甘雪濤:男,西北工業大學理學院副教授碩士生導師。1984年出生於安徽省宿州市。2007年畢業於西北工業大學獲光信息科學與技術專業學士學位,2013年畢業於西北工業大學獲光學工程專業博士學位。2010年至2012年,受國家留學基金委資助公派赴美國哥倫比亞大學電子工程系從事聯合培養博士學習,師從著名納米量子光學專家Dirk Englund教授(現任職於美國麻省理工學院)和光譜學專家Tony Heniz教授(現任職於美國史丹福大學)。現依託西北工業大學“陝西省光信息技術重點實驗室”從事科學研究,同時與國內外知名高校的相關課題組開展合作研究,如美國哥倫比亞大學,麻省理工學院,賓州州立大學,芬蘭阿爾托大學、俄羅斯科學院光纖光學研究中心等。
在國際著名SCI期刊上發表論文29篇(JCR一區和二區論文共16篇);以第一作者發表SCI論文11篇(其中一區4篇,二區5篇),包括:《Nature Photonics》1篇(影響因子:27.254,被《Nature》、《Nature Photonics》、《IEEE Spectrum》等國際重要學術期刊和網路雜誌評論16次),《Nano Letters》2篇(影響因子:13.198,均被歐洲物理學會的《Nanotechweb.org》評論),《IEEE Journal of Selected Topics of Quantum Electronics》1篇(影響因子:4.078,邀請論文),《Applied Physics Letters》2篇(影響因子:3.794,其中1篇入選《Nature Photonics》2012年8月的Research highlights),《Optics Express》1篇(影響因子:3.546),《Physical Review A》1篇(影響因子:3.042),《Scientific Reports》1篇(影響因子:5.07)。已公開國際發明專利4項。此外,還撰寫了一部題為“On-chip graphene optoelectronics”的專著章節,即將由英國傳媒集團Informa旗下的CRC出版社出版。多次受邀在國際和國內學術會議上做邀請報告。
1. Peng Li, Sheng Liu, Tao Peng, Gaofeng Xie,Xuetao Gan, and Jianlin Zhao. Spiral autofocusing Airy beams carrying power-exponent-phase vortices.Optics Express22: 7598 (2014).
2. Chenyang Zhao,Xuetao Gan, Sheng Liu, Yan Pang, and Jianlin Zhao. Generation of vector beams in planar photonic crystal cavities with multiple missing-hole defects.Optics Express22: 9360 (2014).
3. Xuetao Gan, Peng Zhang, Sheng Liu, Fajun Xiao, and Jianlin Zhao. Beam steering and topological transformations driven by the interactions between a discrete vortex soliton and a discrete fundamental soliton.Physical Review A89: 013844(2014).
4. Hannah Clevenson, Pierre Desjardins,Xuetao Gan, and Dirk Englund. High sensitivity gas sensor based on a high-Q suspended polymer photonic crystal nanocavity.Applied Physics Letters104: 241108 (2014).
5. Xuetao Gan, Yuanda Gao, Kin Fai Mak, Xinwen Yao, Ren-Jye Shiue, Arend van der Zande, Matthew Trusheim, Fariba Hatami, Tony F. Heinz, James Hone, and Dirk Englund. Controlling the spontaneous emission rate of monolayer MoS2in a photonic crystal nanocavity.Applied Physics Letters103: 181119 (2013).
6. Ren-Jye Shiue*,Xuetao Gan*, Yuanda Gao*, Luozhou Li, Xinwen Yao, Attila Szep, Dennis Walker, Jr. James Hone, and Dirk Englund. Enhanced photodetection in graphene integrated with photonics crystal cavities.Applied Physics Letters103: 241109 (2013).
7. Xuetao Gan*, Ren-Jye Shiue*, Yuanda Gao, Inanc Meric, Tony Heinz, Kenneth Shepard, James Hone, Solomon Assefa, and Dirk Englund. Chip-integrated ultrafast graphene photodetector with high responsivity.Nature Photonics7: 883 (2013).
8. Xuetao Gan,Ren-Jye Shiue, Yuanda Gao, Solomon Assefa, James Hone, and Dirk Englund. Controlled light-matter interaction in graphene electro-optic devices using nanophotonic cavities and waveguides.IEEE, Journal ofSelected Topics in Quantum Electronics20: 6000311(2014). (Invited paper)
9. Xuetao Gan, Hannah Clevenson, Cheng-Chia Tasi, Luozhou Li, and Dirk Englund. Nanophotonic filters and integrated networks in flexible 2D polymer photonic crystals.Scientific Reports3: 2145 (2013).
10. Xuetao Gan, Ren-Jye Shiue, Yuanda Gao, Kin Fai Mak, Xinwen Yao, Luozhou Li, Attila Szep,Dennis Walker, James Hone, Tony F. Heinz, and Dirk Englund. High-contrast electrooptic modulation of a photonic crystal nanocavity by electrical gating of graphene.Nano Letters13(2): 691 (2013).
