



  • 軟體名稱:瓷磚打破
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:9.05MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
這個遊戲由摧毀所有的瓷磚上與一個彈力球和一個槳在更少的時間可能的。作為水平完成了,下一個水平得到解鎖。每個級別可以完成在2分鐘平均。 在天體物理學和空間啟發的概念,如小行星、黑洞、蟲洞和時間旅行。 特點: 八個驚人的水平。 每個級別有四人喪生。 涼爽的圖形和現實的動畫。 完全免費。 如何玩: 把游標移動的槳。 釋放球或暫停比賽,螢幕上的任何地方點擊一下除了滑塊。 一些瓦片有很多。這表明瓷磚強度水平對球。強度降低,因為它是被擊中。 灰色瓷磚是小行星。他們有無限的力量和不能被銷毀。 蟲洞是由兩個黑洞,隨機出現在一些水平。當球落入黑洞,它在太空中飛行,又出現在另一端。 黑洞消失一旦球已通過透他們。 This game consists on destroying all the tiles with a bouncing ball and a paddle in the less amount of time possible. As levels are completed, next levels get unlocked. Each level can be completed in 2min average. Inspired in space and astrophysics concepts such as asteroids, black holes, worm holes and time travel. Features: Eight amazing levels . Each level comes with four lives. Cool graphics and realistic animation. Completely free. How to Play: Use the slider to move the paddle. To release the ball or pause the game, tap once anywhere on the screen except the slider. Some tiles has a number. This indicates the tile strength level against the ball. The strength decreases as it is being hit. Gray tiles are asteroids. They have infinite strength and cannot be destroyed. Worm holes are made of two black holes that randomly appears in some levels. When the ball falls into a black hole, it travels in space and re-appears at the other end. Black holes disappears once the ball has passed thru them.


