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  • 中文名:王雪 
  • 畢業院校:北京師範大學、香港大學、香港中文大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 職業:教師


香港中文大學商學院市場行銷博士,香港大學社會心理學碩士,北京師範大學心理學本科。研究成果已在國內外代表性學術期刊發表 20 余篇文章。多次作為報告人參加國際國內行銷學、傳播學、心理學的頂尖學術會議,如中國行銷科學學術年會、美國 ACR 行銷年會、美國 AAGC 廣告學年會、美國 SPPS 社會心理學年會。多次獲得中國行銷科學學術年會大會優秀論文、美國 SPPS 研究生獎學金等榮譽。


(2)新技術 (如人工智慧、智慧型手機) 對消費者行為的影響



1. Wang, Xue, Wei-fenChen, Ying-yi Hong, and Zhansheng Chen (2022), “Perceiving High Social MobilityBreeds Materialism: The Mediating Role of Socioeconomic Status Uncertainty,” Journal of Business Research, 139, 629-638. (ABS3, SSCI, IF: 7.55)
2. Wang, Xue, Ting Wang,Tonglin Jiang, Zhansheng Chen, and Ying-yi Hong (2022), “Double Standards inthe COVID-19 Pandemic: The Moderation of Perceived Threat,” European Journal ofSocial Psychology. (ABS3, SSCI, IF:3.376)
3. Jiang, Tonglin,Ting Wang, Kai-Tak Poon, Wangchu Gaer, and Xue Wang (2022), “LowSelf-Concept Clarity Inhibits Self-Control: The Mediating Effect of GlobalSelf-Continuity,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, https://doi.org/10.1177/01461672221109664.(ABS4, SSCI, IF: 4.56)
4. Wang, Xue, ZhanshengChen, Kai-Tak Poon, and Tonglin Jiang (2021), “Perceiving a Lack of SocialJustice: Lower-Class Individuals Apply Higher Moral Standards to Others,” SocialPsychological and Personality Science, 12 (2), 186-193. (ABS3, SSCI,IF:5.724)
5. Wang, Xue, Shi-JiangZuo, Hoi-Wing Chan, Connie Pui-Yee Chiu, and Ying-yi Hong (2021),“COVID-19-related Conspiracy Theories in China: The Role of Secure VersusDefensive In-Group Positivity and Responsibility Attributions,” Journal ofPacific Rim Psychology, 15, 10.1177/18344909211034928. (SSCI, IF: 1.557)
6. Chan,Hoi-Wing, Xue Wang, Shi-Jiang Zuo, Connie Pui-Yee Chiu, Li Liu,Daphne W Yiu, and Ying-Yi Hong (2021), “War Against COVID‐19: How Is National Identification Linked Withthe Adoption of Disease‐Preventive Behaviors in China and the UnitedStates?,” Political Psychology.10.1111/pops.12752. (SSCI, IF: 4.333)
7. Wang,Ting, Xue Wang, Tonglin Jiang, Shiyao Wang, Zhansheng Chen (2021),“Under the Threat of an Epidemic: People with Higher Subjective SocioeconomicStatus Show More Unethical Behaviors,” International Journal of EnvironmentalResearch and Public Health, 18(6), 3170, 10.3390/ijerph18063170. (SSCI, IF:3.39)
8. Chan,Hoi-Wing, ConniePui-Yee Chiu, Shijiang Zuo, Xue Wang, Li Liu, andYing-yi Hong (2021), “Not-so-straightforward Links Between Believing inCOVID-19-Related Conspiracy Theories and Engaging in Disease-PreventiveBehaviours,” Humanities and Social Sciences Communications,8 (104).https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-021-00781-2.
9. Wang, Xue, Fei. Teng,Zhansheng Chen, and Kai-Tak Poon (2020), “Control My Appearance, Control MySocial Standing: Appearance Control Beliefs Influence American Women’s (NotMen’s) Social Mobility Perception,” Personality and Individual Differences,155, 109629. (ABS3, SSCI, IF: 3.004)