11. Xuetao Gan, Kin Fai Mak, Yuanda Gao, Yumeng You, Fariba Hatami, James Hone, Tony F. Heinz, and Dirk Englund. Strong enhancement of light-matter interaction in graphene coupled to a photonic crystal nanocavity.Nano Letters12(11): 5626 (2012).
12. Xuetao Gan, Pervez Nadia, Ioannis Kymissis, Hatami Fariba, and Dirk Englund. A high-resolution spectrometer based on a compact planar two dimensional photonic crystal cavity array.Applied Physics Letters100(23): 231104 (2012).
13. Sheng Liu, Yi Hu, Peng Zhang,Xuetao Gan, Cibo Lou, Daohong Song, Jianlin Zhao, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen. Tunable self-shifting Bloch modes in anisotropic hexagonal photonic lattices.Optics Letters37(12): 2184 (2012).
14. Peng Li, Jianlin Zhao, Sheng Liu,Xuetao Gan, Tao Peng, and Xiangyang Jiao. Dynamic behaviors of optical vortices in dual-core photonic crystal fibers.Optics Communications 285(9): 2355 (2012).
15. Sheng Liu, Yi Hu, Peng Zhang,Xuetao Gan, Cibo Lou, Daohong Song, Jianlin Zhao, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen. Symmetry-breaking diffraction and moving nonlinear state in optically induced hexagonal photonic lattices.Applied Physics Letters100(6): 061907 (2012).
16. Sheng Liu, Yi Hu, Peng Zhang,Xuetao Gan, Fajun Xiao, Cibo Lou, Daohong Song, Jianlin Zhao, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen. Anomalous interactions of spatial gap solitons in optically induced photonic lattices.Optics Letter36(7):1167 (2011).
17. Zaifei Song, Sheng Liu,Xuetao Gan, Jianlin Zhao, and Enpu Li. Rotating properties of Bragg reflections and spatial lattice solitons in rotating photonic lattices.Chinese Optics Letters9(7): 070801 (2011).
18. Xiangyang Jiao, Sheng Liu, Qian Wang, Peng Li,Xuetao Gan, and Jianlin Zhao. Redistributable energy flow in focal field of azimuthally polarized beam azimuthally obstructed with multi-sector.Optics Letters37(6): 1041 (2011).
19. Bo Feng,Xuetao Gan, Sheng Liu, and Jianlin Zhao. Transformation of multi-edge-dislocations to screw-dislocations in optical field.Acta Physica Sinica60(9): 094203 (2011).(in Chinese)
20. Sheng Liu, Peng Zhang,Xuetao Gan, Fajun Xiao, and Jianlin Zhao. Visualization of Bragg reflection of complex photonic lattices by employing Brillouin zone spectroscopy.Applied Physics B99(4): 727 (2010).
21. Sheng Liu, Peng Zhang,Xuetao Gan, Fajun Xiao, and Jianlin Zhao. Interaction of in-band and in-gap lattice soliton trains in optically induced two-dimensional photonic lattices.Chinese Physics B19(6): 065203 (2010).
22. Liang Fang, Jianlin Zhao,andXuetao Gan. Ultra-flattened dispersion photonic crystal fiber for the supercontinuum generation.Chinese Optics Letters8(11): 1028 (2010).
23. Fajun Xiao, Peng Zhang, Sheng Liu,Xuetao Gan, and Jianlin Zhao. Incoherent interaction between one- and two-dimensional solitons in noncentrosymmetric photorefractive media.Chinese Physics B19(4): 044208 (2010).
24. Liang Fang, Jianlin Zhao,Xuetao Gan, Peng Li, and Xiaojuan Zhang. Generation and control of supercontinuum in photonic crystal fibers with two-zero dispersion wavelengths.Acta Photonica Sinica39(11): 1921 (2010). (in Chinese)
25. Dexing Yang, Xiaoyuan Ren, Dongsheng He, Yong Cui, andXuetao Gan. Propagation and evaluation of lateral linear momentum of optical vortices.Acta Optica Sinica30(11): 3323 (2010). (in Chinese)
26. Xuetao Gan, Peng Zhang, Sheng Liu, Youming Zheng, Jianlin Zhao, and Zhigang Chen. Stabilization and breakup of optical vortices in presence of hybrid nonlinearity.Optics Express17(25): 23130-23136 (2009).
27. Hao Wang, Dexing Yang,Xuetao Gan, and Jianlin Zhao. Analysis of interference of planar vortex beams.Acta Optica Sinica29(2): 517 (2009). (in Chinese)
28. Xuetao Gan, Jianlin Zhao, Sheng Liu, and Liang Fang. Generation and motion control of optical multi-vortex.Chinese Optics Letters7(12): 1142-1145 (2009).
