2007.09–2009.07, 南京林業大學, 森林經理學, 碩士,研究方向為套用數理統計
2003.09–2007.07, 山西農業大學, 林學, 學士
工作至今,圍繞該領域主持包括國家自然基金在內的項目22項,其中省部級以上8項。作為項目骨幹參加省部級以上課題14項,參與其他項目9項。共發表學術論文80餘篇,其中以第一作者或通訊作者發表的SCI收錄論文34篇,單篇最高影響因子11.67,累積影響因子113.23,中科院JCR分區一區11篇,二區15篇。包括1篇IEEE T NeurNet Lear,1篇Brief Bioinform,4篇Neural Networks,1篇IEEE T Image Process,1篇IEEE T Geosci Remote。副主編專著1部,登記軟體著作權14項。2012年、2014年、2016年曾3次獲第四屆和第五屆梁希青年論文獎二等獎、第六屆梁希青年論文獎一等獎。2018年獲梁希林業科學技術獎三等獎(排名第一)。作為主要骨幹所開發的生物統計和數據分析軟體(ForStat)已推廣到國內外80餘所高等院校和科研院所使用。國際林業期刊Forestry(二區,影響因子2.88)編委和林業遙感期刊Remote Sensing(二區,影響因子4.12)特約編輯。
[1]、Ye Q., Li D.,Fu L* (Corresponding author)., Zhang Z., Yang, W. 2019. Non-Peaked Discriminant Analysis for Data Representation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2019.2944869.(IF=11.68)
[2]、Liu Q.,Fu L* (Corresponding author)., Wang G., Li S., Li Z., Chen E., Pang Y., Hu K. 2019. Improving Estimation of Forest Canopy Cover by Introducing Loss Ratio of Laser Pulses Using Airborne LiDAR. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2019.2938017. (IF=5.63)
[3]、Wang L., Wang B., Zhang Z* (Corresponding author)., Ye Q.,Fu L* (Corresponding author)., Liu G., Wang M., 2019. Robust auto-weighted projective low-rank and sparse recovery for visual representation. Neural Networks, 117: 201-215. (IF=5.79)
[4]、Zhao H.,Fu L* (Corresponding author)., Gao Z., Ye Q., Yang Z., Yang X. 2019. Flexible non-greedy discriminant subspace feature extraction. Neural Networks, 116: 166-177. (IF=5.79)
[5]、Wang C., Ye Q., Luo P., Ye N.,Fu L* (Corresponding author). 2019. Robust capped L1-norm twin support vector machine. Neural Networks, 114: 47-59. (IF=5.79)
[6]、Yang X., Yang H., Zhang F., Zhang L., Fan X., Ye Q.,Fu L* (Corresponding author). 2019. Piecewise Linear Regression Based on Plane Clustering. IEEE Access, 7: 29845– 29855. (IF=4.10)
[7]、Zhao H., Ye Q., Naiem M A.,Fu L. 2019. RobustL2,1-Norm Distance Enhanced Multi-Weight Vector Projection Support Vector Machine. IEEE Access, 7: 3275– 3286. (IF=4.10)
[8]、Zhang X., Chhin S.,Fu L., Lu L., Duan A., Zhang J. 2019. Climate-sensitive tree height-diameter allometry for Chinese fir in southern China. Forestry,92(2):167-176. (IF=2.88)
[9]、Wang M., Liu Q.,Fu L., Wang G., Zhang X. 2019. Airborne LIDAR-Derived Aboveground Biomass Estimates Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Approach. Remote Sensing, 11(9):1050. (IF=4.12)
[10]、Wang Q., Gao Z., Hu Z., Luo P., Duan G., Sharma R P., Song X.,Fu L* (Corresponding author). 2019. Comparing independent climate-sensitive models of aboveground biomass and diameter growth with their compatible simultaneous model system for three larch species in China. International Journal of Biomathematics, DOI:10.1142/S1793524519500530. (IF=0.89)
[11]、Fu L., Wang M., Wang Z., Song X., Tang S. 2019.Maximum likelihood estimation of nonlinear mixed-effects models with crossed random effects by combining first order conditional linearization and sequential quadratic programming. International Journal of Biomathematics, DOI:10.1142/ S1793524519500402. (IF=0.89)
[12]、Fu L., Jiang L., Ye M., Sun L., Tang S., Wu R. 2018. How trees allocate stem carbon for optimal growth: Insight from a game-theoretic model. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 19(4): 593-602. (IF=9.10)
[13]、Ye Q* (Corresponding author)., IEEE Member., Zhao H.,Fu L* (corresponding author)., Gao S. 2018. Underlying Connections Between Algorithms For Nongreedy LDA-L1. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 27(5): 2557-2559. (IF=6.79)
[14]、Ye Q., Zhao H., Gao S., Naiem M.,Fu L* (Corresponding author). 2018. Lp- and Ls-Norm Distance Based Robust Linear Discriminant Analysis. Neural Networks, 105: 393-404. (IF=5.79)
[15]、Li T., Liu X., Li Z., Ma H* (Corresponding author)., Wan Y., Liu X.,Fu L* (corresponding author). 2018. Study on reproductive biology of rhododendron longipedicellatum: A newly discovered and special threatened plant surviving in Limestone Habitat in southeast Yunnan, China. Frontiers in plant science, doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.00033. (IF=4.11)
