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申 峰 北京工業大學機電學院,副教授;學科:流體力學. 2004.9-2009.7畢業於中國科學院力學研究所,流體力學專業,獲博士學位。同年7月於北京工業大學機電學院工程力學部工作。承擔本科生“流體力學”課程,研究生“流體力學”、“實驗流體力學”、“計算流體力學”課程。中國力學學會會員。

2015.6-2016.5 美國南卡羅來納州大學(USC)訪問學者

2012.3-2012.6 美國德克薩斯州大學(UTEP)訪問學者

2004.9-2009.7 中國科學院力學研究所,碩博連讀


  • 中文名:申峰
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:山東
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院力學研究所
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:流體力學專業
  • 職稱:副教授




(1) PIV與Micro-PIV流場測速實驗
(2) 微流控技術、微粒子/細胞分選操控
(3) 工具機油腔流動特性、油膜潤滑特性
(4) 微流動(Microfluidics)、微凹槽渦胞流動
(5) 微流控晶片(Lab-On-a-Chip)
(6) 微重力液滴及動態接觸角研究
[1]. Feng Shen, Mingzhu Ai, Zonghe Li, Xinran Lu, Yan Pang, Zhaomiao Liu. Pressure measurement methods in microchannels: advances and applications. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2021, 25:39, SCI
[2]. Feng Shen, Zonghe Li, Sen Xue, Mengqi Li, Zhaomiao Liu. Particle recirculating orbits within microvortices using microfluidics. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2021, 54: 025401, SCI
[3]. Feng Shen, Chengjin Yan, Mengqi Li, Zhaomiao Liu. Experimental study of transient behaviors of start-up flow in long microcavities. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 219: 115591, SCI
[4]. Feng Shen, Mingzhu Ai, Jianfeng Ma, Zonghe Li, Sen Xue. An easy method for pressure measurement in microchannels using trapped air compression in a one-end-sealed capillary. Micromachines, 2020, 11: 914, SCI
[5]. Feng Shen, Sen Xue, Min Xu, Yan Pang, Zhaomiao Liu. Experimental study of single-particle trapping mechanisms into microcavities using microfluidics. Phys. Fluids, 2019, 31: 042002, SCI
[6]. Feng Shen, Chengjin Yan, Shengwei Zhao, Jiafeng Xiao. Vortices evolution in round pockets of modern machine tools. Lubrication Science. 2019, 31: 299–310, SCI
[7]. Feng Shen,Sen Xue, Bin Zhou, Min Xu, Peng Xiao, Zhaomiao Liu. Evolution of single-particle recirculating orbits within a hydrodynamic microvortex. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2018, 28: 085018, SCI.
[8]. Feng Shen, Min Xu, Bin Zhou, Zhaomiao Liu. Effects of geometry factors on microvortices evolution in confined square microcavities. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2018, 22: 36, SCI.
[9]. Feng Shen, Min Xu, Zheng Wang, Zhaomiao Liu. Single-particle trapping, orbiting, and rotating in a microcavity using microfluidics. Applied Physics Express, 2017, 10(9): 097301. SCI.
[10]. Feng Shen, Yi Li, Zhaomiao Liu, XiuJun Li. Study of flow behaviors of droplet merging and splitting in microchannels using Micro-PIV measurement. Microfluid Nanofluid, 2017, 21: 66. SCI.
[11]. Feng Shen, Li Yi, Zhao-Miao Liu. Mechanisms of rectangular groove-induced multiple microdroplets coalescences. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2017, 33(3): 585-594, SCI.
[12]. Feng Shen, Li Yi, Zhao-Miao Liu. Advances in micro-droplets coalescence using microfluidics. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 43(12):1942-1954, SCI.
[13]. Feng Shen, Peng Xiao, Zhaomiao Liu. Microparticle image velocimetry (μPIV) study of microcavity flow at low Reynolds number. Microfluid Nanofluid, 2015, 19(2): 403-417, SCI.
[14]. Feng Shen, Xiujun Li, Paul C. H. Li. Study of flow behaviors on single-cell manipulation and shear stress reduction in microfluidic chips using CFD simulations. Biomicrofluidics 2014, 8(1): 014109, SCI. Best cited paper.
[15]. Feng Shen, Cong-lian Chen, Zhao-miao Liu. Vortices evolution in confined laminar radial flow between parallel discs. Chemical Engineering Science 2014, 116: 834-842, SCI.
[16]. Feng Shen, Cong-lian Chen, Zhao-miao Liu. Effect of pocket geometry on the performance of a circular thrust pad hydrostatic bearing in machine tools. Tribology Transactions 2014, 57: 700-714, SCI.
[17]. Feng Shen, Cong-lian Chen, Zhao-miao Liu. Numerical and experimental study of the flow field structure evolution in the circular recess of oil cavity. Mathematical Problems in Engineering2014, 917975,SCI.
[18]. Feng Shen, Cong-lian Chen, Zhao-miao Liu. Three-dimensional pressure and shear driven flow in a circular recess of a hydrostatic rotary table, Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 2014, 228(6) 989-1004, SCI.
[19]. 申峰, 閆成金, 李夢麒, 姬德茹, 劉趙淼.微凹槽內液滴流場特性的micro-PIV實驗研究. 實驗流體力學, 2020, 34(02): 67-72.
[20]. 王翔, 逄燕, 申峰, 劉趙淼. 微通道中液滴和粒子的運動特性研究. 實驗流體力學, 2020, 34(02): 25-38.
[21]. 申峰,劉趙淼. “顯微粒子圖像測速技術——微流場可視化測速技術及套用綜述”, 機械工程學報, 2012, 04期, pp 155-168, EI
[22]. 申峰,陳從連,劉趙淼. “圓形Rayleigh台階腔體流動特性的數值模擬”.中國礦業大學學報, 2011, 05期, pp 781-786+803, EI
[23]. 申峰,劉趙淼. “封油邊形狀對流場結構及承載力的影響”, 北京工業大學學報, 2012, 08期, pp 1130-1135
[24]. 申峰,陳從連,劉趙淼. “圓形靜壓油腔流場特性的PIV實驗與數值模擬研究”. 工程力學,2014(錄用)
[25]. 申峰,陳從連,劉趙淼. “一種油腔觀測裝置”. 專利,2013.
[26]. 劉趙淼,逄燕,申峰. 幾何尺寸對矩形微通道液體流動和傳熱性能的影響[J]. 機械工程學報,2012,16:139-145,
[27]. 劉趙淼,王國斌,申峰. 基於Navier滑移的油膜縫隙微流動特性數值分析[J]. 機械工程學報,2011,21:104-110
[28]. 李錦輝,申峰,劉趙淼,陳從連. 軸對稱徑向發散層流動的PIV實驗研究[A]. 中國力學學會流體力學專業委員會.第七屆全國流體力學學術會議論文摘要集[C].中國力學學會流體力學專業委員會: 2012:1.
[29]. 申峰, 肖鵬, 李易, 劉趙淼. 一種利用PDMS薄膜的形變直接測量微通道內壓力裝置, 北京, ZL201410823125.4.
[30]. 申峰, 肖鵬, 李易, 劉趙淼. 一種基於毛細管的微通道快速測壓裝置, 北京, ZL201410818631.4.
[31]. 申峰, 李易, 劉趙淼. 一種觀測微流控晶片的共聚焦光路便攜裝置, 北京, ZL201410713787.6.
[32]. 申峰, 王錚, 劉趙淼. 微通道凹槽內粒子運動視頻處理軟體2017SR035452
[33]. 申峰, 陳從連, 劉趙淼. 油腔流場觀測裝置, ZL201310215739.X