29. Sheng Liu, Peng Zhang, Fajun Xia,Xuetao Gan, Jianlin Zhao, Analysis of linear defect modes in two-dimensional photonic lattices by employing Brillouin zone spectroscopy.Acta Physica Sinica58: 5467 (2009). (in Chinese)
30. Xuetao Gan,Peng Zhang, Sheng Liu, Fajun Xiao, and Jianlin Zhao. Solitary wave evolution of optical planar vortices in self-defocusing photorefractive media.Chinese Physics Letters25(9): 3280 (2008).
1. Xuetao Gan, Ren-Jye Shiue, Yuanda Gao, Kin Fai Mak, Xinwen Yao, Luozhou Li, Attila Szep,Dennis Walker, James Hone, Tony F. Heinz, and Dirk Englund. Electro-optical modulation in graphene integrated photonic crystal nanocavities.CLEO/QELS, May, 2013, San Jose, USA.(Oral)
2. Hannah Clevenson, Pierre Desjardins,Xuetao Gan, and Dirk Englund. Gas sensing using a resilient polymer photonic crystal nanocavity with ultra-high quality factor.CLEO/QELS, May, 2013, San Jose, USA.(Oral)
3. Xuetao Gan, Kin Fai Mak, Tony F. Heniz, and Dirk Englund. Strong enhancement of graphene-light interaction in a photonic crystal nanocavity.OSA’s 96th Annul Meeting: Frontiers in Optics 2012 and Laser Science XXVIII, October, 2012, Rochester, USA. (Oral,Postdeadline paper)
4. Xuetao Gan, Cheng-Chia Tsai, Hannah Clevenson, Luozhou Li, and Dirk Englund. Suspended Polymer Photonic Crystal Networks.OSA’s 96th Annul Meeting: Frontiers in Optics 2012 and Laser Science XXVIII, October, 2012, Rochester, USA. (Oral,Emil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Competition Finalists)
5. Sheng Liu, Yi Hu, Peng Zhang,Xuetao Gan, Jianlin Zhao, Cibo Lou, Daohong Song, and Zhigang Chen. Observation of symmetry-breaking beam dynamics in optically induced hexagonal photonic lattices. CLEO/QELS, May, 2011, Maryland, USA.(Poster)
6. Xuetao Gan, Sheng Liu, Peng Zhang, and Jianlin Zhao. Controllable band-gap structure and mini-gap solitons in two-dimensional photonic superlattices. CLEO/QELS, May, 2010, San Jose, USA.(Poster)
7. Sheng Liu, Peng Zhang,Xuetao Gan, and Jianlin Zhao. Symmetry-broken diffraction and self-trapping of multi-vortex beams in triangle photonic lattices. OSA’s 93nd Annul Meeting: Frontiers in Optics 2009 and Laser Science XXV, October, 2009, San Jose, USA. (Oral)
8. Xuetao Gan, Peng Zhang, Sheng Liu, Fajun Xiao, and Jianlin Zhao. Evolution of optical vortices in light-induced photonic lattices under nonconventional bias conditions. International conference: Nonlinear Waves-Theory and Applications, June, 2008, Beijing, China.(Oral)
9. Xuetao Gan, Peng Zhang, Sheng Liu, Fajun Xiao, and Jianlin Zhao. Interaction between discrete vortex soliton and fundamental discrete soltion in 2D optically induced photonic lattices. The OSA Topical Conference on Nanophotonics’08, May, 2008, Nanjing, China.(Oral)
10. Sheng Liu, Peng Zhang, Fajun Xiao,Xuetao Gan, and Jianlin Zhao. Interaction of lattice soliton trains in optically induced 2D photonic lattices with self-defocusing nonlinearity. The OSA Topical Conference on Nanophotonics’08, May, 2008, Nanjing, China.(Oral)
11. Sheng Liu, Peng Zhang, Fajun Xiao,Xuetao Gan, and Jianlin Zhao. Anomalous interaction of spatial gap solitons in optically induced photonic lattices. International conference: Nonlinear Waves-Theory and Applications, June, 2008, Beijing, China.(Oral)
12. Fajun Xiao, Peng Zhang, Sheng Liu,Xuetao Gan, and Jianlin Zhao. Optical Bloch oscillation stimulated by interaction between discrete solitons. International conference: Nonlinear Waves-Theory and Applications, June, 2008, Beijing, China.(Oral)
1. Xuetao Gan, Ren-Jye Shiue, and Dirk Englund. On-chip graphene optoelectronic devices. Invited book chapter inHandbook of Graphene Science,CRC press(Taylor & Francis Group) (2013).
1. Dirk EnglundandXuetao Gan, “Systems and methods for chip-integrated infrared silicon detector”, US patent, No.WO/2013/176759.
2. Dirk EnglundandXuetao Gan, “Graphene Photonics for resonator-enhanced ultrafast electro-optic processes and all-optical interactions”,US patent, No.WO/2013/148349.
3. Dirk EnglundandXuetao Gan, “Photonic crystal cavity array”, US patent, No.WO/2013/158842.
4. Dirk EnglundandXuetao Gan, “Systems and methods for suspended polymer photonic crystal cavities and waveguides”, US patent, No.WO/2013/090177.