



  • 軟體名稱:神秘性
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:37.01MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
神秘感:一個豪華收集酒店 與一個典型的海島風格的設計,保留了自然氣候的厚臉皮的奢侈品,神秘,一個豪華酒店,是建立在收集世界上最美麗的風景。 位於伊最著名的懸崖和令人眼花繚亂的觀點明確的藍色水晶水域向火山和愛琴海的火山噴口。20兩套房和別墅提供一個感覺的體驗中的聖托里尼島低調優雅的環境。從聖托里尼島機場18公里,Athinios港20公里。 所有的住宿條件是一個奇妙的探險的浮木,一個自由自在的,未馴服的材料,利用優雅的簡單性。牆上鑿出了誘人的模式。套房開放到daybeds處梯田與放鬆。鵝卵石途徑導致水池周圍太陽床最大放鬆。 客人可以體驗戶外無邊泳池,“光環”酒吧的游泳池,“魅力”美食餐廳,對在懸崖邊和“秘密”葡萄酒洞穴,一個戲劇性的酒窖最稀有和自主選擇葡萄酒。 Mystique: A Luxury Collection Hotel With a typical island-style design that preserves the nature in a climate of unabashed luxury, Mystique, a Luxury Collection Hotel, is built in the world’s most beautiful scenery. Located on Oia’s most famous cliffs with dazzling views of clear blue crystalline waters towards the volcano and the Aegean Caldera. Twenty two suites and villas provide a sensorial experience of Santorini in surroundings of understated elegance. 18 km from Santorini Airport and 20 km from Athinios Port. All accommodations are a wondrous exploration of driftwood, a free spirited, untamed material that harness the elegance of simplicity. Enticing patterns carved into the walls. Suites open onto sea-facing terraces with relaxing daybeds. Cobblestone pathways lead to the plunge pool surrounded by sun beds for the utmost relaxation. Guests may experience the outdoor infinity-edge pool, the “Aura” Bar by the pool, the “Charisma” Gourmet Restaurant, right on the cliff edge and the “Secret” Wine Cave, a dramatic wine cellar with the most rare and indigenous wine selection.


