申省梅,女,現任澎思科技(PENSEES)首席科學家、新加坡研究院院長,前松下新加坡研究院副院長。作為計算機視覺與深度學習領域頂級科學家,領導超40人的算法研究團隊,獲得十餘項計算機視覺領域國際頂級競賽冠軍,累計專利300餘項,致力於監控與安全、智慧城市、自動駕駛、智慧型機器人以及AI 工廠自動化解決方案等領域的相關技術的開發部署和落地。
曾聯合新加坡國立大學LV組參加PASCAL VOC(視覺物體分類)連續三年獲獎,在美國國家技術標準局(NIST)主辦的非受限條件下人臉識別競賽IJB-A獲得了人臉驗證 (verification)與人臉辨認(identification)的雙項冠軍,在微軟百萬名人識別競賽MS-Cele-1M人臉挑戰賽獲雙項冠軍。
- 中文名:申省梅
- 外文名:Ms.Shen Sheng Mei
- 職業:澎思科技首席科學家、新加坡研究院院長
- 畢業院校:西安電子科技大學
- 主要成就:NIST人臉識別競賽IJB-A雙項冠軍
- 2018年12月,獲NIPS的自動駕駛比賽AI-DO(AI Driverless Car Olympic)大賽冠軍。
- 2018年10月,在機器人學術會議IROS上獲得“移動操作機器人競賽”冠軍。
- 2018年7月,獲得CVPR智慧城市挑戰賽“無監督交通異常檢測”任務冠軍。
- 2017年3月和2018年2月,參加美國國家技術標準局(NIST)主辦的非受限條件下人臉識別競賽IJB-A,獲得了人臉驗證 (verification)與人臉辨認(identification)的雙項冠軍。
- 2017年7月,獲得微軟百萬名人識別競賽MS-Cele-1M人臉挑戰賽第一名。
- 2010-2012年,與新加坡國立大學顏水成教授聯攜,三年連續贏得了PASCAL VOC競賽大獎(ImageNet的前身)。
·Scale-Aware Fast R-CNN for Pedestrian Detection.IEEE Trans. Multimedia 20(4): 985-996 (2018)
·Dual-Mode Vehicle Motion Pattern Learning for High Performance Road Traffic Anomaly Detection. CVPR Workshops 2018: 145-152
·Towards Pose Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild. CVPR 2018: 2207-2216
·ThinNet: An Efficient Convolutional Neural Network for Object Detection. ICPR 2018: 836-841
·3D-Aided Deep Pose-Invariant Face Recognition. IJCAI 2018: 1184-1190
·Person re-identification with fusion of hand-crafted and deep pose-based body region features. CoRR abs/1803.10630 (2018)
·Look Across Elapse: Disentangled Representation Learning and Photorealistic Cross-Age Face Synthesis for Age-Invariant Face Recognition. CoRR abs/1809.00338 (2018)
·Detecting The Objects on The Road Using Modular Lightweight Network. CoRR abs/1811.06641 (2018)
·Intention-Net: Integrating Planning and Deep Learning for Goal-Directed Autonomous Navigation. CoRL 2017: 185-194
·High Performance Large Scale Face Recognition with Multi-cognition Softmax and Feature Retrieval. ICCV Workshops 2017: 1898-1906
·Know You at One Glance: A Compact Vector Representation for Low-Shot Learning. ICCV Workshops 2017: 1924-1932
·Audio-visual emotion recognition using deep transfer learning and multiple temporal models. ICMI 2017: 577-582
·Dual-Agent GANs for Photorealistic and Identity Preserving Profile Face Synthesis. NIPS 2017: 65-75
·Driver Head Analysis Based on Deeply Supervised Transfer Metric Learning with Virtual Data. PCM (2) 2017: 286-295
·A Good Practice Towards Top Performance of Face Recognition: Transferred Deep Feature Fusion. CoRR abs/1704.00438 (2017)
·Intention-Net: Integrating Planning and Deep Learning for Goal-Directed Autonomous Navigation. CoRR abs/1710.05627 (2017)
·Optimal depth recovery using image guided TGV with depth confidence for high-quality view synthesis. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 39: 24-39 (2016)
·Robust Face Recognition with Deep Multi-View Representation Learning. ACM Multimedia 2016: 1068-1072
·Scale-aware Fast R-CNN for Pedestrian Detection. CoRR abs/1510.08160 (2015)
·Combining high resolution color and depth images for dense 3D reconstruction. ICCE-Berlin 2014: 331-334
·Novel edge preserve and depth image recovery method in RGB-D camera systems. ICCE-Berlin 2014: 346-349
·Directional adaptive hole filling for new view synthesis. ICCE 2012: 610-611
·CFA-based motion blur removal using long/short exposure pairs. IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics 56(2): 332-338 (2010)