



  • 中文名:石建新
  • 出生地:湖南祁東
  • 畢業院校:哈爾濱工業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:複合材料
  • 任職院校:中山大學












參加了7個項目的研究工作,其中:國家自然科學基金1項,廣東省自然科學基金3項 (其中2項為負責人),廣東省科技計畫項目1項,黑龍江省科委項目1項,中科院長春套用化學研究所稀土化學與物理開放實驗室開放鍵捆紙課題1項。在國內外期刊上已發表有關論文30餘戶燥汽篇,其中19篇被SCI收錄。


1. Synthesis and luminescence of a novel conjugated europium complex with 6-paracholoroaniline carbonyl 2-pyridine carboxylic acid. An Bao-li,Shi Jian-xin,Gong Meng-lian*, Yang Yan-sheng, et al,J. Luminescence,2002, 99: 155-160(SCI收錄).
2. 多孔矽- 三(8-羥基喹啉)合鋁雜化辨遙放境材料的浸漬法製備及其光致發光,張曉霞,魏佩君,葉劍清,石建新*,龔孟濂,中山大學學報(自),2002,41(1):19-21.
3. Preparation and Fluorescence Properties of Polymethyl Methacrylate Resin Incorporated with Sodium Tris (Pyridine Dicarboxylato) Europate (III). LUO Yi-fan, AN Bao-li, YE Jian-qing, GONG Meng-lian*,SHI Jian-xin, MAI Kan-cheng,J.Rare Earths,2002, 204318-321(SCI收錄).
4. Photoluminescent two-dimensional silver(I) coordination polymers constructed with silver(I) octanuclear clusters or ions. Tong M.-L.,Shi J.-X., Chen X.-M.*,New J. Chem., 2002, 26, 814-816(SCI收錄).
5. Synthesis, crystal structures and properties of six cubane-like transition metal complexes of di-2-pyridyl ketone in gem-diol form. M.L. Tong, S.L. Zheng,J.X. Shi, Y.X. Tong, Hung Kay Lee, X.M. Chen, J. Chem.Soc.-Dalton Trans., 2002, (8): 1727-1734(SCI收錄).
6. Synthesis and electronic properties of new photoluminescent platinum-containing polyynes with 9,9-dihexylfluorene and 9-butylcarbazole units. W.Y. Wong, G.L. Lu, K.H. Choi,J.X. Shi,Macromolecules, 2002, 35(9): 3506-3513(SCI收錄).
7. A novel approach for infrared optical activation of neodymium-doped porous silicon using microwave radiation. X.X. Zhang, H.Y. Sang,J.X. Shi, M.L. Gong, J.Y. Zhou, Z.R. Qiu,J. Mater. Chem., 2001,11: 696-698(SCI收錄).
8. A new inorganic-organic photoluminescent material constructed with helical [Zn3(μ3-OH)(μ2-OH)]¥ chains. J. Tao,J.X. Shi, M.L. Tong, X.X Zhang, X.M. Chen,Inorg. Chem., 2001, 40: 6328-6330(SCI收錄).
9. Binuclear gold(I) and mercury(II) derivatives of diethynylfluorenes. W.Y. Wong, K.H. Choi, G.L. Lu,J.X. Shi, P.Y. Lai, S.M. Chan, Z.Y. Lin,Organometallics, 2001,20: 5446-5454(SCI收錄).
10. Syntheses, structures, and properties of three novel coordination polymers of silver (I) aromatic carboxylates with hexamethylenetetramine exhibiting unique metal-p interaction. S.L. Zheng, M.L. Tong, S.D. Tan, Y. Wang,J.X. Shi, Y.X. Tong, Hung Kay Lee, X.M. Chen,Organometallics, 2001,20: 5319-5325(SCI收錄).
11. Synthesis, redox and optical properties of low-bandgap platinum(II) polynes with 9-dicyanomethylene-substituted fluorene acceptors. W.Y. Wong, K.H. Choi, G.L. Lu,J.X. Shi,Macromolecular Rapid Commun., 2001, 22: 461-465(SCI收錄).
12. Encapsulation of fluorescein into MCM-41 mesoporous molecular sieve by a sol-gel method. Y.F. Yao, M.S. Zhang,J.X. Shi, M.L. Gong, H.J. Zhang, Y.S. Yang,Mater. Lett., 2001, 48(1): 44-48(SCI收錄).
13.Blue photoluminescent zinc coordination polymers with supertetranuclear cores. J. Tao, M.L. Tong,J.X. Shi, X.M. Chen,Chem. Commun., 2000: 2043-2044(SCI收錄).
14. Photoluminescence of erbium, zinc and copper doped porous silicon and a phenomenological model for the metal electrodeposition.J.X. Shi, X.X. Zhang, M.L. Gong, J.Y. Zhou, K. W. Cheah, and W. K. Wong,Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 2000, 182: 353-357(SCI收錄).
15. Structure model and synthesis of NdCl3 - FeCl3 - graphite intercalation compounds. Y.L. Hou, Y.D. Wei,J.X. Shi,Science in China (Series B), 2000,43(5): 547-554(SCI收錄).
16. Encapsulation of Eu(TTA)3 into MCM-41 mesoporous molecular sieve by a sol-gel method. Y.F. Yao, M.S. Zhang,J.X. Shi, M.L. Gong, H.J. Zhang, Y.S. Yang,J. Rare Earths, 2000,18(3): 186-189(SCI收錄).
17. A novel electrochemical approach for fabrication of photoluminescent erbium-doped porous silicon. M. L. Gong,J. X. Shi, W. K. Wong, K. K. Shiu, W. H. Zheng, K. W. Cheah,Appl. Phys. A,1999, 68(1): 107-110(SCI收錄).
18. Investigation on intercalated graphite with metals by the method of chemical bond parameter function.J. X. Shi, Y.D. Wei, J.Phys. and Chem. Solids, 1999, 60(3): 363-366(SCI收錄).
20. 摻銪多孔矽的恆電位電解法製備及其光致發光,龔孟濂,曾春蓮,石建新等,高等學校化學學報,1999,20(5):750-753(SCI收錄).


