
建於1993年,是一所大學研究機構,擁有23名工作者及80多名研究所及本科生,擁有基因工程,蛋白分離與表征,細胞實驗,動物實驗的配套設備。研究所進行一系列的基礎及套用研究,包括國家973 -- 國家重點基礎研究發展計畫項目,研究中藥中多肽及蛋白質組分所構成的特殊結構,經絡與自由基的關係等等


  • 中文名:福州大學生物工程研究所
  • 外文名:Institute of Biotechnology Fuzhou University
  • 研究方向:生物工程
  • 隸屬單位:福州大學
福州大學生物工程研究所( Institute of Biotechnology Fuzhou University,IBFU)。研究所與全世界各個高校保持著非常密切的聯繫,與愛丁堡大學瓦赫寧根大學一同聯合培養博士。並且在最近時間裡,國際食品科技聯盟(IUFoST)秘書長朱迪·米歇女士致信中國食品科學技術學會,祝賀中國食品科學技術學會理事長,研究所所長饒平凡教授當選為IUFoST主席,其任期將從2012年開始,至2014年,為期兩年。
Founded in 1993, Institute of Biotechnology Fuzhou University (IBFU) is a university research unit with 23 staff members and more than 80 graduate and undergraduate students. Equipped with facilities for genetic engineering, protein isolation and characterization, cellular and animal studies, IBFU is carrying out basic and applied research projects including National 973 projects on therapeutic peptides and proteins, protein derivatives as active composition in TCM, acupuncture meridian from the perspective of superoxide. IBFU has established strong international connections including joint phD programs on TCM study with the University of Edinburgh and Wageningen University. Professor Rao Pingfan, IBFU director, was recently elected as President-elect(2012-2014) of International Union of Food Science and Technology.


