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據Web of Science,截至2022年8月19日,H-index為26,總被引次數為1951。(Web of Science ResearcherID:EAP-2269-2022)
Web of Science網站,田無邊副教授個人信息
1. D. D. Wang, W. B. Tian, J. X. Ding, A. B. Ma, Y. F. Zhu, P. G. Zhang, W. He, Z. M. Sun*, Anisotropic arc erosion resistance of Ag/Ti3AlC2 composites induced by the alignment of Ti3AlC2, Corros. Sci., 171 (2020) 108633.
2. D. D. Wang; W. B. Tian; A. B. Ma; J. X. Ding; C. S. Wang; Y. Y. You; P. G. Zhang; J. Chen; Y. M. Zhang; Z. M. Sun*, Anisotropic properties of Ag/Ti3AlC2 electrical contact materials prepared by equal channel angular pressing, J. Alloys. Compd., 784 (2019) 431~438.
3. J. X. Ding, W. B. Tian, D. D. Wang, P. G. Zhang, J. Chen, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*. Corrosion and degradation mechanism of Ag/Ti3AlC2 composites under dynamic electric arc discharge, Corros. Sci., 156 (2019) 147-160.
4. J. X. Ding, W. B. Tian, P. Zhang; M. Zhang; Y. M. Zhang; Z. M. Sun*, Arc erosion behavior of Ag/Ti3AlC2 electrical contact materials, J. Alloys. Compd., 740 (2018) 669~676.
5. W. B. Tian, H. Kita*, H. Hyuga, N. Kondo. Joining of silicon carbide by aluminum infiltrated titanium carbide tape: Effect of joining parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 32 (2012) 149-156.
6. W. B. Tian, H. Kita*, H. Hyuga, N. Kondo, T. Nagaoka. Reaction joining of SiC ceramics using TiB2-based composites, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 30 (2010) 3203-3208.
7. W. B. Tian, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Y. L. Du. Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Ti3SiC2-TiC composites, J. Alloys. Compd., 502 (2010) 49-53.
8. W. B. Tian, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Y. L. Du. Synthesis, microstructure and properties of (Cr1-xVx)2AlC solid solutions, J. Alloys. Compd., 484(1-2) (2009) 130-133.
9. W. B. Tian, Y. M. Kan, G. J. Zhang, P. L. Wang*. Effect of carbon nanotubes on the properties of ZrB2-SiC ceramics, Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 487(1-2) (2008) 568-573.
10. W. B. Tian, P. L. Wang*, G. J. Zhang, Y. M. Kan, Y.X. Li and D. S. Yan. Mechanical properties of Cr2AlC ceramics. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 90(5) (2007) 1663-1666.
11. W. B. Tian, P. L. Wang*, G. J. Zhang, Y. M. Kan, Y. X. Li and D. S. Yan. Synthesis and thermal and electrical properties of bulk Cr2AlC. Scripta Mater., 54(5) (2006) 841-846.