



  • 書名:科技考古與文物保護技術(第二輯)
  • 作者:武仙竹
  • ISBN:9787030626837
  • 頁數:330
  • 定價:108.00元
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年10月01日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16




黑龍江寧安市牛場北山舊石器地點石器研究 陳全家 林森 李有騫 楊樞通 申左君組拳院催(1)
古代樺樹皮資源利用的研究進展 饒慧芸 楊益民(14)
從考古材料淺析竹鼠與豪豬在全新世的遷移及環境意義 劉旻 王運輔(28)
浙江嵊州小黃山遺址沉積剖面的古環境信息及其文化回響 胡飛 張居中 楊玉璋 王海明(36)
甘肅張家川馬家塬戰國墓地出土綠松石珠微痕研究 韓飛(54)
新疆伊犁地區早期鐵采檔器時代青銅器的科學分析 朱思穎 劉成 羅 喆(59)
湖南株洲出土幾件商周青銅器的科學分析 馬江波(66)
淺談科技考古在新舊《田野考古工作規程》中的變化 王英 先怡衡(74)
三峽地區科技考古研究進展與展望 謝升鳳 馬江波(80)
吉林省城四家子遺址出土動物骨骼遺存研究 劉祿 陳全家(90)
先秦時期荊州大遺址的自然環境 王紅星 朱江松(107)
貴州出土一件鎏金銀銅器的初步分析 潘嬌(117)
館藏白銀貨幣的腐蝕類型與防護對策 黃維(124)
熱紅外成像法在平武報恩寺壁畫現狀調查中的套用初探 汪鑫 惠任(131)
大足寶頂大方便佛報恩經變相龕的彩繪顏料分析 鄭利平 王青 陳卉麗(144)
西沙群島出水瓷器的前期保護研究——以七連嶼瓷片表面沉積物的清除為例 黃凰 王玉龍 吳禮彬 徐鑫(158)
淺談台藏塔遺址保護 陸繼財 吳鵬 李立 王健 劉煒(166)
降雨對南方地區豎穴土坑墓葬坡體的破壞機理初步研究——以漢代長沙王陵墓群桃花嶺漢墓為例 徐路(172)
一處特殊現代文物——庫里申科烈士墓的保護 黃真彥(178)
伊犁將軍府建築群屋面病害總結及分析 王慧茹(182)
巫山塗家壩遺址2012年發掘簡報 重慶師範大學 重慶市文化遺產研究院 巫山縣博物館(187)
豐都縣曾教堡墓群2013年發掘簡報 重慶師範大學 重慶市文化遺產研究院 豐都縣文管所(196)
涪陵焦岩遺址2014年度發掘簡報 重慶市文化遺產研究院 涪陵區博物館(207)
豐都觀石灘遺址2014年發掘簡報 重慶市文化遺產研究院 重慶師範大學歷史與社會學院頁刪愉(槓希晚231)
四川省德昌縣德州鎮小爛壩遺址發掘簡報 四川省文物考古研究院 重慶師範大學歷史與社會學院(262)
夜長卻對一燈明——宋金時期陶質壁掛燈研究 翟鵬飛(269)
鄂州鑄匙乃察鏡歷史及工藝傳承與發展 王照魁 秦昌林(276)
重慶涪陵長江兩岸考古調查與勘探 重慶市文化遺產研究院 重慶師範大學歷史與社會學院 涪陵區博物館(285)
論西伯利亞南部三種青銅時代文化 V.V.巴甫洛夫 武仙竹(293)
橫斷山區與鄰近地區舊石器文化之關係研究 俞方潔 李勉(302)
試論公元前五千紀伊朗西南部專偶制家庭的演辨斷寒閥進——以巴昆A聚落為例 陳鵬 劉俊男(312)
西伯利亞博亞雷岩畫的時代、族屬及經濟生產 武仙竹 趙坤影(319)
A Study on Stone Artifacts of Niuchang Beishan Paleolithic Locality, in Ning’an CityChen Quanjia Lin Sen Li Youqian Yang Shutong Shen Zuojun(12)
Research Progress in the utilization of Ancient Birch Bark Rao Huiyun Yang Yimin(26)
The Migration of Bamboo Rats and Porcupines during Holocene in China Based on Archaeological Records Liu Min Wang Yunfu(34)
Cultural Responses to Palaeoenvironmental Changes Recorded in Xiaohuangshan Achaeological Strata, Shengzhou, Zhejiang Province Hu Fei Zhang Juzhong Yang Yuzhang Wang Haiming(52)
Study of Micro-traces about the Turquoise from Majiayuan Cemetery of Warring States Period in Zhangjiachuan Country Han Fei(58)
Scientific Analysis of Early Iron Age Copper and Bronze Artifacts Recovered in the Yili Region, Xinjiang, China Zhu Siying Liu Cheng Luo Zhe(65)
Scientific Analysis of Some Shang and Zhou Bronzes Unearthed in Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, China Ma Jiangbo(73)
A Brief Discussion on the Changes of Science and Technology Archaeology in the New and Old Regulations of Field Archaeology Wang Ying Xian Yiheng(79)
Progress and Prospects of Archaeometry Research in the Three Gorges Area Xie Shengfeng Ma Jiangbo(89)
The Research of Faunal Remains from Chengsijiazi Site, Jilin Province Liu Lu Chen Quanjia(106)
The Natural Environment of Jingzhou Ruins in Pre-Qin Period Wang Hongxing Zhu Jiangsong(115)
Protection of Cultural Relics
Preliminary Analysis of a Gilt Silver Bronze Ware Unearthed from the Xingren Jiaole Han Tombs of Guizhou Pan Jiao(123)
