現為浙江大學教授、博士生導師和高性能建築結構與材料研究所副所長、一級註冊結構工程師。1988年7月至1995年12月曾在西安建築科技大學任教,1993年4月晉升教授職稱。1994年8月至1995年2月在德國波鴻魯爾大學建築工程學院做高級訪問學者。1995年12月加入浙江大學土木工程系,從事教學與科研工作。曾主持國家自然科學基金和浙江省科委重點項目等縱向課題和寶鋼三期鋼結構工程新技術研究項目等有重要影響的橫向課題20餘項,發表學術論文200餘篇,其中在Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, Journal of Earthquake Engineering和Engineering Structures等國際性英文期刊上發表論文40餘篇,出版學術專著4部,研究成果已引起國際同行的關注,且部分成果已被歐美國家鋼結構設計規範和規程及我國鋼結構設計規範所採用。獲得國家科技進步二等獎1項,陝西省教委一等獎和冶金部三等獎各1項。1991年被國家教委和國務院學位委員會評為“做出突出貢獻的中國博士學位獲得者”,1992年獲“政府特殊津貼”。指導的博士生獲2007年全國優博提名獎。目前還擔任International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction等國際性期刊編委會委員和兼任多個專業協會委員。
國際期刊《International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction》編委
1 Tong GS, Chen S. F.(1987), Design Forces of Horizontal Inter-column Braces.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 7(5), 371-383(SCI,EI)
2 Tong GS, Chen S. F.(1988), Buckling of laterally and torsionally Braced Beams.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 11(1),41-55 (SCI,EI)
3 Tong GS, Chen S. F(1989)., An unified approach for multiple lateral bracing of columns.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 12(2),141-149(SCI, EI)
4 Tong GS,Chen S. F.(1989), The elastic buckling of interbraced girders.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 14(2),87-104( SCI,EI)
5 Tong GS, Chen S. F.(1989), An interactive buckling theory for built-up beam-columns and its application to centrally compressed built-up members.Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 14(3), 221-241(SCI,EI)
6 Tong GS(1990), The Stiffness and Strength Requirements for the platform-beams in an industrial Hall.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 16( 3)205-220 (SCI,EI)。
7 Tong GS, Chen S. F.(1990), On the efficiency of eccentric brace on column and the collapse of Hartford Coliseum.Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 16(4),281-305( SCI,EI)。
8 Chen SF, Tong GS(1994), Design for stability: correct use of braces.Steel Structures, Journal of Singapore Structural Steel Society,5(1)1-11
9Tong GS, Shi Zuyuan(2001), Buckling of weakly braced frame,Advances in Structural Engineering, 4(4).211-215(EI)
10 Tong GS, Xu Qiang(2002), An exact theory for curved beams with any thin-walled open sections,Advances in Structural Engineering, 5(3)195-209(EI)
11 Tong GS, Zhang L(2003), Transverse stresses in thin-walled beams and their effect on strength and stability,Advances in Structural Engineering,6(2)159-167(EI)
12 Tong G.S., Zhang L(2003), An analysis of current stability theories for thin-walled members,Advances in Structural Engineering, 6(4):283-292(EI)
13Tong GS, Zhang L(2003), A general theory for the flexural-torsional buckling ofthin-walled members I:energy method,Advances in Structural Engineering, 6(4)293-298(EI)
14 Tong GS, Zhang L(2003), A general theory for the flexural-torsional buckling of thin-walled members II: ficitious load method,Advances in Structural Engineering, 6(4)299-308(EI)
15 Tong G.S(2004), Free-torsional stiffness of locally buckled thin-walled cross-sections with open profiles,Advances in Structural Engineering,7(3):271-278(EI,SCI)
16 Zhang Lei,Tong GS(2004), Flexural-torsional buckling of thin-walled beam members based on shell buckling theory,Thin-walled Structures, 42(12):1665-1687(EI,SCI)
