- 中文名:窗台藍調
- 作者:塗瀟睿
- 出版社:西南師範大學出版社
- 出版時間:2017年12月
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:平裝
- ISBN:9787562191483
The peculiar object you are currently holding in your hands is a compilation of poetry and prose composed by yours truly, with plenty of assistance from family, friends, and the infinitely patient and kind people at the publishing place. I would especially like to show my unending gratitude to Prof. Zhang Zheng-sheng and Prof; Luo Yimin for reading these pieces and sharing their thoughts on it, This collection itself is made to demonstrate some of my works in its primordial, "raw" form, a booklet of "odds and ends", if you will. This is to say that many of these pieces are "works in progress", or lack a context that has simply not been put to metaphorical paper yet. However,l do feel that many of these pieces offer insight to what I think about on some important issues, and while it's certainly very amateurish, all ofit is at the same time extremely honest. Now, some of the content in this book may be inaccessible to those who are not familiar with many of the styles I am trying to emulate. So ifyou are interested in getting to the bottom of what makes it all tick, here's some recommended reading and listening for you to do.
Foreword by Zhang Zheng-sheng
Foreword by Luo Yimin
I Poetry
"Cassia (Come Again?)"
"I Am the Sea" ..
"Cluld of Folly"
"The Last Prophet's Song"
"Tweedle Mare"
"Edge of Oblivion (Version 2)"
"The Krake
"Outside the Vaultgate Timely"
"Dawnbreaker Prelude"
"An Appointment in Samarra"
"The Ballad ofjohn Buckley"
N61 Hide Behind"
"Is She?"
6'Etemity of Fear"
"Edge of Oblivion (Version 3)"
"Well (No Message in Particular)"
"Etemal Life"
"The Blimp"
"Echo 1"
"Please Enj oy"
"What Does It Matter"
II Short Stories
The Soap Bubble
Higher Education on Mars
Son of Man
Thus Spake Dionysius
III Drama Scripts
Centre Street Blues
Lastly a Wallflower
Not When He Looked So Fierce
IV The Ascrutinization Project/Object
1. Project Overview
2. Isolated Pieces
"Death ofKing Omnibus Part 1"
"My Human"
"The Overcast Variations
"Windowsill Blues"
"The Continuing Conversation"
"That Blessed Land"
"The Assassin"
"The Bartender"
"Arnell Rozenweig"
3. Three-part Soliloquy: Daybreak
4. Fragments ofUnused Triumphe Segments
V The 77dings ere the Wind Blows Project/Object
1. Project Overview
2. Project Incomplete: Tiding ere the Wind Blows
A fierword
塗瀟睿(Ray Tu),2000年3月生於重慶北碚,西南大學附屬中學高2018屆學生。曾獲得第十四屆中國日報社“21世紀·新東方杯”全國中小學生英語演講比賽全國總決賽(高中組)季軍,第十五屆全國創新英語大賽總決賽全國十強,第十一屆“外研社杯”全國中小學生英語技能大賽全國總決賽(國中組)冠軍,首屆全國中學生英語挑戰賽(高中組)冠軍,2016年重慶高中生英語作文寫作競賽(由美國駐成都總領事館主辦)冠軍等諸多獎項。自幼喜歡閱讀,國小一年級時開始閱讀英語原著。之後的十年里,他的英文書單上有了《神曲》《荷馬史詩》《尤利西斯》《荒原》等世界文學名著。國中開始用英文進行文學創作。本書收錄了他在高中階段的一些作品。