- 中文名:童依平
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:博士生導師
- 畢業院校:中國農業大學
1988年進入中國科學院生態環境研究中心工作,主要研究小麥高效利用土壤養分的生理機制和遺傳控制。2004年進入中國科學院中國科學院遺傳與發育生物學研究所植物細胞與染色體工程國家重點實驗室工作,主要研究植物高效利用氮、磷的分子機制。1992-1993年澳大利亞阿德萊德大學Waite農業研究所訪問學者,2001-2002年英國Rothamsted Research訪問學者。
(1)小麥高效利用氮磷關鍵基因克隆與有效利用 利用模式種和小麥為研究材料,採用比較基因組學的研究方法,從小麥中克隆參與、或調控氮磷吸收和利用的關鍵基因,分析這些基因的功能和基因調控網路,及其與小麥品種間氮磷效率差異的關係。
(2)小麥氮磷高效性狀QTL定位 利用雙親分離群體QTL定位方法和association mapping相結合的方法,定位小麥基因組中調控氮磷吸收和利用效率的QTL位點,發展選育氮磷高效小麥品種的分子標記輔助選擇技術。
1. Cao P, Ren YZ, Zhang KP, Teng W, Zhao XQ, Dong ZY, Liu X, Qin HJ, Li ZS, Wang DW, Tong YP (2014) Further genetic analysis of a major quantitative trait locus controlling root length and related traits in common wheat
2. Deng Y, Chen KR, Teng W, Zhan A, Tong YP, Feng G, Cui ZL, Zhang FS, Chen XP (2014) Is the Inherent Potential of Maize Roots Efficient for Soil Phosphorus Acquisition? PloS one 9
3. He X, Fang JJ, Li JJ, Qu BY, Ren YZ, Ma WY, Zhao XQ, Li B, Wang DW, Li ZS, Tong YP (2014) A genotypic difference in primary root length is associated with the inhibitory role of transforming growth factor-beta receptor-interacting protein-1 on root meristem size in wheat
4. Ma WY, Li JJ, Qu BY, He X, Zhao XQ, Li B, Fu XD, Tong YP (2014) Auxin biosynthetic gene TAR2 is involved in low nitrogen-mediated reprogramming of root architecture in Arabidopsis
5. Wang YG, He X, Ma WY, Zhao XQ, Li B, Tong YP (2014) Wheat PROTON GRADIENT REGULATION 5 is Involved in Tolerance to Photoinhibition
6. Xu Y, Wang R, Tong Y, Zhao H, Xie Q, Liu D, Zhang A, Li B, Xu H, An D (2014) Mapping QTLs for yield and nitrogen-related traits in wheat: influence of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on QTL expression
7. Ling HQ, Zhao S, Liu D, Wang J, Sun H, Zhang C, Fan H, Li D, Dong L, Tao Y, Gao C, Wu H, Li Y, Cui Y, Guo X, Zheng S, Wang B, Yu K, Liang Q, Yang W, Lou X, Chen J, Feng M, Jian J, Zhang X, Luo G, Jiang Y, Liu J, Wang Z, Sha Y, Zhang B, Wu H, Tang D, Shen Q, Xue P, Zou S, Wang X, Liu X, Wang F, Yang Y, An X, Dong Z, Zhang K, Zhang X, Luo MC, Dvorak J, Tong Y, Wang J, Yang H, Li Z, Wang D, Zhang A, Wang J (2013) Draft genome of the wheat A-genome progenitor Triticum urartu
8. Peng YC, Ma WY, Chen LL, Yang L, Li SJ, Zhao HT, Zhao YK, Jin WH, Li N, Bevan MW, Li X, Tong YP, Li YH (2013) Control of Root Meristem Size by DA1-RELATED PROTEIN2 in Arabidopsis
9. Shi RL, Tong YP, Jing RL, Zhang FS, Zou CQ (2013) Characterization of Quantitative Trait Loci for Grain Minerals in Hexaploid Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
10. Teng W, Deng Y, Chen XP, Xu XF, Chen RY, Lv Y, Zhao YY, Zhao XQ, He X, Li B, Tong YP, Zhang FS, Li ZS (2013) Characterization of root response to phosphorus supply from morphology to gene analysis in field-grown wheat
11. Wang J, Sun JH, Miao J, Guo JK, Shi ZL, He MQ, Chen Y, Zhao XQ, Li B, Han FP, Tong YP, Li ZS (2013b) A phosphate starvation response regulator Ta-PHR1 is involved in phosphate signalling and increases grain yield in wheat
12. Zhang K, Wang J, Zhang L, Rong C, Zhao F, Peng T, Li H, Cheng D, Liu X, Qin H, Zhang A, Tong Y, Wang D (2013) Association analysis of genomic loci important for grain weight control in elite common wheat varieties cultivated with variable water and fertiliser supply
13. Zhang X, Liu D, Zhang J, Jiang W, Luo G, Yang W, Sun J, Tong Y, Cui D, Zhang A (2013) Novel insights into the composition, variation, organization, and expression of the low-molecular-weight glutenin
14. Ren YZ, He X, Liu DC, Li JJ, Zhao XQ, Li B, Tong YP, Zhang AM, Li ZS (2012) Major quantitative trait loci for seminal root morphology of wheat seedlings
15. Tian J, Wang XR, Tong YP, Chen XP, Liao H (2012) Bioengineering and management for efficient phosphorus utilization in crops and pastures
16. Fang JJ, Ma WY, Zhao XQ, He X, Li B, Tong YP, Li ZS (2012) Lower canopy temperature is associated with higher cytokinin concentration in the flag leaf of wheat
17. Li XP, Zhao XQ, He X, Zhao GY, Li B, Liu DC, Zhang AM, Zhang XY, Tong YP, Li ZS (2011) Haplotype analysis of the genes encoding glutamine synthetase plastic isoforms and their association with nitrogen-use- and yield-related traits in bread wheat
