白英臣,男,山東人。2007年博士畢業於中科院環境地球化學國家重點實驗室,美國University of Massachusetts博士後。中國環境科學研究院環境基準與風險評估國家重點實驗室研究員。
- 中文名:白英臣
- 出生地:山東
- 畢業院校:中國科學院
- 職業:研究員
白英臣,中國環境科學研究院環境基準與風險評估國家重點實驗室研究員;2007年博士畢業於中科院環境地球化學國家重點實驗室,美國University of Massachusetts博士後。2009年12月通過“高層次留學人才引進計畫”進入中國環科院工作。主要從事納米顆粒環境行為研究;痕量有毒重金屬、醫學藥品和農藥的水環境行為研究;湖庫污染物風險評估預警體系研究;NOM提取設備研發和標準樣品體系構建。累計發表學術論文40餘篇,SCI收錄20篇,授權發明專利12項。
國家自然科學基金青年項目:《天然有機質與PPCPs 相互作用機理研究》,項目主持人;
- Bai Y, Wu F, White J C, et al. 100 Nanometers: A Potentially Inappropriate Threshold for Environmental and Ecological Effects of Nanoparticles[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48(6):3098-3099.
- Bai Y, Wu F, Xing B, et al. Isolation and Characterization of Chinese Standard Fulvic Acid Sub-fractions Separated from Forest Soil by Stepwise Elution with Pyrophosphate Buffer[J].Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:8723.
- Fei, G., Mu, Y., Cheng, C., Liao, H., & Bai, Y*. (2016). Thermal and spectral characterization of anaerobic thermal behavior patterns in a lacustrine sediment core.Environmental Science & Pollution Research International,23(19), 19949-19957.
- Bai Y, Wu F, Lin D, et al. Aqueous stabilization of carbon nanotubes: effects of surface oxidization and solution chemistry.[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21(6):4358-4365.
- Bai Y, Wu F, Liu C, et al. Interaction between carbamazepine and humic substances: A fluorescence spectroscopy study †[J]. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, 2008, 27(1):95–102.
- Bai Y C, Lin D H, Wu F C, et al. Adsorption of Triton X-series surfactants and its role in stabilizing multi-walled carbon nanotube suspensions.[J]. Chemosphere, 2010, 79(4):362-7.
- Bai Y, Wu F, Wan G, et al. Ultraviolet absorbance titration for the determination of conditional stability constants of Hg(II) and dissolved organic matter[J].Acta Geochimica, 2008, 27(1):46-52.
- Wu F, Bai Y, Mu Y, et al. Fluorescence quenching of fulvic acids by fullerene in water[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2013, 172(1):100.
- Bai Y, Wu F, Shi G. Characterization of Chinese Standard Fulvic Acid Fractions Obtained by Sequential Extractions with Pyrophosphate Buffer from Forest Soil[M]// Functions of Natural Organic Matter in Changing Environment. Springer Netherlands, 2013:239-243.
- Mei Y, Bai Y, Wang L. Effect of pH on binding of pyrene to hydrophobic fractions of dissolved organic matter (DOM) isolated from lake water[J]. Acta Geochimica, 2016, 35(3):288-293.