



  • 中文名:瞿旭彤
  • 畢業院校:德國海德堡大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:宗教學、外國哲學 
  • 職稱:清華大學人文學院哲學系副教授
  • 任職院校:清華大學 







《博刪恥嚷睿漢語滲己肯神學年鑑》(Brill Yearbook of Chinese Theology),第5期,2019年。


(2017)德國海德堡大學國際青年學者獎項Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award。
(2015)德國專業協會青年學者獎項Ernst Wolf獎(雙年獎)。



2014, Barth und Goethe. Die Goethe-Rezeption Karl Barths 1906-1921, Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlagshaus.
(1) Reviewed by Frank Jehle (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland), Reformierte Presse.Wochenzeitung der Evangelisch-reformierten Kirchen der deutschsprachigen Schweiz,Nr. 6; 6.Februar 2015;
(2) Reviewed by Clifford Anderson (Vanderbilt University, USA), Cultural Encounters: A Journal for the Theology of Culture, Volume 10, Number 2, 2014, 118-120;
(3) Review by Georg Langenhorst (University of Augsburg, Germany),http://www.theologie-und-literatur.de(2015);
(4) Review byKonrad Hammann (University of Muenster, Germany), Theologische Literaturzeitung, November/2015, 1263-1264;
(5) Review by Eberhard Busch (University of Gottingen, Germany), Scottish Journal of Theology, Volume 69 (2016), Issue 3, 366-368.


(18),Barth und Kant: Eine nachkantische Interpretation von Karl Barths Beziehung zu Immanuel Kant unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Religionskritik Karl Barths, Festschrift für Günter Thomas (forthcoming 2020).
(17),“Gleichnis wagen”: Karl Barth’s Political Theology and its Meaning for the Church-State Relationship in Mainland China Today, in:Theo-Politics? Conversing with Barth in Western and Asian Contexts, edited by Markus Hfner, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books-Fortress Academic (forthcoming 2020).
(16), A Critical Survey of Karl Barth’s Goethe-Reception,Yearbook of Chinese Theology 2019, Volume 5, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019, 153-171.
(15), (with Paulos Huang), Editorial: Karl Barth and Sino-Christian Theology,Yearbook of Chinese Theology 2019, Volume 5, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019, VII-XV (cf. 14a).
(14a),A Model of “Creating by Returning to the Original”: Rethinking Karl Barth’s Theology in a Chinese Context,Journal for the Study of Christian Culture, No. 41, Spring 2019, 9-18.
(7) “In the drawing power of Goethe’s sun”. A Preliminary Investigation into the Goethe Reception of Albert Schweitzer, in: Albert Schweitzer in Thought and Action: A Life in Parts, ed. by James Carleton Paget and Michael James Thate, (Albert Schweitzer Library), Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2016, 216-233.
(2) Karl Barths Tambacher Vortrag aus dem Blickwinkel seiner Goethe-rezeption, Zeitschrift für Dialektische Theologie, 2014, Heft 60 Jahrgang 30 Nr. 1, 153-172.
(5) Review by Eberhard Busch (University of Gottingen, Germany), Scottish Journal of Theology, Volume 69 (2016), Issue 3, 366-368.


(18),Barth und Kant: Eine nachkantische Interpretation von Karl Barths Beziehung zu Immanuel Kant unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Religionskritik Karl Barths, Festschrift für Günter Thomas (forthcoming 2020).
(17),“Gleichnis wagen”: Karl Barth’s Political Theology and its Meaning for the Church-State Relationship in Mainland China Today, in:Theo-Politics? Conversing with Barth in Western and Asian Contexts, edited by Markus Hfner, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books-Fortress Academic (forthcoming 2020).
(16), A Critical Survey of Karl Barth’s Goethe-Reception,Yearbook of Chinese Theology 2019, Volume 5, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019, 153-171.
(15), (with Paulos Huang), Editorial: Karl Barth and Sino-Christian Theology,Yearbook of Chinese Theology 2019, Volume 5, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019, VII-XV (cf. 14a).
(14a),A Model of “Creating by Returning to the Original”: Rethinking Karl Barth’s Theology in a Chinese Context,Journal for the Study of Christian Culture, No. 41, Spring 2019, 9-18.
(7) “In the drawing power of Goethe’s sun”. A Preliminary Investigation into the Goethe Reception of Albert Schweitzer, in: Albert Schweitzer in Thought and Action: A Life in Parts, ed. by James Carleton Paget and Michael James Thate, (Albert Schweitzer Library), Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2016, 216-233.
(2) Karl Barths Tambacher Vortrag aus dem Blickwinkel seiner Goethe-rezeption, Zeitschrift für Dialektische Theologie, 2014, Heft 60 Jahrgang 30 Nr. 1, 153-172.


