編號 AMS-91-07
拉丁菌名 Dipariforma spartinacae H.L.Zhou, Y.G.Zhou et C.S.Xiao nov. sp.
中文菌名 產琥珀酸梭菌
定名人 譚蓓英 王大耜
Nomencla Zhou Huiling, Zhou Yuguang, and Xiao Changsong
發表文章 一個嗜熱分解纖維素的梭菌新種的分離和鑑定
Article A New Gwnus of Budding and Appendaged Bacteria
作者 譚蓓英 王大耜
Author Zhou Huiling, Zhou Yuguang, and Xiao Changsong
作者單位 中國科學院微生物研究所細菌分類室, 北京 100080
本文描述了一個嚴格 厭氧, 形成芽孢, 嗜熱, 分解纖維素, 糖和蛋白質的梭菌 新種. 這個種的兩株菌 (H11, H12) 是從奶牛場的青貯飼 料(山草)中分離出來的. 在PYC液體培養基中細胞桿狀 , 0.3-0.6 X 1.5-5.5 micrometer, 單生或成對, 很少成 鏈. 革蘭氏陰性, 能運動, 有周年鞭毛. 芽孢卵至球形, 深層菌呈雙凸鏡狀,濕潤, 淺黃色, 直徑1-2mm, 邊緣完 整. 生長的量適條件是 50-53'C 和 pH7.5. 所需要的生 長因子是生物素, 維生素B4, B12和對氨基苯甲酸. 發酵 纖維素或纖維二糖產生琥珀酸,乙酸, 乙醇, 氫和二氧化 碳. DNA的 G+C 含量是 38.8 mol%. 參考這個種在非揮發 酸中的主要產物是琥珀酸的特性, 將它定名為產琥珀酸梭 菌 (Clostridium succinogenum Tan & Wang sp. nov.) .
Abstract A Strain of oxidative Gram negative bacteria, No.4088, was isolated from the root of Sparina anglica grown at the beach of Rudong County, Jiangsu Province.The cells of the strain No.4088 are rod or ovoid shaped, 0.8-1.0 by 1.1-1.5 micrometer, with capsule, non-motile. The grenules of poly-B-hydroxybutyrate andyellow pigment of B-carotin type are produced. Strain No.4088 multiplies with two forms of budding.The one is buds formed primarily by swelling of the prosthecae (hyphae). The other is with yeast-like form; about 20% buds sprout from mother cells directly.These two types of budding may appear on the same cell Strain No.4088 is an organism with respiratory metabolism, never fermentative, aerobic, microaerophilicunder combined nitrogen-free codition. Chemoorganotrophilic, no acid is produced from sugars and alcohols. Glucose, xylose, maltose, acetate, citrate,succinate, malate, a-ketoglutarate, malonate, arginine and casein are utilized as the sole carbon and energy sources. Methanol, formate, propinate, butyrate,iso-butyrate, valerate, iso-valerate, caprate, fumarate, huppurate, aminoacetate, proline, 2,3-butylene glycol, or betaine is no utilized. Oxidase and catalaseare positive. MR and VP are negative. Hydrogen sulfide is not produced. Nitrate is reduced. Litmus milk becomes alkaline. Esculin, starch or gelatinis not hydrolized. Lysine decarboxylase and arginine decarboxylase are positive and ornithine decarboxylase, DNase, and lipase, urease, arginedihydrolase, phenylalanine deaminase are negative. Free nitrogen can be fixed. Lron and manganese can be deposited. Growth occurs in medium containingNaCl not more than 1.5%. Growth temperature: 20-35'C, 30'C is optimum. Growth pH 6.0-9.0, optimum is ph7.5. Guanine and cytidine contents in DNA is 70.1-70.2 mol%.
Budding and appendaged bacteria multiply with three types: binnary,fission, budding at tips of prostecae (hyphae) or budding from the mother cell directly.But no genus posseses both tips of multiplication as strain No.4088, which buds as at tips of posthecae and from mother cell directly.
Pedomicrobium buds at the tips or laterally at the posthecae. Daughter cell are flagellated.
Hyphomonas buds are produced at tips of polar prosthecae (hyphae). Prosthecae are nonseparate and arrely branch under normal growth conditions.Motile by means of a single polar or lateral flagellum located on developing buds or young daughter cell. Amino acids are required.
Hyphomicrobium daughter cell formation by a buuding process at one prothecae, mature buds become motile as swarmers. Poly-B-hydrobutyrateis stored by most cells usually at a district cell pole. The prothecae are not separate.
We propose a new genus name: Dipareforma gen. nov., and a new species Dipareforma spartinacae sp. nov., for bacterium No.4088. The culture isdeposited in Type Culture Collection, Institute of Microbiology, Academia Sinica, with a catalogue number AS 1.1762.
關鍵字 梭菌, 產琥珀酸梭菌, 嗜熱, 纖維分 解
期刊 微生物學報 32(1-6):155-159, 1992
Publication Acta Microbiologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 31(1-6):pp.413-419, 1991
分享省市 北京市海淀區
Place Rudong County, Jiangsu Province, China
採集地 奶牛場的青儲飼料山 草中分離出來的
Environment The bacterium isolated in the root of Sparina anglica and the grass collected from the Yellow Sea seabeach at Juedong Reclamation Area.
生態環境 暖溫帶半濕潤大陸性季風氣候草地
寄主 青儲飼料的山草
Habitat subtropical moist monsoon climate grass seabeach
Host the root of Sparina anglica
採集人 譚蓓英
Isolation Person Zhou Huiling
保存單位 中國科學院微生物研究所中國普通微生物保藏中心, 北京 100080
Preservation Unit China General Microorganisms Collection Center, Institute of Microbiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
Speciman No. AS 1.1762
Note The bacterium fixed nitrogen for Sparina anglica, it is a formous forage grass and tolerence salt and alkane in soil.
(1) 副模式菌株 H11 保存於中國科學 院微生物研究所細菌分類室沼氣發酵組, 北京 100080(2) 該菌的有關內容請參閱: 微生物學報 27(3):211-216, 1987; 微生物學報 31(6):484-487, 1991