田汝康的研究領域涉及海外華人的社會經濟結構、中世紀中國航運史及中國雲南省的宗教。發表《婆羅洲客家公司》、《中國與胡椒貿易》等論文40餘篇,著有《中國帆船貿易的興起與衰落》、《The Chinese of Sarawak : a study of social structure》(砂拉越華人社會結構研究)、《中國帆船貿易和對外關係史論集》及《十七至十九世紀中葉中國帆船在東南亞洲》等著作多部。
Report on a survey of overcrowding in Kuching
Sarawak : [s.n.],1949
The Chinese of Sarawak : a study of social structure
London : LondonSchool of Economics and Political Science, Dept. of Anthropology, 1953
The early history of the Chinese in Sarawak/by Tien Ju-Kang and Barbara E. Ward
London : [s.n.],1956
Moslem rebellion in China, a Yunnan controversy
Canberra : AustralianNationalUniversity, 1981
Religious cults of the Pai-i along the Burma-Yunnan border
Ithaca, N.Y. : Southeast Asian Program, CornellUniversity, 1986
Male anxiety and female chastity : a comparative study of Chinese ethical values in Ming-Cjing times
Leiden : Brill, 1988
Peaks of faith : Protestant mission in revolutionary China
Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1993
The Chinese of Sarawak : a study of social structure/by Ju-Kang Tien ; with an introduction by Daniel Chew
Kuching, Sarawak : Research & Resource Centre Committee, 1997