



  • 中文名:現代漢語方位詞詞類地位實證研究
  • 作者:雷蔚茵
  • ISBN:9787542420152
  • 頁數:123 頁
  • 定價:14 元
  • 出版社:甘肅科學技術出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年7月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:32 開




Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Motivations of the Research
1.2 Objectives of the Research
1.3 Methodology
1.4 Layout of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Review of POS Studies
2.3 Review on the Studies of Word Classes
2.3.1 The Essence of Setting up Word Classes
2.3.2 The Criteria of Setting up Word Classes
2.4 Review on the Studies of Modern Chinese Localizers
2.4.1 Localizers as a Subcategory of Noun
2.4.2 Localizers as an Independent Word Class
2.4.3 Other Opinions
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Theory of Categorization, Decategorization and Recategorization
3.2.1 Categorization
3.2.2 The Classical Theory of Categorization
3.2.3 The Prototype Theory of Categorization
3.2.4 The Theory of Decategorization and Recategorization
3.3 The Theory of Grammatical Metaphor
3.3.1 The General Overview of Grammatical Metaphor
3.3.2 Grammatical Metaphor as One of the Mechanisms of Decategorization and Recategorization
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.l Introduction
4.2 Overall Description of Statistical Results
4.3 The Major Group
4.3.1 Overall Description of the Ma~or Group
4.3.2 Case Studies
4.3.3 Discussion of the Major Group
4.4 The Minor Group
4.4.1 Overall Description of the Minor Group
4.4.2 Case Studies
4.4.3 Discussion of the Minor Group
4.5 Discussion
4.6 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings of the Study
5.2 Limitations of the Study
5.3 Suggestions for Future Study
Appendix I Localizer Lexemes with One Sense in CCD5
Appendix II Loealizer Lexemes with Multiple Word Classesin CCD5
Appendix III The Retrieval Results of Loealizers from CCL Corpus
Appendix IV The Classification of Localizers in CCD5 Based on Word Formation
Appendix V A Comparison of Localizers POS-labeling in SDMC and CCD5
Appendix VI On Word Class Status of Modem Chinese Localizers 105
Table 4.1 Labeling Distribution of Localizers in CCD5
Table 4.2 The Comparison of Two Multiple-POS LocalizerLexemes Labeling in CCD5 and SDMC
Table 4.3 The Expressive Functions of “以前”
Table 4.4 The Expressive Functions of “前面”
Table 4.5 The Expressive Functions of “上下”
Table 4.6 The Expressive Functions of “左右”


