- 中文名:盧年端
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:北京工業大學工程學院
- 學歷:博士
- 職稱:副研究員
- 性別:男
姓 名: 盧年端
性 別: 男
職 稱: 副研究員
學 歷: 博士
通訊地址: 北京市朝陽區北土城西路3號
所屬部門: 微電子器件與集成技術重點實驗室
IEEE Member,
1. Nanduan Lu, Ling Li, Writam Banerjee, and Ming Liu, “Physical model of Seebeck coefficient under surface dipole effect in organic thin-film transistors”
2. Nianduan Lu, Ling Li, and Ming Liu, “Universal carrier thermoelectric-transport model based on percolation theory in organic semiconductors”
3. Nianduan Lu, Pengxiao Sun Ling Li, Yingtao Li, Hong Wang, Hangbing Lv, Qi Liu, Shibing Long, Su Liu, and Ming Liu, “Thermal crosstalk in 3-dimensional RRAM crossbar arrays”
4. Nianduan Lu, Ling Li, Writam Banerjee, Pengxiao Sun, Nan Gao, and Ming Liu, “Charge carrier hopping transport based on Marcus theory and variable-range hopping theory in organic semiconductors”
5. Nianduan Lu, Ling Li, Pengxiao Sun, Ming Wang, Qi Liu, Hangbing Lv, Shibing Long, Writam Banerjee, and Ming Liu, “Carrier-transport-path-induced switching parameter fluctuation in oxide-based resistive switching memory”
6. Nianduan Lu, Ling Li, and Ming Liu, “Polaron effect and energetic disorder dependence of Seebeck coefficient in organic transistors”
7. Nianduan Lu, Ling Li, Pengxiao Sun, Ming Wang, Qi Liu, Hangbing Lv, Shibing Long, and Ming Liu, “A novel method of identifying carrier transport path in metal oxide resistive random access memory”
8. Nianduan Lu, Guangwei Xu, Wei Wang, Ling Li, Nag Gao, Zhuoyu Ji, Ling Li, and Ming Liu, “Univeral description of exciton diffusion length in organic photovoltaic cell”
9. Nianduan Lu, Long Wang, Ling Li, Zhuoyu Ji, Writam Banerjee, and Ming Liu, “Compact model for organic thin-film transistor with Gaussian density of states”
10. Nianduan Lu, Jiebin Niu, Ling Li, and Ming Liu, “Polaron effect dependence of thermopower in organic semiconductors”
11. Nianduan Lu, Ling Li, and Ming Liu, “Short-circuit current model of organic solar cells”
12. Nianduan Lu, Ling Li, Pengxiag Sun, Writam Banerjee, and Ming Liu, “A unified physical model of Seebeck coefficient in amorphous oxide semiconductor thin film transistors”
13. Nianduan Lu, Ling Li, and Ming Liu, “Temperature dependent magnetic properties of Co-P films”
14. Nianduan Lu, Ling Li, Pengxiao sun, and Ming Liu, “Charge carrier relaxation model in disordered organic semiconductors”
15. Nianduan Lu, Donghua yang, and Liangliang Li, “Interfacial reaction between Sn-Ag-Cu solder and Co-P films with various microstructures”
16. Nianduan Lu, J. Cai, L. L. Li. Dependence of interfacial adhesion of Co-P film on its microstructure. Surface & Coatings Technology
17. Nianduan Lu, Y. Q. Li, J. Cai, L. L. Li, Synthesis and Characterization of Ultrasonic-Assisted Electroplated Co–P Films With Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Structures
18. Nianduan Lu, X. Y. Song, J. X. Zhang. Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of Ultrafine Nanocrystalline SmCo3 Compound
19. Nianduan Lu, X. Y. Song, X. M. Liu, J. X. Zhang. Preparation and Magnetic Properties of Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Sm2Co17 alloys