[16]、Yan He., Ye Q., Zhang T., Yu D., Yuan X., Xu Y.,Fu L. 2018. Least squares twin bounded support vector machines based on L1-norm distance metric for classification. Pattern Recognition, 74, 434-447. (IF=5.90)
[17]、Fu L., Liu Q., Wang G., Li Z., Chen E., Pang Y., Tang S., Song X., Wang G. 2018. Developing a system of compatible individual tree diameter and aboveground biomass prediction models using error-in-variable regression and airborne LiDAR data. Remote Sensing, 10(2), 325, doi:10.3390/ rs10020325. (IF=4.12)
[18]、Ya L*.,Fu L*., Affleck D L R., Nelson AS., Shen C., Wag M., Zheng J., Ye Q., Yang G. 2018. Additivity of nonlinear tree crown width models: Aggregated and disaggregated model structures using nonlinear simultaneous equations. Forest Ecology and Management, 427, 372-382. (IF=3.13)
[19]、Zhu G.,Fu L (Corresponding author). 2018. k-step adaptive cluster sampling with 6 Horvitz–Thompson estimator. International Journal of Biomathematics, 2. 11,doi: 10.1142/S1793524518500298. (IF=0.89)
[20]、Duan G., Gao Z., Wang Q.,Fu L (Corresponding author). 2018. Comparison of Different Height–Diameter Modelling Techniques for Prediction of Site Productivity in Natural Uneven-Aged Pure Stands. Forests, 9, 63; doi:10.3390/f9020063. (IF=2.12)
[21]、Liu X., Ma H (Corresponding author)., Li T., Li Z., Wan Y., Liu X.,Fu L (Corresponding author). 2018. Development of novel EST-SSR markers for Phyllanthus emblica (Phyllanthaceae) and cross-amplification in two related species. Applications in Plant Sciences, 6(7): e1169. (IF=1.23)
[22]、Fu L., Ram P. S., Zhu G., Li H., Hong L., Guo H., Duan G., Shen C., Lei Y., Li Y., Lei X., Tang S. 2018. Comparing height–age and height–diameter modelling approaches for estimating site productivity of natural uneven-aged forests. Forestry, 91(4):419-433 (IF=2.88).
[23]、Zeng W.,Fu L., Xu Ming., Wang X., Chen Z., Yao, S. 2018. Developingindividual-tree-based models for estimating aboveground biomassof five key coniferous species in China. Journal of Forestry Research, 29(5):1251-1261. (IF=1.16)
[24]、Fu L., Sharma R. P., Wang G., Tang S. 2017. Modelling a system of nonlinear additive crown width models applying seemingly unrelated regression for Prince Rupprecht larch in northern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 386:71-80. (IF=3.13)
[25]、Fu L., Sharma R. P., Hao K., Tang S. 2017. A generalized interregional nonlinear mixed-effects crown width model for Prince Rupprecht larch in northern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 389, 364-373. (IF=3.13)
[26]、Fu L., Zhang H., Sharma R. P., Pang L., Wang G. 2017. A generalized nonlinear mixed-effects height to crown base model for Mongolianoak in northeast China. Forest Ecology and Management, 384, 34-43. (IF=3.13)
[27]、Fu L., Xiang W., Wang G., Hao K., Tang S. 2017. Additive crown width models comprising nonlinear simultaneous equations for Prince Rupprecht larch (Larix principis-rupprechtii) in northern China. Trees, 31(6):1959–1971 (IF=1.80).
[28]、Fu L., Ram P. S., Zhu G., Li H., Hong L., Guo H., Duan G., Shen C., Lei Y., Li Y., Lei X., Tang S. 2017. A Basal Area Increment-Based Approach of Site Productivity Evaluation for Multi-Aged and Mixed Forests. Forests, 8, 119; doi:10.3390/f8040119. (IF=2.12)
[29]、Fu L., Lei X., Hu Z., Zeng W., Tang S., Marshall P., Cao L., Song X., Yu L., Liang J. 2017. Integrating regional climate change into allometric equations for estimating tree aboveground biomass of Masson pine in China. Annals of forest science, 74:42,1-15. (IF(5 years)=2.63)
[30]、Fu L., Sun W., Wang G. 2017. A climate-sensitive aboveground biomass model for three larch species in northeastern and northern China. Trees, 31(2): 557-573. (IF=1.80)
[31]、Fu L., Zeng W., Tang S. 2017. Individual tree biomass models to estimate forest biomass for large spatial regions developed using four pine species in China. Forest Science, 63(1): 42-50. (IF=1.06)
[32]、Fu, L.,Lei, X., Zhu, G., Li, H., Hong, L., Guo, H., Duan, G., Shen, C., Lei, Y., Li, Y., Tang, S. 2017. Dominant height–diameter models for estimating forest site productivity in natural uneven-aged pure stands. Forest Science, accepted. (SCI, IF=1.78, 三區).