17 Tong G.S, Wang Jinpeng(2004), Column effective length considering the inter-story interaction,Advances in Structural Engineering, 7(5):415-425(EI,SCI)
18 Zhang Lei, Tong GS(2004), Elastic buckling of inter-braced parallel beam systems,Advances in Structural Engineering7(4)371-382(EI,SCI)
19 Tong GS,Yan XX, Zhang L(2005),Warping and bi-moment transmission through diagonally stiffened beam-column joints,Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 61:749-763(EI,SCI)
20 Tong GS, Huang J. Q.(2005), Seismic force modification factors,Journal of Zhejiang University(English edition) . 16A(8)813-825(EI)
21 Zhang Lei, Tong GS(2005), Elastic stability of two-span continuous beams under moving loads,Advances in Structural Engineering, 8(2):157-172(EI,SCI)
22 T. Ren, G.S. Tong (2005) Elastic buckling of web plates in I-girders under patch and wheel loading,Engineering Structures, Vol27,No.10,1528-1536( EI,SCI)
23 Tong G. S, Wang J. P.(2006), The Column effective length considering inter-column & inter-story interactions in sway-permitted frames,Journal of the Constructional Steel Research, 62(5) 413-423.(EI, SCI)
24 Tong G.S., Ji Y(2007)., Buckling of frames braced by flexural type bracing,Journal of the Constructional Steel Research, 63(2): 135-145.(EI, SCI)
25 Zhang Lei, Tong G..S(2007). Buckling of Beams braced by Knee-bracings,Journal of the Constructional Steel Research, 63(2), 175-181.(EI, SCI)
26 TONG GS, XING Guoran(2007), Determination of Buckling Mode for Braced elastic-plastic Frames,Engineering Structures, Vol.29,2487-2496 (EI, SCI)
27 TONG GS, XING Guoran(2007), A Comparative Study of Alternative Approaches For Stability Design of Steel Frames,Advances in Structural Engineering, 10(4), 453-466 (EI, SCI)
28 Tong GS, Zhao Yongfeng(2007), Seismic Force Modification Factors for Modified-Clough Hysteretic Model,Engineering Structures,29,3053-3070.(EI, SCI)
30 TONG GS, WENG Y(2008), A simplified method for the buckling of outrigger-shear wall braced structures,Advances in Structural Engineering, 11(1):1-15. (EI, SCI).
31 Tong GS, Yong-Lin Pi,etc(2008), In-Plane Nonlinear Buckling Analysis of Deep Circular Arches Incorporating Transverse Stresses.Journal of the Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 134(5),362-373,(EI, SCI):
32 Tong GS. Zhao YF(2008), Inelastic Yielding Strength Demand Coefficient Spectra,Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 28(12)1004-1013(EI, SCI)
33 Zhang L, Tong GS(2008), Lateral torsional Buckling of web-tapered I-beams: A new theory,Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 64(12) 1379-1393(EI, SCI)
34 Zhang Lei, Tong GS(2008), Moment resistance and flexural rigidity of lapped connections in multi-span cold-formed Z-purlin systems,Thin-walled Structures, 46(5), 551-560(EI, SCI).
35. Tong GS,Pi Yong-Lin(2008),Buckling and Second-Order Effects in Dual Shear-Flexural Systems,Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, 134(11)1726-1732(EI, SCI)
36.Zhang Nianwen, Tong GS(2008), A co-rotational updated Lagrangian formulation for a 2D beam element with consideration of the deformed curvature,Journal of Zhejiang University: Science A, 9(11)1480-1489.(EI, SCI )
37 Tong G.S., Zhao Y.F.(2009), Dynamic P-Δ Effects On Seismic Force Modification Factors for Structures with modified-clough and EPP hystereticmodels,Advances in Structural Engineering,12(4) 579-593.