18. Wang RF, An DG, Hu CS, Li LH, Zhang YM, Jia YG, Tong YP (2011) Relationship between nitrogen uptake and use efficiency of winter wheat grown in the North China Plain
19. Li H, Tong Y, Li B, Jing R, Lu C, Li Z (2010) Genetic analysis of tolerance to photo-oxidative stress induced by high light in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
20. Su JY, Zheng Q, Li HW, Li B, Jing RL, Tong YP, Li ZS (2009) Detection of QTLs for phosphorus use efficiency in relation to agronomic performance of wheat grown under phosphorus sufficient and limited conditions
21. Duan GL, Zhou Y, Tong YP, Mukhopadhyay R, Rosen BP, Zhu YG (2007) A CDC25 homologue from rice functions as an arsenate reductase
22. Liu JX, Chen FJ, Olokhnuud C, Glass ADM, Tong YP, Zhang FS, Mi GH (2009) Root size and nitrogen-uptake activity in two maize (Zea mays) inbred lines differing in nitrogen-use efficiency
23. Miao J, Sun J, Liu D, Li B, Zhang A, Li Z, Tong Y (2009) Characterization of the promoter of phosphate transporter TaPHT1.2 differentially expressed in wheat varieties
24. Cai C, Wang JY, Zhu YG, Shen QR, Li B, Tong YP, Li ZS (2008) Gene structure and expression of the high-affinity nitrate transport system in rice roots
25. Li ZS, Li B, Tong YP (2008) The contribution of distant hybridization with decaploid Agropyron elongatum to wheat improvement in China
26. Cai C, Zhao XQ, Zhu YG, Li B, Tong YP, Li ZS (2007) Regulation of the high-affinity nitrate transport system in wheat roots by exogenous abscisic acid and glutamine
27. An DG, Su JY, Liu QY, Zhu YG, Tong YP, Li JM, Jing RL, Li B, Li ZS (2006) Mapping QTLs for nitrogen uptake in relation to the early growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
28. Su JY, Tong YP, Liu QY, Li B, Jing RL, Li JY, Li ZS (2006) Mapping quantitative trait loci for post-anthesis dry matter accumulation in wheat
29. Su JY, Xiao YM, Li M, Liu QY, Li B, Tong YP, Jia JZ, Li ZS (2006) Mapping QTLs for phosphorus-deficiency tolerance at wheat seedling stage
30. Yang XH, Chen XY, Ge QY, Li B, Tong YP, Zhang AM, Li ZS, Kuang TY, Lu CM (2006) Tolerance of photosynthesis to photoinhibition, high temperature and drought stress in flag leaves of wheat: A comparison between a hybridization line and its parents grown under field conditions
31. Zhu YG, Geng CN, Tong YP, Smith SE, Smith FA (2006) Phosphate (Pi) and arsenate uptake by two wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars and their doubled haploid lines
32. Duan GL, Zhu YG, Tong YP, Cai C, Kneer R (2005) Characterization of arsenate reductase in the extract of roots and fronds of Chinese brake fern, an arsenic hyperaccumulator
33. Li YD, Wang YJ, Tong YP, Gao JG, Zhang JS, Chen SY (2005) QTL mapping of phosphorus deficiency tolerance in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.)
34. Tong YP, Zhou JJ, Li ZS and Miller AJ (2005) A two-component high-affinity nitrate uptake system in barley
35. Tong YP, Kneer R, Zhu YG (2004) Vacuolar compartmentalization: a second-generation approach to engineering plants for phytoremediation
36. Yang GH, Su JY, Li B, Liu JZ, Li M, Xiao YM, Li JY, Tong YP, Li ZS (2004) Identification and characterization of phosphorus use efficiency in a doubled Haploid population of Chinese Spring X Lovrin No
37. Zhao XQ, Li YJ, Liu JZ, Li B, Liu QY, Tong YP, Li JY, Li ZS (2004) Isolation and expression analysis of a high-affinity nitrate transporter TaNRT2.3 from roots of wheat
38. Gordon-Weeks R, Tong YP, Davies TGE, Leggewie G (2003) Restricted spatial expression of a high-affinity phosphate transporter in potato roots
39. Liu JZ, Li YJ, Tong YP, Gao JW, Li B, Li JY, Li ZS (2001) Chromosomal location of genes conferring the tolerance to Pi starvation stress and acid phosphatase (APase) secretion in the genome of rye (Secale L.)
40. Tong YP, Rengel Z, Graham RD (1997) Interactions between nitrogen and manganese nutrition of barley genotypes differing in manganese efficiency