20. Nianduan Lu, X. Y. Song, M. Seyring, M. Rettenmayr, J. X. Zhang. Preparation and Properties Characterization of the Single-phased Sm2Co17 Nanocrystalline Alloy
21. Nianduan Lu, X. Y. Song, J. X. Zhang. Microstructure and Fundamental Properties of Nanostructured Gadolinium (Gd)
22. Nianduan Lu, X. Y. Song, J. X. Zhang, X. M. Liu, G. Z. Zhang. Structure and Properties of Nanocrystalline Rare Earth Bulks Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering
23. Nianduan Lu, X. Y. Song, J. X. Zhang, X. Q. Yan, M. Rettenmayr. Preparation and Characterization of Dysprosium (Dy) Ultrafine Nanocrystalline Structures
24. Keke Zhang, Nianduan Lu#, Ling Li, and Ming Liu, “Resistance-switching mechanism of SiO2:Pt-based Mott memory”, J
25. Lingfei Wang, Wei Wang, Guangwei Xu, Zhuoyu Ji, Nianduan Lu #, Ling Li, and Ming Liu, “Analytical carrier density and quantum capacitance for graphene”, Appl
26. Ling Li, Nianduan Lu, Ming Liu and Heinz B?ssler, “General Einstein relation model in disordered organic semiconductors under quasiequilibrium”, Phys
27. Ling Li, Nianduan Lu, and Ming Liu, “Physical origin of nonlinear transport in organic semiconductor at high carrier densities”
28. Ling Li, Nianduan Lu, and Ming Liu, “Limitation of the concept of transport energy in disordered organic semiconductors”
29. Ling Li, Nianduan Lu, and Ming Liu, “Field Effect Mobility Model in Oxide Semiconductor Thin Film Transistors with Arbitrary Energy Distribution of Traps”
30. Ling Li, Nianduan Lu, and Ming Liu, “Effect of dipole layer on the density-of-states and charge transport in organic thin film transistors”, Appl
31. Ling Li, Nianduan Lu, and Ming Liu, “Influence of mobility on the dissociation probability of electron-hole pair in hopping system”, Appl
32. X. Y. Song, Nianduan Lu, X. M. Liu, Q. M. Lu, L. X. Sun. M. Rettenmayr, F. X. Yin, J. X. Zhang, M. L. Zhou. Preparation and Characterization of Nano Rare Earths
33. X. Y. Song, Nianduan Lu, M. Seyring, M. Rettenmayr, W. W. Xu, Z. X. Zhang, J. X. Zhang. Abnormal Crystal Structure Stability of Nanocrystalline Sm2Co17 Permanent Magnet
34. X. Y. Song, Nianduan Lu, W. W. Xu, Z. X. Zhang, J. X. Zhang. Phase Transformation in Nanocrystalline Sm2Co17 Permanent Magnet. Journal of Applied Crystallography
35. Ling Li, Nan Gao, Nianduan Lu, Ming Liu and Bassler, “Spin diffusion in disordered organic semiconductors”, Phys
36. Lingfei Wang, Ling Li, Nianduan Lu, Zhuoyu Ji, Wei Wang, Zhiwei Zong, Guangwei Xu, and Ming Liu, “An improved cut-off frequency model with a modified small-signal equivalent circuit in grapheme field-effect transistors”
37. Zhiwei Zong, Ling Li, Jin Jang, Nianduan Lu, and Ming Liu, “Analytical surface-potential compact model for amorphous-IGZO thin-film transistors”
38. Pengxiao Sun, Ling Li, Nianduan, Hangbing Lv, Ming Liu, and Su Liu, “Physical model for electroforming process in valence change”, J
39. Pengxiao Sun, Ling Li, Nianduan Lu, Yingtao Li, Ming Wang, Hongwei Xie, Su Liu, and Ming Liu, “Physical model of dynamic Joule heating effect for reset process in conductive-bridge random access memory”, J
