



  • 中文名:第二語言習得中的年齡因素
  • 作者:劉志亮
  • 出版社:東北師範大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年1月
  • 頁數:181 頁
  • 定價:38 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787568112826




Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 The aims of the study
Chapter 2: Related Theories on FLES
2.1 Critical period hypothesis (CPH)
2.2 Non-critical period hypothesis
2.3 Piaget's theory on child language learning
2.4 Importance of mother tongue
2.5 FLES in China and its language environment
2.6 Clear-up of the key terms
2.6.1 Second language and foreign language
2.6.2 Acquisition and learning
2.7 The optimal age question
2.8 Summary
Chapter 3: Literature Review of FLES at Home and Abroad
3.1 Previous research into FLES abroad
3.1.1 First stage
3.1.2 Second stage
3.1.3 Third stage
3.1.4 Summary
3.2 Previous research into FLES in China
3.2.1 A brief history of FLES since the early 1960s
3.2.2 Three branches of viewpoints on FLES in China
3.2.3 Summary
Chapter 4: Analyses on the Results of the Questionnaires
4.1 Statistics on the views of the 32 students on FLES
4.2 Personal experience and original views from the students on FLES in China
4.2.1 Personal experience
4.2.2 Original views on FLES in China
4.2.3 Summary
4.3 Statistics on the views of the 32 parents on FLES
4.4 Original comments and views from the parents on FLES in China
4.4.1 Original comments on the questions
4.4.2 Original views on FLES in China
4.4.3 Summary
4.5 Statistics on the views of the 31 teachers on FLES
4.6 Original comments and views from the teachers on FLES in China
4.6.1 Original comments on the questions of the 31 teachers on FLES
4.6.2 Original views on FLES in China
4.6.3 Summary
Chapter 5: Analyses of the Students' Scores and the Tests
5.1 Average scores of the students in junior 1——3 and senior 1——2
5.2 Descriptive statistics of the scores
5.3 Paired samples test on the scores of junior 1——3 and senior 1——2
5.4 Summary
Chapter 6: Conclusion
6.1 Conclusion of the survey
6.2 Limitations of the survey and suggestions for its further research

