



  • 書名:當代中文:教師手冊4(修訂版)
  • 作者:吳中偉
  • ISBN:9787513808101
  • 頁數:173頁
  • 定價:39元
  • 出版社:華語教學出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年1月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開


Contemporary Chinese a complete adult-level textbook series is tailored to beginners of the Chinese language and is aimed at developing the abilities of listening comprehension speaking reading and writing of the language. This series has been widely used at home and abroad since its initial publication. Based on teachers' impressions of and suggestions for the book over the past decade the following changes have been made to the revised edition: restructured content and teaching procedures for a greater ease of use for both students and teachers; updated and relevant topics; increased exercises and class activities; two new books including Testing Materia/s and Supp/ementary Reading Materia/s. The revised edition embodies a new process-oriented task-based and interactive teaching method.
The series includes:
Textbook (Volumes 1-4)contains words and expressions texts notes language points and cultural notes. Pinyin is offered for each text and the texts from Volumes 1 and 2 have English versions.
Exercise Book (Volumes 1-4)covers listening speaking reading writing and translationexercises and is able to meet the demands of learners at different language levels.
Character Book (Volumes 1-2)focuses on Chinese characters and offers a variety of exercises.
Teacher's Book (Volumes 1-4)elaborates on the purpose of the textbook design its general framework and suggestions for use. It also offers the listening scripts test papers and exercise keys.
Testing Materials (Volumes 1-4)supplies learners with test questions so as to examine their learning outcome at different stages.
Supplementary Reading Materials (Volumes 1-4)offers learners ancillary reading materials based on textbook vocabulary so as to improve their Chinese reading ability and help them to gain a better understanding of Chinese culture.


Unit 1 工作的意義
Unit 2 人的問題
Unit 3 上有老下有小
Unit 4 希望
Unit 5 中獎
Unit 6 雙塔對話
Unit 7 網上網下
Unit 9 丁克一族
Unit 10 簡簡單單
Unit 11 “生”與“死”
Unit 12 入鄉隨俗
附錄 參考教案


