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  • 中文名:田永濤
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:凝聚態物理
  • 任職院校:鄭州大學


(1)2005.07-至今 鄭州大學物理工程學院
(1)2000.09-2005.06中國科學院固體物理研究所 博士
(2)1994.09-1998.07河南師範大學物理系 學士




長期以來從事低維結構合、光電性能,感測等方面的研究。研究領域主要包括半導體低維結構的合成、器件原形的構建及光電性能、感測、光催化性能的研究。近年,先後在Appl. Phys. Lett.、Nanotechnology等國際或主流刊物上發表SCI學術論文近20篇,並被國內外同行多次引用,申請國家發明專利2項。主持國家自然科學基金一項和河南省教育廳自然科學基金兩項;鄭州大學青年骨幹教師。
(3)多孔矽與聚乙烯咔唑複合納米體系的光電特性研究(No. 2007140018)教育廳自然科學基金,主持。
1. Qi Ji, Yingchang Jiang, Zhongping Zhang, Yongtao Tian, Zhenyang Wang, Shape Control of VO2 (B) Hierarchical Nanostructures, Z. Anorg.Allg. Chem., 640, (2014), 1965–1970
2.Zhen-Gang Hu , Yong-Tao Tian, Xin-Jian Li, Investigations on optoelectronic transition mechanisms of silicon nanoporous pillar array by using surface photovoltage spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy J. Appl. Phys., 115(12), (2014), 123512 - 123512-7.
3. Wenchuang Wang, Yongtao Tian, Xinchang Wang, Hao He, Yurui Xu, Chuan He, Xinjian Li Ethanol sensing properties of porous ZnO spheres via hydrothermal route, Journal of Materials Science 48, 8 (2013), 3232-3238
4.Zhen-Gang Hu, Yong-Tao Tian, Xin-Jian Li, The Surface Photovoltage Mechanism of a Silicon Nanoporous Pillar Array, Chin. Phys. Lett., 30, (2013), 87801-87804(4).
5.Zhen-Gang Hu , Yong-Tao Tian, Xin-Jian Li, The Surface Photovoltaic and Photoluminescent Evolution of a Silicon Nanoporous Pillar Array for Different Etching Times, Chin. Phys. Lett., 30(6), (2013), 67803-67806(4)
6.Wenchuang Wang, Yongtao Tian∗, Xinjian Li, Xinchang Wang, Hao He, Yurui Xu, Chuan He Enhanced ethanol sensing properties of Zn-doped SnO2 porous hollow microspheres Applied Surface Science 261 (2012) 890– 895
7.Xiaoyang Hu,Huihua Zhou,Yingjiu Zhang,Pingxin Song,Yongtao Tian, Xinjian Li, Jing Zhu, Fabrication of the carbon nanotubes with small pits or embedded by nanoparticles via template-assisted method, Journal of Crystal Growthm 2011, 333(1), 48-53.
8.X. Wang, Y. Wang, J. Jia, Y. Tian, L. Zhang, Synthesis and characterization of dandelion-like ZnO nanostructures, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 2011, 13(3), 227 – 230.
9.Yinghua Wang, Xingchang Wang, Aihua wang, Binglin zhang, Yongtiao Tian and Ning Yao, Synthesis and Optical Properties of the Multilayer Starlike ZnO Nanostructures, International Journal of Modern Physics B 2011 25(8) 1143–1148.
10. Lin Dong, Ying Ma, Yuwei Wang, Yongtao Tian, Guotian Ye, Xiaolin Jia, Guoxi Cao, Preparation and characterization of nitrogen-doped titania nanotubes, Mater. Lett., 2009, 631598-1600.
11. Fei Feng, Gang Zhi, Heshun Jia, Liang Cheng, Yong Tao Tian, Xinjian Li, SERS detection of low-concentration adenine by a patterned silver structure immersion plated on a silicon nanoporous pillar array, Nanotechnology, 2009,20(29), 295501 .
12. Yinghua Wang,Xinchang Wang,Guangming Li,Binglin Zhang,Yongtao Tian, Ning Yao, Influence of Oxygen Partial Pressure on Morphology and Optical Properties of ZnO Nanostructures,J.Synth.Cryst. (Chinese), 2009, 28(1), 184-189.