10.Li,Hongxia, Xue Wang, Yafei Guo, Zhansheng Chen, and Fei Teng (2019),“Air Pollution Predicts Harsh Moral Judgment,” International Journal ofEnvironmental Research and Public Health, 16, 2276. (SSCI, IF: 2.849)
11.Chen,Weifen, Xue Wang, Haiyan Gao, and Ying-yi Hong (2019),“Understanding Consumer Ethics in China’s demographic Shift and SocialReforms,” Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31, 627–646.(SSCI,IF: 1.680)
12.Teng,Fei, Xue Wang, and Ye Yang (2017), “Sexual objectificationdecreases women’s experiential consumption (but not material consumption),” SocialInfluence, 12, 141–154. (SSCI, IF: 0.467)
13.Wang, Xue, ZhanshengChen, Kai-Tak Poon, Fei Teng, and Shenghua Jin (2017), “Self-compassionDecreases Acceptance of Own Immoral Behaviors,” Personality and IndividualDifferences, 106, 329–333. (ABS3, SSCI, IF: 3.004)
14.Li,Hongxia, Xue Wang, Shenghua Jin, and Song Wu (2016), “EthnicIdentity Salience Improves Recognition Memory in Tibetan Students Via Priming,”Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 22,229–236. (SSCI, IF:2.147)
15.Teng, Fei,Kai-Tak Poon, Hong Zhang, Zhansheng Chen, Ye Yang, and Xue Wang (2016),“Situational Cuing of Materialism Triggers Self-Objectification Among Women(But Not Men): The Moderating Role of Self-Concept Clarity,” Personality andIndividual Differences, 97, 220–228. (ABS3, SSCI, IF: 3.004)
16.Wu, Song,Hong Zou, Wei Cai, Xue Wang, and Shenghua Jin (2014), “MotivationalCues: The Role of Perceived Senders’ Self-Control Ability in Raters’ DeceptionJudgments,” International Journal of Psychology, 49,123–130. (SSCI, IF: 1.867)
17.彭芸爽, 王雪, 吳嵩, 金盛華, 和孫榮芳 (2016), “生命史理論概述及其與社會心理學的結合——以道德行為為例,” 心理科學進展 , 24,464–474. (CSSCI)
18.王雪, 蔡頠, 孫嘉卿, 吳嵩, 封子奇, 和金盛華 (2014), “社會心理學視角下權力理論的發展與比較,” 心理科學進展 , 22,139–149. (CSSCI)
19.封子奇, 王雪, 金盛華, 楊金花, 和彭芸爽 (2014), “領導力的社會認同理論: 主要內容及研究進展,” 心理學探新 , 34, 166–171. (CSSCI)
20.王雪, 吳嵩, 孫嘉卿, 封子奇, 和金盛華 (2013), “貪婪: 態度, 動機與決策機制,” 心理科學進展 , 21, 740–750. (CSSCI)
21.孫嘉卿, 顧璇, 吳嵩, 王雪,和金盛華 (2012), “道德偽善的心理機制: 基於雙加工理論的解讀,” 中國臨床心理學雜誌 , 20,580–584. (CSSCI)


1. Wang, Xue, SuntongQi, and Xianchi Dai, “The Medium Anxiety Effect: People are More Impatient to Receive a Gift Certificate Than the Associated Gift,” under review at Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (ABS 4, SSCI, IF: 5.606), 共同一作.
2. Qi, Suntong, Xue Wang, Weifen Chen, and Xianchi Dai, “The Mediated Temptation Effect: How Gift Vouchers Lead to Unhealthy Behavior,” under review at Journal of Consumer Research (ABS 4*, SSCI, IF: 7.772), 共同一作、通訊作者.
3. Chen, Weifen, Xue Wang, and Ying-yi Hong, “Understanding DownwardlyMobile Consumers’ Responses to Economic versus Cultural Capital Appeals,” under review at Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (ABS4, SSCI, IF: 3.532), 共同一作、通訊作者.
4. Wang, Xijing, Xue Wang, and Zhansheng Chen, “I Can Wait: High SocialMobility Leads to Delayed Reproduction,” under review at Archives of Sexual Behavior (SSCI, IF: 3.458), 通訊作者.


“Mitigating climate change for our country?: The joint influence of national identification and socio-ecological contexts on pro-environmental behavior”, Early Career Scheme (ECS),
Hong Kong, 參與者




