新加坡環宇科學出版社(Universe Scientific Publishing, USP)在新加坡註冊,目的是為全世界所有的學者和研究人員提供一個出版平台。本著這個目標,自成立以來,USP就開始在各個領域建立自己的期刊庫。已出版的期刊包括國際英文期刊、國際中文期刊,如:《Advances in Higher Education》,《Probe - Animal Science》,《計算機系統網路和電信》,《國際臨床醫學》,《現代交通技術研究》等。已出版的圖書領域包括:信息化、建築、醫學等方向,如:《信息化項目建設指引與項目管理實務》、《化工安全工程理論與實踐》、《腫瘤診斷與防治》、《Social Capital and Entrprenuership in China》等。
- 中文名:環宇科學出版社
- 外文名:Universe Scientific Publishing
- 語種:國際語言
- 主營業務:期刊出版、圖書出版
刊名 | 刊號 | 徵稿領域 |
Probe- Plant & Animal Sciences | eISSN: 2661-4057 | Agricultural economics; Agricultural engineering; Animal science; Environmental science; Horticultural science; Plant science; Soil science; Food science; Cytology; Genetics; Breeding; Agronomy; Water use; Microbiology; Plant diseases and pest; Agricultural engineering; Economics and statistics etc. |
Probe- Media and Communication Studies | eISSN: 2661-4111 | This journal focuses on the media technology, media characteristics, forms of communication, dissemination laws, communication channels and new media development trends and management of research results, exchange academicexperience, active academic thinking, promote the development of disciplines. |
Probe- Accounting, Auditing and Taxation | eISSN: 2661-393X | Applied research findings, critiques of current accounting practices and the measurement of their effects on business decisions, general purpose solutions to problems through models, and essays on world affairs which affect accounting practice are all within the scope of the journal. |
Probe- Fishery Science & Aquaculture | eISSN:2661-4049 | The journal welcomes all the aspects of fishery science and aquaculture, including:algaculture, aquaculture Sciences, aquatic food resources, fisheries, fisheries and environmental sciences, fresh water science, marine and fresh water ecosystems, marine Biology, the environmental impacts of aquaculturaloperations; nutrition, feeding and stocking practices, etc. |
Probe- Geology and Mining Research | eISSN: 2661-3972 | An open access journal that provides rapid publication of articles in all areas of the subject such as mapping of deformed rock bodies, recovery of naturalresources, geotechnical engineering, numerical modeling in geological studiesetc. |
Probe- Soil Science | eISSN: 2661-3999 | Soil and Global Change; Soil Biology and Biochemistry; Soil Chemistry; Soil Ecology; Soil Environment; Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition; Soil Geography;Soil Improvement Studies; Soil Microbiology; Soil Physics; Soil Remediation;Soil Resources and Use; Soil Science in Other Disciplines; Soil Survey andEvaluation; Soil Taxonomy. |
Probe- Dentistry | eISSN: 2661-3964 | Periodontal diseases, dentalimplants, oral pathology, as well as oral and maxillofacial surgery. Probe -Dentistry provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals. It operates a fully open access publishing model which allows open global accessto its published content. |
Advancesin Geoscience | ISSN: 2424-8436 | Atmosphere; Biosphere; Climatology; Earthquake and Seismology; Environmental Science;Geobiochemistry; Geographic Information System; Geography; Geomagnetism;Geomorphology; Oceanography; Mineralogy and mineral physics; Petrology; SoilScience; Space physics; Volcanology |
Probe- Food Science Research | eISSN: 2661-3956 | Balanced Eating; Dangers of poor nutrition; Diet Therapy; Diabetes; Food safety; Food Hygiene; Food packaging; Food microbiology; Food preservation; Food engineering; Food laws and regulations; Food economics and marketing; Food chemistry and toxicology; Nutraceuticals and functional food; Food physics;Food physical chemistry; Human Nutrition; Food technology; GMO Food; Meat Science. |
Finance and Market | ISSN: 2424-8401 | Econometrics; Statistics-Economic Theory; Finance & Banking; International Economics; Macroeconomics; Securities Trading & Pricing; Marketing Analytics; Risk Factor; Financial Crisis; Payment System; Loans; Behavioral Finance; Emotional Finance; Global Banking System; Public Finance. |
