2005年3月於中國科學院植物研究所獲植物學博士學位,從事植物次生代謝物的生物合成與分子調控方面的研究;博士畢業後,先後去了美國與加拿大做博士後,從事天然藥物生物合成方面的研究;2008年4月-2010年3月在加拿大植物生物技術研究所任研究助理,從事中藥“王不留行”中三萜類功能性化合物的生物合成研究;2009年底入選中國科學院“百人計畫”,2010年至今在中國科學院武漢植物園工作,從事天然藥物合成生物學研究。目前已在Journal of The American Chemical Society、Journal of Biological Chemistry、New Phytologist、Plant Physiology、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Phytochemistry、 Planta Medica等著名期刊上發表研究論文10多篇。
Changfu Li, Fangfang Chen, Yansheng Zhang*, GA3 and other signal regulators (MeJA and IAA)improve xanthumin biosynthesis in different manners in Xanthium strumarium L., Molecules
Jing Li, Yansheng Zhang*, Modulating betulinic acid production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by managing the intracellular supplies of the co-factor NADPH and oxygen, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
Jia Li, Zhaobo Li, Changfu Li, Junbo Gou, Yansheng Zhang*, Molecular cloning and characterization of an isoflavone 7-O-glucosyltransferase from Pueraria lobata, Plant Cell Reports
Jing Li, Yansheng Zhang*, Increase of betulinic acid production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by balancing fatty acids and betulinic acid forming pathways, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Zhaobo Li, Changfu Li, Jia Li, Yansheng Zhang*, Molecular cloning and functional characterization of two divergent 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligases from kudzu (Pueraria lobata), Biol. Pharm . Bull.
C. J. Paddon, P. J. Westfall, ….,Y. Zhang, …..,N. S. Renninger, J. D. Newman, High-level production of semi-synthetic artemisinin, a potent antimalarial, Nature
Fangfang Chen, Fuhua Hao, Changfu Li, Junbo Gou, Dayan Lu, Fujun Gong, Huiru Tang*, and Yansheng Zhang*, Identifying three ecological chemotypes of Xanthium strumarium glandular trichomes using a combined NMR and LC-MS method, Plos One
Qian Li, Zhiqiang Sun, Jing Li, Yansheng Zhang*, Enhancing beta-carotene production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by metabolic engineering, FEMS Microbiology Letters
Lili Huang, Hong Wang, Hechun Ye, Zhigao Du, Yansheng Zhang*, Ludger Beerhues, Benye Liu*, Differential expression of benzophenone synthase and chalcone synthase in Hypericum sampsonii, Natural Product Communication,
Lili Huang, Jia Li, Hechun Ye, Changfu Li, Hong Wang, Benye Liu, Yansheng Zhang*, Molecular characterization of the pentacyclic triterpenoid biosynthetic pathway in Catharanthus roseus, Planta
Yechun Wang, Coralie Halls, Juan Zhang, Michiyo Matsuno, Yansheng Zhang, Oliver Yu, Stepwise increase of resveratrol biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by metabolic engineering, Metabolic engineering
Lies Maes1, Filip Nieuwerburgh1, Yansheng Zhang1, Darwin Reed, Jacob Pollier, Sofie R. F. Vande Casteele, Dirk Inze, Patrick Covello, Dieter L. D. Deforce and Alain Goossens, Dissection of the response of Artemisia annua plants to phytohormones identifies genes involved in terpene biosynthesis and the development of glandular trichomes, New Phytologist
Yansheng Zhang, Goska Nowak, Darwin Reed, Patrick Covello, The production of artemisinin precursors in tobacco, Plant Biotechnology Journal
Jianchun Qin, Lin Zhu, Mingjun Gao, Xian Wu, Hongyu Pan, Yansheng Zhang*, Xiang Li*, Cloning and functional characterization of a chalcone isomerase from Trigonella foenum-graecum L., Planta Medica,
Devin Polichuk1, Yansheng Zhang1, Darwin Reed, Janice Schmidt, Patrick Covello, A glandular trichome-specific monoterpene alcohol dehydrogenase from Artemisia annua, Phytochemistry
Hao Zhang, Guangzhi Sun, Xiang Li, Hongyu Pan*, and Yansheng Zhang*, A new geldanamycin analogue from Streptomyces hygroscopicus, Molecules
Yansheng Zhang, Keat Teoh, Darwin Reed, Patrick Covello, Molecular cloning and characterization of Dbr1, a 2-alkenal reductase from Artemisia annua, Botany
Zhang Y, Liu ZH, Jia L, Peng ZL, Jaworski J, Wang XM, Jez J., Chen F, Yu O , Using unnatural protein fusions to engineer resveratrol biosynthesis in yeast and mammalian cells. Journal of American Chemical Society
Yansheng Zhang, Keat H. Teoh, Darwin W. Reed, Lies Maes, Alain Goossens, Douglas J.F. Olson, Andrew R.S. Ross, and Patrick S. Covello, The molecular cloning of artemisinic aldehyde Δ 11(13) reductase and its role in glandular trichome-dependent biosynthesis of artemisinin in Artemisia annua. J. Biol. Chem
Yansheng Zhang, Hechun Ye, Guofeng Li, Molecular Cloning a classical plant peroxidase from A. annua and its effect on the biosynthesis of artemisinin in vitro, Acta Botanica Sinica
Zhang J., Subramanian S., Zhang Y., Yu O., Flavone synthases from Medicago truncatula are flavanone-2-hydroxylases and are important for nodulation, Plant Physiology