



  • 中文名:看圖練語法
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:1996年10月1日
  • 頁數:105 頁
  • 開本:116 開
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • ISBN:9787301023266
  • 作者:[英] 里奧·瓊斯


Communicatwe Grammar Practice is a book of activities and exercises. It is for
students who have difficulty with English grammar and who make mistakes
when they're speaking or writing. The activities and exercises in this book will
help you to:
-use English more confidently
-speak and write more accurately
-make fewer mistakes
-review English grammar in an entertaining and interesting way
-express your ideas more clearly
-develop the ability to correct your own mistakes,so that you
depend less on being corrected by a teacher
You can't be "taught" to speak and write better English-you have to learn
it. You can only remember what you want to learn, not what I have written in
this book or what your teacher tells you. You are the most important person in
the learning process. If you want to know if something is correct, or if you
don't know the meaning of word, it's up to you to find out-by asking your
teacher, using a dictionary, or asking a classmate.
Many of the exercises are communicative. They may be more open-ended
and less controlled than the grammar exercises or drills you've done before. In
English-as in any language - there is rarely just one correct way of saying
something. Try to experiment with English as you express your ideas and
opinions. Don't be afraid to make mistakes - learn from them!
Pair work and Group work Doing exercises in groups or in pairs
gives everyone in the class a chance to express ideas and share opinions.
While this is happening,your teacher can't hear every mistake you make.This
means that you must pay attention to what your partners are saying,and be
ready to suggest corrections.There'sno need to correct every little error you
notice-only the ones that are relevant to the exercise:in other words,
mistakes that are connected with the theme of the unit.
Communication activities The communication activities at the
back of the book (starting on page 81) give different information to each person
in a pair or group. There is an "information gap" between you: Your purpose is
to find out what your partner knows and to tell your partner what you know.
Related communication activities are on different pages so that you can't see
each other's information. The instructions in each unit tell you which activity
to turn to at the back of the book.
Grammar summaries T, hese show the main points in each unit,
and start on page 66. You can use the summaries for quick reference and review.
I hope you like using Communicative Grammar Practice!


1 Yes/No questions
2 Wh-questions
3 The qast:What happened?
The present perfect:What has happened?
4 The past continuous:What was happening?
The present perfect continuous:What has been happening?
5 Past,present,and future
6 Quantity
7 Articles-I
8 Articles-‖
9 Comparison
10 Requests and obligation
11 Ability
12 Advice and suggestions
13 Doing or to do?-I
14 Doing or to do?-‖
15 Prepositions-I
16 Prepositions-‖
17 The future
18 Possibility and probability
19 Verbs+prepositions
20 Phrasal verbs
21 If...sentences-I
22 If...sentences-‖
23 The passive-I
24 The passive-‖
25 Prepositional phrases-I
26 Prepositional phrases-‖
27 Reported speech:statements
28 Reported speech:questions and requests
29 Relative clauses
30 Joining sentences-I
31 Joining sentences-‖
32 Word order
Grammar Summaries
Communication Activities