Corrosion Types and Protective Countermeasures of Collection Silver Currency Huang Wei(130)
Preliminary Study on the Application of Thermal Infrared Imaging Method in the Investigation of the Present Situation of Mural Paintings in Pingwu Temple Wang Xin Hui Ren(142)
Pigment Analysis of the Niche of Filial Gratitude Sutra from Baoding Cliff Statues at Dazu Rock Carvings Zheng Liping Wang Qing Chen Huili(157)
Pre-protection Scheme on Underwater Porcelain from the Xisha Is lands——Taking the Cleaning Research of Porcelain Sediment from Qilianyu for ExampleHuang Huang Wang Yulong Wu Libin Xu Xin(165)
Discussion on the Construction Methods and Protection Measures of Taizang Tower Lu Jicai Wu Peng Li Li Wang Jian Liu Wei(171)
A Preliminary Analysis of the Destruction of the Mausoleum of Taohualing in Changsha Mausoleum of the Han Dynasty Xu Lu(177)
A Special Modern Cultural Artifact-The Protection of the Tomb of the Kurishenko MartyrsHuang Zhengyan(181)
Summary and Analysis of Roof Diseases in General Building of Yili General Wang Huiru(186)
New Discovery in Archaeology
Brief Report on Excavation of Wushan Tujiaba Site in 2012 Chongqing Normal University Chongqing Cultural Heritage Research Institute Wushan County Museum(195)
2013 Excavation Brief Report of Zengjiaobu Tombs in Fengdu County Chongqing Normal University Chongqing Cultural Heritage Research Institute Fengdu County Cultural Relics Management Office(206)
Brief Excavation Report of Jiaoyan Site, Fuling District, Chogn qing in 2014 Chongqing Cultural Heritage Research Institute Fuling Museum of Chongqing(230)
Excavation Report for Fengdu Guanshitan Site in 2014 Chongqing Cultural Heritage Research Institute History and Social Work College of Chongqing Normal University(259)
Excavation Brief Report of Xiaolanba Site in Dezhou Town, Dechang County, Sichuan Province Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute History and Social Work College of Chongqing Normal University(267)
A Study of Pottery Wall Light in the Song and Jin Dynasties Zhai Pengfei(275)
The History and Inheritance and Development of the Casting Mirr or in Ezhou Wang Zhaokui Qin Changlin(283)
Archaeological Survey in Fuling Section of Yangtze River Chongqing Cultural Heritage Research Institute History and Social Work College of Chongqing Normal University Fuling Museum of Chongqing(291)
International Archaeology
Discussion on the Three Bronze Age Cultures in Southern Siberia V. V. Pavlov Wu Xianzhu(301)
A Study on the Relationship of Paleolithic Culture between Hengduan Mountains and Its Adjacent Areas Yu Fangjie Li Mian(311)
The Monogamy Family of 5th-Millennium Southwest Iran: A Study Based on the Settlement of Tell-i-bakun A Chen Peng Liu Junnan(318)
The Era, Ethnicity and Economic Production of the Rock Painting s of Siberia Bo YaleiWu Xianzhu Zhao Kunying(328)

