015303,茯苓多糖對氧化損傷豬腸上皮細胞能量代謝與蛋白質代謝的調控研究,2015/06-2017/12,主持