40. Wei Wang, Ling Li, Zhuoyu Ji, Tianchun Ye, Nianduan Lu, Zhigang Li, Dongmei Li, and Ming Liu, “Modified Transmission Line Model for Bottom-Contact Organic Transistors”
41. Ming Wang, Chong Bi, Ling Li, Shibing Long, Qi Liu, Hangbing Lv, Nianduan Lu, Pengxiao Sun, and Ming Liu, “Thermoelectric Seebeck effect in oxide-based resistive switching memory”
42. Zhiwei Zong, Ling Li, Jin Jang, Zhigang Li, Nianduan Lu, Liwei Shang, Zhuoyu Ji, and Ming Liu, “A new surface potential-based compact model for a-IGZO TFTs in RFID applications”
43. Lingfei Wang, Songan Peng, Zhiwei Zong, Ling Li, Wei Wang, Guangwei Xu, Nianduan Lu, Zhuoyu Ji, and Ming Liu, “A New Surface Potential Based Physical Compact Model for GFET in RF Applications”
44. Qing Luo, Xiaoxin Xu, Hongtao Liu, Hangbing Lv, Tiancheng Gong, Shibing Long, Qi Liu, Haitao Sun, Writam Banerjee, Ling Li, Jianfeng Gao, Nianduan Lu, Steve S. Chung, Jing Li, and Ming Liu, “Demonstration of 3D Vertical RRAM with Ultra Low-leakage, High-selectivity and Self-compliance Memory Cells”
45. Qing Luo, Xiaoxin Xu, Hongtao Liu, Hangbing Lv, Tiancheng Gong, Shibing Long, Qi Liu, Haitao Sun, Writam Banerjee, Ling Li, Nianduan Lu, Ming Liu, “Cu BEOL Compatible Selector with High Selectivity (>107), Extremely Low Off-current (~pA) and High Endurance (>1010)”
46. Wenwu Xu, Xiaoyan Song, Nianduan Lu, Chuan Huang, “Thermodynamic and experimental study on phase stability in nanocrystalline alloys”
47. Wenwu Xu, Xiaoyan Yan, Nianduan Lu, Martin Seyrng, M. Rettenmayr, “Nanoscale thermodynamic study on phase transformation in the nanocrystalline Sm2Co17 alloy”
48. Zhexu Zhang, Xiaoyan Song, Wenwu Xu, Nianduan Lu, “Phase constitution, evolution and correlation with magnetic performance in nominal SmCo9.8 alloy”
1. 主持國家自然科學基金面上項目,“阻變存儲器三維集成中的器件模型”, 2016年1月至2019年12月
2. 主持國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,基於躍遷理論的阻變存儲器載流子輸運特性的研究”,2014年1月至2016年12月
3. 主持中國工程物理研究院微系統與太赫茲科學技術基金,“HfOx RRAM中材料最佳化設計的第一性原理研究”,2016年1月至2017年12月
4. 參與863項目“高速低功耗的阻變存儲器材料與器件關鍵技術”,2014年1月至2016年12月。
1. 盧年端,孫鵬霄,李泠,劉明,劉琦,龍世兵,呂杭炳, “三維集成阻變存儲器的熱效應評估及降低熱串擾的方法”
2. 盧年端,孫鵬霄,李泠,劉明,劉琦,呂杭炳,龍世兵,“改善三維集成阻變存儲器耐久性的法”
3. 盧年端,李泠,劉明,“測量半導體材料無序度的方法”
4. 盧年端,李泠,劉明,“測量有機半導體狀態密度的方法”
5. 盧年端,李泠,劉明,高南,徐光偉,王偉,“賽貝克係數測量結構、測量結構製備方法及測量方法”
6. 盧年端,李泠,劉明,孫鵬霄,王明,李穎濤,“一種提取金屬氧化物基阻變存儲器載流子輸運通道的方法”
7. 盧年端,李泠,劉明,孫鵬霄,王明,李穎濤,“一種提取阻變存儲器激活能的方法”
8. 盧年端,李泠,劉明,閆小兵,呂杭炳,孫鵬霄,“一種測量阻變存儲器狀態密度的方法”
9. 盧年端,李泠,劉明,孫鵬霄,王明, “一種分析阻變存儲器電流波動性的方法”
10. 盧年端,李泠,劉明,孫鵬霄,劉琦,“一種表征有機半導體器件馳豫現象的方法”
11. 盧年端,李亮亮,蔡堅,李燕秋,“Co-P薄膜的製備方法”
1. Nianduan Lu, Pengxiao Sun, Ling Li, Ming Liu, Yingtao Li, Su Liu, “Simulaiton of thermal crosstalk of resistive switching memory in three-dimensional crossbar structure”
2. Nianduan Lu, Ling Li, Pengxiao Sun, Ming Wang, Qi Liu, Hangbing Lv, Shibing Long, and Ming Liu, “A novel approach to identify the carrier transport path and its correlation to the current variation in RRAM”
3. Nianduan Lu, “Carrier thermoelectric transport in organic semiconductor based on hopping theory”
4. Nianduan Lu, “Physical Model of Thermopower in Organic Thin-film Transistor”, The 6th International Conference on Computer Aided Design for Thin-Film Transistors