13. Ping-Lin Li, Yong-Yong Wang, Yong-Tao Tian, Jing Wang, Xiao-Li Niu, Jun-Xi Wang, Xiao-Xia Wang, Superconductivity without dependence on valence electron density in Zn doped YBCO systems, 2008,17, 3484-3489
14. Wang Xinchang, Tian Yongtao, Cao Liangliang, Zhizhen Ye, Growth of highly oriented LiTaO3 thin film on Si with amorphous SiO2 buffer layer by pulsed laser deposition, Mater. Lett., 2007, 61( 4-5), 1052-1055.
15. Shunfang Li, HaishengLi, Jing Liu, Xinlian Xue, Yongtao Tian, Hao He, Yu Jia, Structural and electronic properties of Ru-n clusters (n=2-14) studied by first-principles calculations, Phys. Rev. B, 2007,76,0454101-3.
16. Y. T. Tian, G. M. Meng, G. Z. Wang, F. Phillipp, S. H. Sun and L. D. Zhang,Step-shaped bismuth nanowires with metal–semiconductor junction characteristics, Nanotechnology, 2006, 17, 1041–1045.
17. Xiaohong An, Guowen Meng, Mingang Zhang, Yongtao Tian, Shuhui Sun, Lide Zhang, Synthesis and optical absorption property of ordered macroporous titania film doped with Ag nanoparticles, Mater. Lett., 2006, 60,2586-2589.
18. Y. T. Tian, G. W. Meng , T. Gao S. H. Sun, T. Xie, X. S. Peng, C. H. Ye, L. D. Zhang,Alumina nanowire arrays standing on a porous anodic alumina membraneNanotechnology, 2004, 15, 189-191.
19. Y. T. Tian, G. W.Meng, S. K.Biswas, P. M. Ajayan, S. H. Sun and L. D. Zhang,Y-branched Bi nanowires with metal–semiconductor junction behavior, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2004, 85, 967-969.
20. X. S. Peng, L. D. Zhang, G. W. Meng, Y. T. Tian, Y. Lin.Micro-Raman and Infrared properties of Tin Oxide Nanobelts Synthesized from Tin Metal and SiO2 Powders, J. Appl. Phys. 2003, 93 (4), 1760-1763.
21. X. S. Peng, L D Zhang, G W Meng, X Y Yuan, Y Lin, Y T Tian,Synthesis of Zn nanofibres through simple thermal vapour-phase deposition, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2003, 36 (6), L35-L38.
22. S. H. Sun, G. W. Meng, Y. W. Wang, T. Gao, M.G. Zhang, Y. T. Tian, X.S. Peng, L. D. Zhang.Large-scale synthesis of SnO nanobelt,.Appl. Phys. A 2003, 76, 287–289.
23. S. H. Sun,G. W. Meng,T. Gao, M. G. Zhang,Y. T. Tian,X. S. Peng,Y. X. Jin,L. D. Zhang.Micrometer-sized Si-Sn-O novel structures with SiO NWs on their surfaces, Appl. Phys. A 2003, 76, 999-1002.
24. S.H. Sun, G. W. Meng, M. G. Zhang, Y. T. Tian, T. Xie, L. D. Zhang. Preparation and characterization of oriented silica nanowires,Solid State Commun. 2003, 128, 287-290.
25. T. Gao, G. W. Meng, Y. T. Tian, X. Liu, S. H. Sun and L. D. Zhang,Photoluminsecence of ZnO nanoparticles loaded in porous anodic alumina hosts, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter., 2002,14, 12651-12656.
(1)程亮,田永濤,趙曉峰,賈天世,徐玉睿,王文闖,李新建, 一種硫化鎳納米線陣列的製備方法,申請號:200910227364.2, 中國, 2009/12/8.
(2) 張臘花,賈天世,王曉霞,田永濤,徐玉睿,王文闖,趙曉峰,王傑,黃惜惜,李新建, 三維花狀ZnO/ZnS複合結構的控制合成方法, 申請號:CN201110447195.0,中國, 2011/12/28


