- 中文名:理察·舒斯特曼
- 外文名:Richard Shusterman
- 國籍:美國
- 民族:猶太裔人
- 出生日期:1948年
- 主要成就:世界著名美學家、人文學者
舒斯特曼教授的著作包括《表層與深度》 “Surface and Depth” (2002),《審美經驗與藝術化人生》(“Performing Life”), 《實踐哲學:實用主義與哲學生活》( “PracticingPhilosophy: Pragmatism and the Philosophical Life”) 等。
Richard Shusterman received a B.A. in Philosophy and English and an M.A. in Philosophy from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. After three years as an officer in the Israeli army, he continued his academic studies in England, receiving his doctorate in Philosophy from St. John's College, Oxford University. From 1998-2004, he served as chair of the Philosophy Department at Temple University, and in 2004 was appointed the Dorothy F. Schmidt Eminent Scholar Chair in the Humanities at Florida Atlantic University. He is also associated with the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris. Although most of his career has been in philosophy, Professor Shusterman has held appointments in other disciplines in the humanities. In Israel, he taught in a comparative literature department and also lectured on art theory at Jersualem's Bezalel Art Academy . For ten years, he has been a recurrent visiting professor at the interdisciplinary Department of Liberal Studies at the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research in New York. In Paris, he was an associate of the École des Hautes Études in Sciences Sociales; in Berlin, he was a Fulbright Professor in both philosophy and American studies; and in Hiroshima he was appointed as Visiting Research Professor in Aesthetics, Somatic Philosophy, and Education.