田闊,男,1989年10月生,博士,大連理工大學工程力學系 副教授。
- 中文名:田闊
- 出生日期:1989年10月
- 畢業院校:大連理工大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:面向航空航天薄壁板殼結構的等效分析、模型降階
- 任職院校:大連理工大學工程力學系
- 熱振環境下異形曲面加筋殼降階分析及多樣性最佳化方法。國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,2020.1-2022.12
- 熱振環境下異形曲面加筋殼布局最佳化設計方法研究。中國博士後科學基金面上項目,2019.5-2020.12
- ZL太空飛行器結構最佳化設計。航天五院載人航天總體部橫向項目,2018.11-2018.12
- 氣囊緩衝板拓撲最佳化分析。北京空間飛行器總體設計部,2019.12-2020.12
- 異形曲殼智慧型降維重構方法研究及模板開發。大連理工大學人工智慧研究院開放課題,2020.6-2022.6
- 計及缺陷敏感性的格線加筋筒殼結構輕量化設計理論與方法。科技部973計畫青年科學家專題,2014.01-2018.12。
- 多級格線加筋殼的低缺陷敏感性能研究與最佳化設計。國家自然科學基金面上項目,2014.01-2017.12。
- 金屬艙體拓撲最佳化設計。航天一院十所橫向項目,2014.07-2014.12。
- Tian K, Wang B, Zhou Y, et al. Proper-orthogonal-decomposition-based buckling analysis and optimization of hybrid fiber composite shells. AIAA Journal, 2018, 56(5): 1723-1730.
- Tian K, Wang B, Zhang K, et al. Tailoring the optimal load-carrying efficiency of hierarchical stiffened shells by competitive sampling. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 133: 216-225.
- Tian K, Wang B, Hao P, et al. A high-fidelity approximate model for determining lower-bound buckling loads for stiffened shells. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018, 148: 14-23.
- Tian K, Jiaxin Zhang, Xiangtao Ma, et al.Buckling surrogate-based optimization framework for hierarchical stiffened composite shells by enhanced variance reduction method. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,2019,Accepted.
- Tian K, Li ZC, Ma XT, et al. Toward the robust establishment of variable-fidelity surrogate models for hierarchical stiffened shells by two-step adaptive updating approach. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019, accepted.
- Tian K, Ma XT, Li ZC, et al. A multi-fidelity competitive sampling method for surrogate-based stacking sequence optimization of composite shells with multiple cutouts. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020, accepted.
- Tian K, Li ZC, Huang L, et al. Enhanced variable-fidelity surrogate-based optimization framework by Gaussian process regression and fuzzy clustering, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020, accepted.
- Ma XT, Tian K(通訊), Li HQ, et al. Concurrent multi-scale optimization of hybrid composite plates and shells for vibration. Composite Structures, 2019, accepted.
- Ma XT, Tian K(通訊), Li HQ, et al. Diverse discrete optimization for multi-patch laminates under vibration environment. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2020, accepted.
- Wang B, Zhou Y, Tian K(通訊), Wang GM.Novel implementation of extrusion constraint in topology optimization by Helmholtz-type anisotropic filter. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2020, accepted.
- Zhou Y, Tian K, Xu SL, Wang B. Two-scale buckling topology optimization for grid-stiffened cylindrical shells. Thin-walled Structures, 2020, accepted.
- Li YW, Tian K, Hao P, et al. Finite element model updating for repeated eigenvalue structures via the reduced-order model using incomplete measured modes. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020, accepted.
- Wang B, Tian K, Hao P, Cai YW, Li YW, Sun Y. Hybrid analysis and optimization of hierarchical stiffened plates based on asymptotic homogenization method. Composite Structures, 132: 136-147, 2015.
- Wang B, Tian K, Hao P, Zheng YB, Ma YL, Wang JB. Numerical-based smeared stiffener method for global buckling analysis of grid-stiffened composite cylindrical shells. Composite Structures, 152: 807-815, 2016.
- Wang B, Tian K, Zhou CH, Hao P, Zheng YB, Ma YL, Wang JB. Grid-pattern optimization framework of novel hierarchical stiffened shells allowing for imperfection sensitivity. Aerospace Science and Technology, 62: 114-121, 2017.
