


  • 中文名:禹文豪
  • 出生日期:1987年09月17日
  • 畢業院校:武漢大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:時空數據挖掘、地圖綜合以及智慧城市套用
  • 任職院校:中國地質大學信息工程學院


2010.9-2015.6武漢大學 地理空間信息工程 工學博士學位 博士研究生畢業
2006.9-2010.6武漢大學 地理信息科學 學士學位本科畢業
2018.12.1 破格晉升副教授
2015.11-2016.10天津大學 講師


[1] 地圖綜合和空間多尺度表達
[2] 空間數據挖掘
[3] 空間分析
[4] 地理信息可視化
[5] 交通地理


1、Wenhao Yu,Yifan Zhang*(實驗班學生), Tinghua Ai, Qingfeng Guan, Zhanlong Chen, Haixia Li.Road network generalization considering traffic flow patterns.International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2020,34(1), 119-149.(SCI&SSCI,IF: 3.545)
2、Yifan Zhang(實驗班學生),Wenhao Yu*,Zhanlong Chen. An improved method for generalisation of point features with consideration of reinforcing relationships.Journal of Spatial Science, 2020:1-25.(SCI,IF: 1.711)
3、Wenhao Yu*,Yujie Chen*(實驗班學生), Zhanlong Chen, Zelong Xia, Qi Zhou. Service Area Delimitation of Fire Stations with Fire Risk Analysis: Implementation and Case Study.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(6):2030. (SCI&SSCI, IF:2.468)
4、Rong Zhao, Tinghua Ai*,Wenhao Yu, Yakun He, Yilang Shen.Recognition of building group patterns using Graph Convolutional Network.Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 2020, Online. (SSCI, IF: 2.271)
6、Wenhao Yu*. Discovering frequent movement paths from taxi trajectory data using spatially embedded networks and association rules.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019, 20(3),855-866. (SCI, IF: 5.744)
7、Wenhao Yu*. A mathematical morphology based method for hierarchical clustering analysis of spatial points on street networks.Applied Soft Computing, 2019, 85,105785.(SCI, IF: 4.873)
8、Wenhao Yu*,Qi Zhou, Rong Zhao. A heuristic approach to the generalization of complex building groups in urban villages.Geocarto International, 2019, Online. (SCI, IF: 2.365)
9、Wenhao Yu,Yifan Zhang*(實驗班學生),Zhanlong Chen.Automated generalization of facility points-of-interest with service area delimitation.IEEE Access, 2019,7,63921 - 63935. (SCI, IF: 4.098)
10、Wenhao Yu,Menglin Guan*(碩士生), Zhanlong Chen.Analyzing spatial community pattern of network traffic flow and its variations across time based on taxi GPS trajectories.Applied Sciences, 2019, 9(10), 2054. (SCI, IF: 2.217)
11、Zelong Xia, Hao Li*, Yuehong Chen,Wenhao Yu.Detecting urban fire high-risk regions using colocation pattern measures.Sustainable Cities and Society.2019,Online. (SSCI, IF: 4.624)
12、Zelong Xia, Hao Li*, Yuehong Chen,Wenhao Yu. Integrating Spatial and Non-Spatial Dimensions to Measure Urban Fire Service Access.ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2019, 8 (3), 138.(SCIE, IF: 1.840)
13、Wenhao Yu*. Quality assessment in point feature generalization with pattern preserved.Transactions in GIS, 2018, 22(3):872-888. (SSCI, IF: 2.188)
14、Wenhao Yu*. Automatic sounding generalization in nautical chart considering bathymetry complexity variations.Marine Geodesy, 2018, 41 (1): 68-85. (SCI, IF: 1.547)
15、Wenhao Yu*,Tinghua Ai, Jingzhong Li, Min Yang, Yun Shuai. Potential change of spatial accessibility to health services with the opening of private streets in Shenzhen, China.IEEE Access, 2018, 6 (1): 72824-72835. (SCI, IF:4.098)
16、Xiaojing Yao, Liujia Chen, Congcong Wen, Ling Peng*, Liang Yang, Tianhe Chi, Xiaomeng Wang,Wenhao Yu. A spatial co-location mining algorithm that includes adaptive proximity improvements and distant instance references.International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2018, 32(5) : 980-1005. (SCI&SSCI,IF:3.545)
17、Jingzhong Li, Pengcheng Liu*,Wenhao Yu, Xiaoqiang Cheng, The Morphing of Geographical Features by Fourier Transformation.Plos One, 2018, 13(1): e0191136. (SCI, IF: 2.776)
18、Wenhao Yu*,Tinghua Ai,Pengcheng Liu,Xiaoqiang Cheng,The analysis and measurement of building patterns using texton co-occurrence matrices,International Journal of Geographical Information Science,2017,31(6),1079-1100.(SCI&SSCI,IF:3.545)
19、Wenhao Yu*, Tinghua Ai, Yakun He, Shiwei Shao. Spatial co-location pattern mining of facility Points-of-Interest improved by network neighborhood and distance decay effects.International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2017, 31 (2): 280-296.(SCI&SSCI,IF:3.545,ESI高被引論文)
20、Wenhao Yu*. Assessing the implications of the recent community opening policy on the street centrality in China: A GIS-based method and case study.Applied Geography, 2017, 89:61-76. (SSCI, IF: 3.068)
21、Wenhao Yu*. Regional co-location pattern scoping on a street network considering distance decay effects of spatial interaction.Plos One, 2017, 12(8):e0181959.(SCI,IF: 2.776)
22、Wenhao Yu*. Identifying and Analyzing the Prevalent Regions of a Co-Location Pattern Using Polygons Clustering Approach.ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2017, 6(9),259.(SCI, IF: 1.840)
23、Yakun He, Tinghua Ai*,Wenhao Yu, Xiang Zhang. A Linear Tessellation Model to Identify Spatial Pattern in Urban Street Networks.International Journal of Geographical Information Science,2017,31(8),1541-1561.(SCI&SSCI,IF:3.545)
24、Wenhao Yu*. Spatial co-location pattern mining for location-based services in road networks.Expert Systems with Applications, 2016, 46: 324-335.(SCI, IF: 4.292)
25、Wenhao Yu, Tinghua Ai*, Shiwei Shao. The analysis and delimitation of Central Business District using network kernel density estimation.Journal of Transport Geography, 2015, 45: 32-47. (SSCI, IF:3.560)
26、Tinghua Ai*,Wenhao Yu, Yakun He. Generation of Constrained Network Voronoi Diagram Using Network Tessellation and Expansion Method.Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2015, 51: 83-96. (SSCI, IF: 3.393)
27、Wenhao Yu*, Tinghua Ai. The visualization and analysis of urban facility POIs using network kernel density estimation constrained by multi-factors.Boletim de Ciencias Geodesicas, 2014, 20 (4): 902-926. (SCI)
28、Wenhao Yu, Tinghua Ai*. A Time-Constrained Network Voronoi Construction and Accessibility Analysis in Location-Based Service Technology. In: ISPRS/IGU Joint International Conference on Geospatial Theory, Processing, Modelling and Applications 2014, Canada, Proceedings, 2014. (EI)
29、禹文豪,艾廷華. 核密度估計法支持下的網路空間POI點可視化與分析.測繪學報,2015,44(1):82-90.(EI)
30、艾廷華,禹文豪. 水流擴展思想的網路空間Voronoi圖生成. 測繪學報, 2013, 42(5): 760-766.(EI)
31、禹文豪,艾廷華,劉鵬程,何亞坤. 設施POI分布熱點分析的網路核密度估計方法. 測繪學報,2015,44(12):1378-1383.(EI)
32、禹文豪,艾廷華, 楊敏,劉紀平. 利用核密度與空間自相關進行城市設施興趣點分布熱點探測. 武漢大學學報·信息科學版,2016,41(2):221-227. (EI)
33、何亞坤,艾廷華,禹文豪. 等時線模型支持下的路網可達性分析. 測繪學報,2014,43(11):1190-1196.(EI)
34、何亞坤,艾廷華,杜欣,禹文豪. 網路空間向量剖分法識別城市路網格線模式. 武漢大學學報·信息科學版,2018 , 43 (1) :138-144.(EI)
35、禹文豪,艾廷華,周啟. 城市設施POI的局部空間同位模型挖掘及範圍界定. 地理與地理信息科學,2015,31 (4):6-11.(CSCD核心期刊)