[33]、Hu Z., Liu S., Liu X.,Fu L., Wang J., Liu K., Huang X., Zhang Y., He F. 2016. Soil respiration and its environmental response varies by day/night and by growing /dormant season in a subalpine forest. Scientific report, 6:37864. (IF=4.01)
[34]、Cao L., Coops N. C., Innes J. L., Sheppard S.R.J.,Fu L., Ruan H., She G. 2016. Estimation of forest biomass dynamics in subtropical forests usingmulti-temporal airborne LiDAR data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 178: 158-171. (IF=8.22)
[35]、Fu L., Lei Y., Wang G., Bi H., Tang S., Song X. 2016. Comparison of seemingly unrelated regressions with error-invariable models for developing a system of nonlinear additive biomass equations. Trees, 30(3): 839-857. (IF=1.80)
[36]、Pang L., Ma Y., Sharma R.P., Shawn R., Song X.,Fu L(Corresponding author). 2016. Developing an improved parameter estimation method for the segmented taper equation through combination of constrained two-dimensional optimum seeking and least square regression. Forests, 7: 194. (IF=2.12)
[37]、Fu L., Zhang H., Lu J., Zang H., Lou M., Wang G. 2015. Multilevel Nonlinear Mixed-Effect Crown Ratio Models for Individual Trees of Mongolian Oak (Quercus mongolica) in Northeast China. PLoS ONE, 10(8): e0133294. (IF=2.78)
[38]、Diao J., Lei X., Wang J., Lu J., Guo H.,Fu, L., Shen C., Ma W., Shen J. 2014. Quantifying the variability of internode allometry within and between trees for Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. using a multilevel nonlinear mixed-effect model. Forests, 5, 2825-2845. (IF=2.12)
[39]、FuL., Lei Y.,SharmaR. P., TangS. 2014. Parameter estimation of nonlinear mixed- effects models using first-order conditional linearization and the EM algorithm. Journal of applied statistics, 40(2): 252-265. (IF=0.77)
[40]、Fu L., Tang S., Sharma R. P., Zhang H., Liu Y., Lei Y., Wang H. 2014. Developing, testing and application of rodent population dynamics and capture models based on an adjusted leslie matrix-based population. International Journal of Biomathematics, 7(2): 1-15. (IF=0.89)
[41]、Fu L., Wang M., Lei Y., Tang S. 2014. Parameter estimation of two-level nonlinear mixed effects models using first order conditional linearization and the EM algorithm. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 69: 173-183. (IF=1.32)
[42]、Fu L., Zeng W., Zhang H., Wang G., Lei Y., Tang S. 2014. Generic linear mixed-effects individual-tree biomass models for Pinus massoniana Lamb. in southern China. Southern Forests, 76(1): 47-56. (IF=0.90)
[45]、Fu L., Sun H., Sharma R. P., Lei Y., Zhang H., Tang S. 2013. Nonlinear mixed-effects crown width models for individual trees of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) in south-central China. Forest Ecology and Management, 302: 210-220. (IF=3.13)
[48]、Fu,L.Y.,Zeng,W.S.,Tang,S.Z.,Sharma,RP.,andLi,HK.2012.Using Linear Mixed Model and Dummy Variable Model Approaches to Construct Compatible Single-Tree Biomass Equations at Different Scales—A Case Study for Masson Pine in Southern China. Journal of Forest Science ,58(3):101-115.
[49]、符利勇,李永慈,李春明,唐守正,利用2種非線性混合效應模型(2水平)對杉木林胸徑生長量的分析,林業科學,2012,(05):36-43 .
[50]、符利勇, 張會儒, 唐守正. 基於非線性混合模型的杉木林優勢木平均高,林業科學,2012,48(7): 66-71.
[51]、符利勇, 唐守正, 劉應安. 關帝山天然次生針葉林林隙徑高比, 生態學報,2011,31(5):1260-1268.
[52]、符利勇, 曾偉生, 唐守正. 利用混合模型分析地域對國內馬尾松生物量的影響,生態學報,2011,31(19):5797-5808.
[5]、第四屆“中國林科院傑出青年” ,中國林業科學研究院(2014)
[6]、第九屆梁希林業科學技術獎三等獎(2018),國家林業局. (排名:1/10)
[7]、第六屆梁希青年論文獎一等獎(2016),國家林業局科學技術委員會、中國林學會. (排名:1/1)
[8] 、第五屆梁希青年論文獎二等獎(2014),國家林業局科學技術委員會、中國林學會. (排名:1/1)
[9] 、第四屆梁希青年論文獎二等獎(2012),國家林業局科學技術委員會、中國林學會. (排名:1/1)