38 Tong GS, Pi YL, Bradford M(2009),Buckling failure of an unusual braced steel frame supporting an electric dust-catcher,Engineering Failure Analysis 16(7):2400-2407 (SCI,EI)
39 Tong GS, Zhao YF(2009),An Investigation of Characteristic Periods of Seismic Ground Motions,Journal of Earthquake Engineering,13(4),540-565,(SCI,EI)
40 Zhao YF,Tong GS(2010),Inelastic displacement amplification factor for ductile structures with constant strength reduction factor,Advances in Structural Engineering,13(1)15-28(SCI,EI)
41 Lei Zhang,Tong GS(2011),Lateral buckling of eccentrically braced RHS columns, ThinWalled Structures,49(11)1452–1459
42 Tong GS, Zhao W(2011),Elastic and elastic-plastic stability of dual structural systems,Advances in Structural Engineering,14(4)625-634(SCI,EI)
43 Zhao Wei, Tong,GS(2012) Demand on stiffeners in stiffened extended end-plate connections,Advances in Structural Engineering,15(8)1455-1469
44 Lei Zhang,Tong GS,Ji Yuan(2015),Buckling of flexural-shear bracing systems and its braced steel frame,Advances in Structural Engineering,18(11)1831-1844
45 Tong GS,Yixiao Feng,L Zhang(2015),A unified analysis for distortional and lateral buckling of C-purlins in flexure,Thin-Walled Structures, 95(10) 244-254
46 Lei Zhang,Tong GS(2015),Stress analysis on cold-formed C-purlins subjected to wind suction load considering the effective stiffness of anti-sag bar,Thin-Walled Structures, 90(5),107-118
47 Tong GS,Feng Yixiao,Taowendeng,zhanglei(2016), Elastic stability of plate simply supported on four sides subjected to combined bending and shear patch loading,Thin-Walled Structures, 107(10):377-396,Oct.2016
48 Lei Zhang,Tong GS(2016) Lateral buckling of simply supported C- and Z-section purlins with top flange horizontally restrained,Thin-Walled Structures, 99(2)155–167
49 Lei Zhang,Tong GS(2016), Lateral buckling of C-section purlins with one anti-sag bar at middle span section,Thin Walled Structures,102(5) 246-257
50 Kaiqi Sun, Genshu Tong, Lei Zhang(2016),Twisting about constrained line of parallel purlins inter braced by sagrods under wind suctions,Thin-Walled Structures, V:108(11): 30-40, NOV .2016
51 Shenhao Wang, Genshu Tong, Lei Zhang(2017):Reduced stiffness of composite beams considering slip and shear deformation of steel,Journal of Constructional Steel Research, V:131(4):19-29: APR 2017
52Tong, G.S.,Chen, R.S., Zhang, L(2017) .Models to predict shear resistances of anchor bolts,Advances in Structural Engineering,V: 20(12): 1933-1947 ,2017
53Tong, Genshu; Tang, Yajun(2017),Buckling of parallel purlins inter-braced by sag-rods,Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v 139, p 123-134, December 2017
54 Tang Yajun, Tong Genshu, Zhang Lei(2018), Effectiveness of Sag Rods as Lateral Supports for Parallel Purlins and Girts,Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 144(9)/04018151/1-10,2018
55 Yixiao Feng;Genshu Tong; andLei Zhang(2018),Distortional and Lateral Buckling of Z-Purlins with Sloping Lips in Flexure,Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 144(10):04018168/1-12,2018
56Zhaoyu Xu,GenshuTong,Lei Zhang(2018),Elastic and elastic-plastic threshold stiffness of stiffened steel plate walls in compression,Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v.148:138-153,Sept.2018
57 Tong Genshu, Xuan Zejun(2018),Revisiting the bearing stresses in webs of crane runway girders under wheel loads,Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol.21(9):1792-1801,Sept.2018
58 Tang Yajun,Tong Genshu,ZhangLei(2018),Buckling of Parallel Purlins in Standing Seam or Screw-fastened Roofs, Thin Walled Structures, Vol. 132,136-150,Nov.2018
59 Xu Zhaoyu, Tong Genshu, Zhang Lei(2018):Design of Horizontal Stiffeners for Stiffened Steel Plate Walls in Compression,Thin-Walled Structures,Vol.132:pp.385-397,Nov. 2018
60 Tong Genshu, Li Xiaogang(2018),Interaction Curves for Concrete-Filled L-Shaped Multi-celled Steel Tube Sections under Combined Biaxial Bending and Axial Force,International Journal ofAdvanced Steel Construction,14(4):710-731,Dec.2018
61Li, Tianxiang,Yang, T. Y; Tong, Genshu,etc,Performance-based seismic design and evaluation of fused steel diagrid frame,Earthquake Spectra,34(4):1869-1891,Nov, 2018
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