Probe- Environmental Science and Technology | eISSN: 2661-3948 | Environmental chemistry and biology, environments pollution control and abatement technology, transport and fate of pollutants in the environment, concentrations anddispersion of wastes in air, water, and soil, point and non-point sourcespollution, heavy metals and organic compounds in the environment, atmosphericpollutants and trace gases, solid and hazardous waste management; soil biodegradation and bioremediation of contaminated sites; environmental impact assessment,industrial ecology, ecological and human risk assessment; improved energy management and auditing efficiency and environmental standards and criteria. |
Electronics Science Technology and Application | ISSN: 2251-2608 eISSN: 2424-8460 | Contributeand disseminate innovative new work on Electronics and Electrical Engineering. |
Modern Management Forum | ISSN: 2424-8444 | The contents deliver do not boundary to management concept, but also to understand, to discuss and to access the current trend in management of different businesses and organizations. |
Probe- Plant & Animal Sciences | eISSN: 2661-4057 | Agricultural economics; Agricultural engineering; Animal science; Environmental science; Horticultural science; Plant science; Soil science; Food science; Cytology; Genetics; Breeding; Agronomy; Water use; Microbiology; Plant diseases and pest; Agricultural engineering; Economics and statistics etc. |
Advancesin Higher Education | ISSN: 2424-8428 | Critical Thinking; Learning Theory and Processes; Theory Practice Relationship; Teacher Education; Curriculum; Recruitment; Campus Climate; Academic Culture; Languages;Persistence motivation. |
刊名 | 刊號 | 徵稿領域 |
預防醫學研究 | ISSN:2705-0440 eISSN: 2705-0459 | 主要傳播預防醫學研究的新理論,新技術,新方法和新成果。涵蓋流行病學,流行病學,寄生蟲學,環境健康,勞動和職業健康,營養和食品衛生,兒童和青少年健康,輻射健康,婦幼保健,社區健康,健康毒理學,健康檢查技術,健康教育和研究經驗。 |
醫學研究 | ISSN:2661-359X eISSN: 2661-3603 | 期刊匯集了快速發展中醫學領域的各個方面,目標客群是來自學術界,監管機構和行業的基礎科學家和臨床醫生的科學和醫療保健社群。 |
環境與發展 | ISSN:2661-3735 eISSN: 2661-3743 | 旨在進一步研究地方,國家,區域和國際層面的環境與發展問題之間的關係。 |
電力技術研究 | ISSN: 2661-3476 eISSN: 2661-3484 | 期刊的範圍包括發電,電力使用和能源生產。 |
工程技術與發展 | ISSN:2661-3492 eISSN: 2661-3506 | 旨在發布有關控制領域和系統工程的全面和最新技術信息。期刊專注於電氣,機械,製造和工業工程中的控制,自動化和系統,以在多學科領域創建有說服力的知識共享。 |
現代化工 | ISSN:2661-3670 eISSN: 2661-3689 | 本刊徵稿範圍包括:化學科學,物理化學,有機化學,膠體和界面化學,分析化學,聚合物科學,有機分子功能材料化學,功能和智慧型聚合物,有機合成,分析儀器和試劑,電化學分析,高分子物理,無機化學,配位化學等。 |
現代交通技術研究 | ISSN:2661-3697 eISSN: 2661-3700 | 主要關注現代交通運輸系統的各個方面,具體主題包括但不限於:軌道交通系統的動力學和力學、鐵路基礎設施的規劃和設計、軌道交通電氣化和自動化、超導和懸浮技術、磁懸浮和真空管運輸、運輸的環境影響、道路,橋樑,隧道和地下工程、路基和路面維護和性能、城市交通系統、智慧型交通系統、交通運輸安全。 |
建築工程科學 | eISSN:2705-1250 | 本刊是一本跨學科建築主題期刊,提供與建築工程設計相關的技術信息和管理信息。該刊涵蓋了廣泛的主題和學科,包括建築系統,結構,機械和電氣工程;聲學;環境質量等,該期刊旨在促進建築工程科學,使建築實踐與設計理論保持一致,以及對建築工程和管理進行進一步的教育和研究。 |
教師專業發展與創新教育研究 | ISSN:2661-4987 eISSN: 2661-4995 | 新課程改革理念要求教師要不斷創新教學行為,以一名研究者的身份參與教學,用教育科研指導自身的教學行為,解決教學中存在的問題,同時要改革自己的教學方法,倡導探究性教學方式,實現學生學習方式的變革,最終實現教師的專業發展,在這個發展過程中將有許多創新教育的觀點湧現出來,本刊重點就是刊登與此關聯的各類課題性研究文章。 |
科研管理 | ISSN: 2661-3751 eISSN: 2661-376X | 發表計算機科學,工程,醫學,臨床研究,數學,教育,生物科學,科學和管理領域的文章。 |
煤礦安全與環保 | ISSN 2661-3611 eISSN: 2661-362X | 表原創和前沿研究論文和高質量的評論,涵蓋了採礦科學技術各領域的最新研究進展,具體主題包括但不限於以下方面: 1. 採礦工程/煤礦安全技術與工程/礦物加工/煤田地質學/礦山環境保護技術; 2. 礦井水災防治技術/安全與環境檢測/礦山污染治理與綜合利用。 |
石油規劃設計 | ISSN: 2661-3794 eISSN: 2661-3808 | 發表石油工程領域研究文章,包括石油規劃設計,石油工程(油藏模擬,鑽井,完井,設備製造技術,生產工程等),石油經濟與管理學,油氣藏,石油地質,岩石化學,強化採收,壓實/成岩作用,石油地球化學,石油勘探,水庫管理,材料和腐蝕控制,非常規石油等。 |
書名 | 書號 | 作者 |
信息化項目建設指引與項目管理實務 | ISBN: 978-981-5034-98-1 | 楊永、王俐、王勝輝 |
計算機網路技術與網路安全研究 | ISBN: 978-981-5034-68-4 | 黃建秀、劉福強、吉小東、江志晃、王慶磊、徐高翔、陳長清、董光毅 |
建設工程管理及實務 | ISBN: 978-981-18-0121-1 | 王小東、張啟志、樊素勤、楊愛敏、邢志剛、徐青鋒、李錦、邵婭翔、李雪麗、程月華 |
腫瘤診斷與防治 | ISBN: 9789811491702 | 袁永梅、賴寒 |
Interpersonal Relationshipand Entrepreneurship in Chinese Business | ISBN: 978-981-14-7432-3 | Xiaobing Huang; Xiaolian Liu |
實用臨床護理學 | ISBN: 978-981-14-6007-4 | 陳興芬、覃裕梅、林進、李紅芬、李麗、劉晶、隴顯梅、張洪 |