1. 主持,國家自然科學青年基金,“基於距離衰減效應的加權同位模式挖掘方法研究”. 2018 – 2021
2. 主持,湖北省自然科學基金面上項目,“顧及空間互動效用的加權關聯規則挖掘方法研究”。2018-2019
3. 主持,國家重點研發項目課題合作任務,“場景集成建模與自適應表達”。2019-2021
5. 主持,數字製圖與國土信息套用工程國家測繪地理信息局重點實驗室開放基金,“基於街道網路約束的城市設施興趣點數據挖掘研究”開放基金。2018-2019
6. 主持,中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金傑出人才培育基金項目. 2016 – 2019
7. 主持,數字製圖與國土信息套用工程國家測繪地理信息局重點實驗室開放基金,“城市設施POI數據分布知識提取與可視化研究”。2014-2015
8. 項目骨幹,國家重點研發計畫子課題,“地理大數據挖掘與時空模式發現”—“地理大數據時空統一框架與協同表達”。2017-2021
10.技術負責人,2010-2013 年,廣州市多尺度城市空間資料庫建設項目,獲得2013年測繪科技進步二等獎。
15.項目骨幹,2010 年,數字深圳空間基礎信息平台—自適應部門地圖空間系統,為2011測繪科技進步一等獎“開放式空間基礎信息平台關鍵技術與數字城市實踐”的子項目。
16.項目骨幹,2010-2013 年,DoMap土地利用數據縮編軟體研發,套用於湖北、湖南、廣東、河北、山西、內蒙古、天津、南京等多家事業單位和公司。


1、2018年-,國際SCI期刊“PLOS ONE”(T3)學術編輯。
2、2014年-,國際SCI期刊“International Journal of Geographical Information Science”、“Transactions in GIS”、“Information Science”、“Geographical Analysis”、“Cities”、“Expert Systems with Applications”、“IEEE Access”、“GIScience & Remote Sensing”、“Journal of Computational Science”、“Geocarto International”、“Sustainability”等審稿人。



