


  • 中文名:第十二屆平遙國際攝影展
  • 活動時間:2012年9月19日
  • 活動地點:山西平遙古城
  • 參展攝影師:1700餘人




In the 2011 China Pingyao International Photography Exhibition the theme for the academic section was “Rediscovering Photography.” We asked for images which showed a rediscovery of our passion for photography. For the 2012 festival we have chosen “Regression and Surpassing” as the theme. It is a continuation and evolution of our 2011 theme asking this time to consider the past as a source of photographic art making while wanting images that value the future. One needs to witness the past core of photography to make new meaning.
Right now, photography can be considered in an ever-growing complexity and it has had so many layers of meaning since its birth. For over 100 years, various concepts of creation and theory have guided photographers. This has resulted in a spiral rise of photography’s purpose and result. Today, when we review the past, what we see is probably a mist left over from history while the ever-changing reality has added to its perplexity. This is precisely why we designate the theme for this year’s exhibition to be "Regression and Surpassing".
Regression is not equal to a return or going backward, nor is it an obsession with the old materials and forms. On the contrary, it is to find photography’s own coordinates and core while reviewing the process of its history. Regression is an exploration of the truth behind modern life. It represents a link between the past and the present. Regression can provide a down-to-earth approach to consider the future of photography.
Surpassing on the other hand is a process. It is an attempt to step into an unknown. Instead of being a negation of the past, surpassing is an entirely new approach of categorizing photography created after being freed from the old restrictions. Surpassing relies on imagination and hope and it has the possibility to achieve a breakthrough at a critical point.
Regression and surpassing is a set of concepts that complement each other with the former consolidating the foundation and the latter being the desire for stepping up to a higher level. It is precisely in the constant process of reviewing the past that photography can identify entirely new directions and make new headways.



