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  • 中文名:社會工作專業英語
  • 作者:許淑華,梁麗霞
  • 出版社:山東人民出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年1月1日
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787209093866




Chapter One Social Work with Children and Families
Passage 1 The Power of Lifebooks
Passage 2 Social Work and Fathers: Child Support and Fathering Programs
Passage 3 About Self—harm
Chapter Two Social Work with Young People
Passage 1 Diary of a Substance Misuse Social Worker in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Passage 2 The Many Layers of Social Support: Capturing the Voices of Young People with Spina Bifida and Their Parents
Chapter Three GerontologicaISocial Work
Passage 1 A Supporting Role in Elder Care
Passage 2 Social Work with the Older People of Tomorrow: Restoring the Person—in—Situation
Passage 3 Community Collaborations between the Medical Examiner's Office and Gerontolog:ical Service Providers: Implementation of an Older Adult Death Review Team
Chapter Four Social Work for Disabled People
Passage 1 The Social Acceptance of Secondary School Students with Leaming Disabilities
Passage 2 Parental Experiences of Children's Disabilities and Special Education in the United States and Japan: Implications for School Social Work
Chapter Five School Social Work
Passage 1 School Social Work Models
Passage 2 Elements of School Social Work Services
Passage 3 Outcome Evaluation of School Social Work Services
Chapter Six Medical Social Work
Passage 1 A Longitudinal Look at Social Work Leadership in Hospitals: The Impact of a Changing Health Care System
Passage 2 Do Social Workers Need Some Medical Training?
Passage 3 Riding Third: Social Work in Ambulance Work
Chapter Seven Methods and Values of Social Work
Passage 1 The Social Work Student as Participant Observer in Group Therapy Training
Passage 2 Paradigm for Pluralism: Mikhail Bakhtin and Social Work Practice
Passage 3 CASW Code of Ethics