- Wang B, Tian K, Zhao HX, Hao P, Zhu TY, Zhang K, Ma YL. Multilevel optimization framework for hierarchical stiffened shells accelerated by adaptive equivalent strategy. Applied Composite Materials, 24(3): 575-592, 2017.
- Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Du KF, Niu F. Efficient optimization of cylindrical stiffened shells with reinforced cutouts by curvilinear stiffeners. AIAA Journal, 54(4): 1350-1363, 2016.
- Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Du KF, Zhang X. Influence of imperfection distributions for cylindrical stiffened shells with weld lands. Thin-Walled Structures, 93: 177-187, 2015.
- Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Zhang X. Optimization of curvilinearly stiffened panels with single cutout concerning the collapse load. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 16(7), 1550036 (21 pages), 2016.
- Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Du KF, Luan Y. Integrated optimization of hybrid-stiffness stiffened shells based on sub-panel elements. Thin-Walled Structures, 103: 171-182, 2016.
- Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Liu HL, Wang YT, Niu F, Zeng DJ. Simultaneous buckling design of stiffened shells with multiple cutouts. Engineering Optimization, 49(7): 1116-1132, 2017.
- Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Sun Y, Zhou CX. Fast procedure for non-uniform optimum design of stiffened shells under buckling constraint. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 55(4): 1503-1516, 2017.
- Zhou CH, Jiang L, Tian K, et al. Origami crash boxes subjected to dynamic oblique loading. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2017, 84(9): 091006.
- 王博, 田闊, 郝鵬, 等. 多級加筋板結構承載性能與缺陷敏感度研究. 固體火箭技術, 2014, 37(3): 408-412.
- 王博, 田闊, 鄭岩冰, 等. 超大直徑格線加筋筒殼快速屈曲分析方法. 航空學報, 2017, 38(2): 178-186.
- 李增聰, 田闊(通訊), 趙海心. 面向多級加筋殼的高效變保真度代理模型. 航空學報, 2019, 已錄用.
- 王博,田闊,郝鵬,等. 一種梯度分散式加筋補強筒殼結構. 國家發明專利. 授權日期:2019.01.01.
- 郝鵬,黃誠,王博,田闊,等. 一種軸壓加筋柱殼的開口補強方法. 國家發明專利. 授權日期:2017.07.11.
- 王博,郝鵬,李剛,田闊,等. 一種軸壓筒殼結構承載力折減因子確定方法. 國家發明專利. 授權日期:2015.10.28.
- 郝鵬,王博,田闊,等. 軸方向圧力補強リブ円筒殼における開口補強方法. 日本發明專利. 授權日期:2017.11.02.
- 王博,郝鵬,李剛,田闊,等. Method for determining reduction factor of bearing capacity of axial load cylindrical shell structure. 美國發明專利. 授權日期:2017.05.09.
- 王博,郝鵬,李剛,田闊,等. Method for determining reduction factor of bearing capacity of axial load cylindrical shell structure. 歐盟發明專利. 授權日期:2018.08.27.
- 王博,田闊,趙海心,等,格線加筋筒殼快速屈曲分析和最佳化軟體. 公開日期:2015.10.10.
- 田闊,李增聰,杜凱繁,王博,一種基於兩步自適應加點策略的變保真度代理模型建立方法,申請日期:2019.12. 02
- 田闊,馬翔濤,王博,郭傑,郝鵬,周演,一種面向混雜纖維複合材料板殼結構的快速協同最佳化方法,申請日期:2019.04. 17
- 王博,田闊,周演,李增聰,一種基於各向異性過濾技術的異形曲面加筋拓撲最佳化方法,申請日期:2019.11. 27
- 田闊,王博,李紅慶,黃蕾,李增聰,一種基於格線變形技術的異形曲面加筋殼建模方法,申請日期:2019.12.11
- 王博,畢祥軍,杜凱繁,田闊,宋志博,趙海鑫,明士朝,一種基於電測技術的應變場實時重構方法,申請日期:2019.05.05
- Composite Structures
- Composites Part B: Engineering
- JournalofPressureVesselTechnology-Transactionsofthe ASME
- Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites
- Thin-walled Structures
- Aerospace Science and Technology
- Measurement
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
- Engineering Optimization
- Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization