- 中文名:王霽翔
- 畢業院校:北京航空航天大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:航空航天多尺度傳熱傳質
- 主要成就:香江學者
- 任職院校:揚州大學
1. 2014.09 ~ 2016.12,主動***及自適應***技術,**五總裝預研項目,主要完成人;
2. 2014.12 ~ 2016.12,空間自適應**研製,863子課題,主要完成人;
3. 2015.03 ~ 2017.03,水噴霧製冷技術研究,瀋陽飛機設計研究院合作課題,主要完成人;
4. 2016.05 ~ 2016.12,機載永磁同步電機相變控溫設計,中航工業金城南京機電液壓工程研究中心合作課題,主要完成人;
5. 2016.12 ~ 2017.12,混合多支路熱控流體迴路協同運行裝置研究,中國空間技術研究院合作課題,主要完成人;
6. 2017.06 ~ 2018.06,臨近空間低氣壓噴霧冷卻研究,北京航空航天大學校級科研課題,主持;
7. 2017.12 ~ 2018.03,噴霧****研究,***裝備預先研究,主要完成人;
8. 2018.03 ~ 2019.04,基於彈跳液滴的熱二極體研製,豐田汽車美國研究中心,項目參與者。
[1] Ji-Xiang Wang, Y.Z. Li, J.X. Li, C. Li, Y. Zhang, X.W. Ning, “A Gas-atomized Spray Cooling System integrated with an Ejector Loop: Ejector Modeling and Thermal Performance Analysis” Energy Conversion and Management, 2019.
[2] Ji-Xiang Wang, Y.Z. Li, G.C. Li, X.Y. Ji, “Ground-based Near-space-oriented Spray Cooling: Temperature Uniformity Analysis and Performance Prediction” Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2019.
[3] Ji-Xiang Wang, Y.Z. Li, Y. Zhang, J.X. Li, X.W. Ning, “A hybrid Cooling System Combining Single-phase Mechanically Pumped Fluid Loop and Spray Module” Energy Conversion and Management,2018.
[4] Ji-Xiang Wang, Y.Z. Li, J.X. Li, C. Li, K. Xiong, X.W. Ning, “Enhanced Heat Transfer by an Original Immersed Spray Cooling System integrated with an Ejector” Energy, 2018.
[5] Ji-Xiang Wang, Y.Z. Li, X.K. Yu, G.C. Li, X.Y. Ji, “Investigation of Heat Transfer Mechanism of Low Environmental Pressure Large-Space Spray Cooling for Near-space Flight System” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018.
[6] Ji-Xiang Wang, Y.Z. Li, M. Mao, E.H. Li, X. Ning, “Comparative Study of the Heating Surface Impact on Porous-material-involved Spray System for Electronic cooling – an experimental approach” Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018.
[7] Ji-Xiang Wang, Y.Z. Li, G.C. Li, K. Xiong, W. Guo, X. Ning, “Investigation of a Gravity-immune Chip-level Spray Cooling for Thermal Protection of Laser-based Wireless Power Transmission System” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017.
[8] Ji-Xiang Wang, Y.Z. Li, S.N. Wang, H.S. Zhang, X. Ning, W. Guo, “Experimental investigation of the thermal control effects of phase change material based packaging strategy for on-board permanent magnet synchronous motors” Energy Conversion and Management,2016.
[9] Ji-Xiang Wang, Y.Z. Li, H.S. Zhang, S.N. Wang, Y.H. Liang, W. Guo, Y. Liu, S.P. Tian, “A Highly Self-Adaptive Cold Plate for the Single-Phase Mechanically Pumped Fluid Loop for Spacecraft Thermal Management” Energy Conversion and Management, 2016.
[10] Ji-Xiang Wang, Y.Z. Li, H.S. Zhang, S.N. Wang, Y.F Mao, Y.N. Zhang, Y.H Liang, “Investigation of a spray cooling system with two nozzles for space application” Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015.
[11] Ji-Xiang Wang, Y.Z. Li, G.C. Li, Xi-Kui Yu, X.Y. Ji, “A Near-space-oriented Large-space Spray Cooling System: Temperature Uniformity Analysis and Performance Prediction using Neural Network” 12th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Jun.
[12] Ji-Xiang Wang, H.S. Zhang, Y.Z. Li, S.N. Wang, Y.N. Zhang, M.L. Zhong, “Performance Analysis of a Self-driven Adaptive Cold-plate, an Experimental Approach” IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Banff, Canada, Jul. 2016.
[13] H.J. Xu, Ji-Xiang Wang1, Y.Z. Li, Y.J. Bi, L.J. Gao, “A Thermoelectric-Heat-Pump Employed Active Control Strategy for the Dynamic Cooling Ability Distribution of Liquid Cooling System for the Space Station’s Main Power-Cell-Arrays” Entropy 2019. (Equal to the first author)
[14] Y.F. Mao, Y.Z. Li, Ji-Xiang Wang, J. Wang, L. Wang, “Numerical investigation and experimental validation of an infrared measurement approach for surface heat flux distribution using a multi-color-reference” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019.
[15] Y.F. Mao, Y.Z. Li, Ji-Xiang Wang, K. Xiong, J.X. Li, “Cooling Ability/Capacity and Exergy Penalty Analysis of Each Heat Sink of Modern Supersonic Aircraft” Entropy, 2019.
[16] Wei Guo, Y. Li, Y.Z. Li, M.L. Zhong, S.N. Wang, Ji-Xiang Wang, J.X. Zhang, “A self-driven temperature and flow rate co-adjustment based on Shape-Memory-Alloy (SMA) assembly for an adaptive thermal control coldplate module with on-orbit service characteristics” Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017.
[17] S. Wang, Y. Li, Y.Z. Li, Ji-Xiang Wang, X. Xiao, W. Guo, “Conception and experimental investigation of a hybrid temperature control method using phase change material for permanent magnet synchronous motors” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2017.
[18] Wei Guo, Y. Li, Y.Z. Li, S.N. Wang, M.L. Zhong, Ji-Xiang Wang, J.X. Zhang, “Construction and Experimental Verification of a Novel Flexible Thermal Control System Configuration for the Autonomous on-orbit Services of Space Missions” Energy Conversion and Management, 2017.
[19] Wei Guo, Y. Li, Y.Z. Li, M.L. Zhong, S.N. Wang, Ji-Xiang Wang, E.H. Li, “An integrated hardware-in-the-loop verification approach for dual heat sink systems of aerospace single phase mechanically pumped fluid loop” Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016.
[20] S. Wang, Y. Li, Y.Z. Li, Ji-Xiang Wang, X. Xiao, W. Guo, “Transient cooling analysis of permanent-magnet synchronous motor with phase change material” Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016.
[21] K. Xiong, Y. Li, Y.Z. Li, Ji-Xiang Wang, “Numerical Investigation on the Thermal Performance of Nanofluid-Based Cooling System for Synchronous Generators” Entropy, 2019.
[22] 毛羽豐,李運澤,王霽翔. 閃沸工況下過熱度對水噴霧霧化效果的影響. 航空學報, 2018,
[23] K. Xiong, Y. Li, Y.Z. Li, Ji-Xiang Wang, “Excitation Current Calculation of a Brushless Synchronous Generator under Different Speed and Load” 15th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Singapore, 2018.
[24] Wei Guo, Y. Li, Y.Z. Li, S.N. Wang, Ji-Xiang Wang, S. Tian, “Configuration design and numerical analysis of a Martian dust storm simulation wind tunnel for Mars airplanes and rovers” IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Banff, Canada, Jul. 2016.