- 中文名:碘代類消毒副產物生成機制、風險調查與控制
- 項目類別 :面上項目
- 項目負責人:晏明全
- 依託單位 :北京大學
序號 | 標題 | 類型 | 作者 |
1 | <b><span style="font-family:宋體;font-size:16pt;">微量天然有機物在水質淨化反應機制定量研究進展 | 會議論文 | 晏明全| |
2 | 基於UV-Vis光譜法有機物水化學過程表征與模擬 | 會議論文 | 晏明全| |
3 | Comparative Examination of Effects of Binding of Different Metals on Chromophores of Dissolved Organic Matter | 期刊論文 | Yan, Mingquan|Korshin, Gregory V.| |
4 | Characterizing interactions between Suwannee River dissolved organic matter and Cu(II) using fluorescence excitation−emission matrices and parallel factor analysis | 期刊論文 | Yan Mingquan|Ma Xiaona|Cheng jixia| |
5 | Study of the pH influence on the optical properties of dissolved organic matter using fluorescence excitation–emission matrix and parallel factor analysis | 期刊論文 | Yan Mingquan|Fu Qiangwei|Li Dechao|Gao Gunfa|Wang Dongsheng| |
6 | Influence of chlorination on metal binding by dissolved organic matter: A study using Log-transformed differential spectra | 期刊論文 | Yan Mingquan|Li Dechao|Gao Junfa|Cheng Jixia| |
7 | In situ study of binding of copper by fulvic acid: Comparison of differential absorbance data and model predictions | 期刊論文 | Yan Mingquan|Dryer Deborah|Korshin Gregory V.|Benedetti Marc F.| |
8 | Disinfection byproduct precursor removal by enhanced coagulation and their distribution in chemical fractions | 期刊論文 | Zhao Yanmei|Xiao Feng|Wang Dongsheng|Yan Mingquan|Bi Zhe| |
9 | Optical property of iron binding to Suwannee River fulvic acid | 期刊論文 | Yan Mingquan|Li Mingyang|Wang Dongsheng|Xiao Feng| |
10 | Study of iron and aluminum binding to Suwannee River fulvic acid using absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy: Comparison of data interpretation based on NICA-Donnan and Stockholm humic models | 期刊論文 | Yan Mingquan|Benedetti Marc F.|Korshin Gregory V.| |
11 | Spectroscopic Examination of Effects of Iodide on the Chloramination of Natural Organic Matter | 期刊論文 | Sixuan He|Mingquan Yan|Gregory Korshin| |
12 | Removal of DBP precursors in micro-polluted source waters: A comparative study on the enhanced coagulation behavior | 期刊論文 | Wang Dongsheng|Zhao Yanmei|Yan Mingquan|Chow C.W.K.| |
13 | Quantifying metal ions binding onto dissolved organic matter using log-transformed absorbance spectra | 期刊論文 | Yan Mingquan|Wang Dongsheng|Korshin Gregory V.|Benedetti Marc F.| |
14 | Examination of disinfection by-product (DBP) formation in source waters: A study using log-transformed differential spectra | 期刊論文 | Yan Mingquan|Korshin Gregory V.|Chang Hyun-Shik| |
飲用水源中存在的微量碘離子(10 μg/L)在氯消毒過程中就會與水體中的有機物反應生成碘代類消毒副產物(I-DBPs),其毒性是氯代類和溴代類消毒副產物的數倍至數百倍。I-DBPs作為新型消毒副產物之一,受到美國環保署(USEPA)高度重視,正開展相關研究,擬將其納入飲用水消毒副產物控制指標體系。我國部分地區飲用水源中碘離子濃度中位數高達150-300 μg/L,具有較高的I-DBPs生成風險,但國內尚未見到關於I-DBPs研究報導,亟需開展相關研究。.本項目在I-DBPs生成機制、毒性評估、控制技術研究基礎上,通過對我國飲用水中的碘污染及I-DBPs暴露水平進行系統調查和評估,初步提出我國飲用水中I-DBPs控制目標、對策與技術,為完善我國飲用水水質標準和保障飲用水安全奠定基礎。