1. “一體化、多層次、開放式”創新化學實驗教學體系與研究實踐,2002年中山大學“實驗教學改革成果獎”一等獎,陳六平,毛宗萬,石建新,張仁俊,童葉翔,許遵樂。
2. 基礎化學實驗室教學資源共享模式的創立與實踐,2002年中山大學“實驗教學改革成果獎”三等獎,石建新,梁起,黃濱,朱可佳,黃華珍,唐建鋒。
5. Synthesis, crystal structures and properties of six cubane-like transition metal complexes of di-2-pyridyl ketone in gem-diol form. M.L. Tong, S.L. Zheng,J.X. Shi, Y.X. Tong, Hung Kay Lee, X.M. Chen, J. Chem.Soc.-Dalton Trans., 2002, (8): 1727-1734(SCI收錄).
6. Synthesis and electronic properties of new photoluminescent platinum-containing polyynes with 9,9-dihexylfluorene and 9-butylcarbazole units. W.Y. Wong, G.L. Lu, K.H. Choi,J.X. Shi,Macromolecules, 2002, 35(9): 3506-3513(SCI收錄).
7. A novel approach for infrared optical activation of neodymium-doped porous silicon using microwave radiation. X.X. Zhang, H.Y. Sang,J.X. Shi, M.L. Gong, J.Y. Zhou, Z.R. Qiu,J. Mater. Chem., 2001,11: 696-698(SCI收錄).
8. A new inorganic-organic photoluminescent material constructed with helical [Zn3(μ3-OH)(μ2-OH)]¥ chains. J. Tao,J.X. Shi, M.L. Tong, X.X Zhang, X.M. Chen,Inorg. Chem., 2001, 40: 6328-6330(SCI收錄).
9. Binuclear gold(I) and mercury(II) derivatives of diethynylfluorenes. W.Y. Wong, K.H. Choi, G.L. Lu,J.X. Shi, P.Y. Lai, S.M. Chan, Z.Y. Lin,Organometallics, 2001,20: 5446-5454(SCI收錄).
10. Syntheses, structures, and properties of three novel coordination polymers of silver (I) aromatic carboxylates with hexamethylenetetramine exhibiting unique metal-p interaction. S.L. Zheng, M.L. Tong, S.D. Tan, Y. Wang,J.X. Shi, Y.X. Tong, Hung Kay Lee, X.M. Chen,Organometallics, 2001,20: 5319-5325(SCI收錄).
11. Synthesis, redox and optical properties of low-bandgap platinum(II) polynes with 9-dicyanomethylene-substituted fluorene acceptors. W.Y. Wong, K.H. Choi, G.L. Lu,J.X. Shi,Macromolecular Rapid Commun., 2001, 22: 461-465(SCI收錄).
12. Encapsulation of fluorescein into MCM-41 mesoporous molecular sieve by a sol-gel method. Y.F. Yao, M.S. Zhang,J.X. Shi, M.L. Gong, H.J. Zhang, Y.S. Yang,Mater. Lett., 2001, 48(1): 44-48(SCI收錄).
13.Blue photoluminescent zinc coordination polymers with supertetranuclear cores. J. Tao, M.L. Tong,J.X. Shi, X.M. Chen,Chem. Commun., 2000: 2043-2044(SCI收錄).
14. Photoluminescence of erbium, zinc and copper doped porous silicon and a phenomenological model for the metal electrodeposition.J.X. Shi, X.X. Zhang, M.L. Gong, J.Y. Zhou, K. W. Cheah, and W. K. Wong,Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 2000, 182: 353-357(SCI收錄).
15. Structure model and synthesis of NdCl3 - FeCl3 - graphite intercalation compounds. Y.L. Hou, Y.D. Wei,J.X. Shi,Science in China (Series B), 2000,43(5): 547-554(SCI收錄).
16. Encapsulation of Eu(TTA)3 into MCM-41 mesoporous molecular sieve by a sol-gel method. Y.F. Yao, M.S. Zhang,J.X. Shi, M.L. Gong, H.J. Zhang, Y.S. Yang,J. Rare Earths, 2000,18(3): 186-189(SCI收錄).
17. A novel electrochemical approach for fabrication of photoluminescent erbium-doped porous silicon. M. L. Gong,J. X. Shi, W. K. Wong, K. K. Shiu, W. H. Zheng, K. W. Cheah,Appl. Phys. A,1999, 68(1): 107-110(SCI收錄).
18. Investigation on intercalated graphite with metals by the method of chemical bond parameter function.J. X. Shi, Y.D. Wei, J.Phys. and Chem. Solids, 1999, 60(3): 363-366(SCI收錄).
20. 摻銪多孔矽的恆電位電解法製備及其光致發光,龔孟濂,曾春蓮,石建新等,高等學校化學學報,1999,20(5):750-753(SCI收錄).


1. “一體化、多層次、開放式”創新化學實驗教學體系與研究實踐,2002年中山大學“實驗教學改革成果獎”一等獎,陳六平,毛宗萬,石建新,張仁俊,童葉翔,許遵樂。
2. 基礎化學實驗室教學資源共享模式的創立與實踐,2002年中山大學“實驗教學改革成果獎”三等獎,石建新,梁起,黃濱,朱可佳,黃華珍,唐建鋒。


