- 中文名:王雪華
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:湖南衡陽
- 出生日期:1964年2月
- 畢業院校:上海交通大學
- 政治面貌:民盟盟員
(A) 光子晶體光學及其量子光電子器件研究
1. 高品質光子晶體的設計與製備;
2. 光子晶體中新穎的量子光學現象及光輻射控制;
3. 基於光子晶體的固態量子計算及單光子源;
4. 平面光子晶體器件中能量分布的有效控制;
5. 基於平面光子晶體的光電集成(光子晶片);
6. 基於光子晶體的半導體光源:LED、非相干的定向光源。
1. 強非均勻納米電磁系統中光與物質的強相互作用;
2. 金屬納米及光學亞波長結構中的非尋常光學性質;
3. 表面等離激元共振增強的單分子喇曼及螢光光譜;
4. 納米光學鑷子及單分子控制,納米生物感測器。
國際著名物理學及光學刊物,如Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A、B、E, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Optical Letters等的審稿人。
(a)對光子晶體中的光自發輻射問題發展了一個普適的理論處理,它不僅解釋了矛盾的實驗結果,而且預言了新的物理現象,被國際同行譽為“是一個精確的理論模型,解決了光子晶體中關於輻射動力學的爭議”;(b)對二維光子晶體,提出了通過旋轉非圓形介質柱產生大光子帶隙的有效方法,相關工作被美國學者編入“Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology”一書;(c)預言二維非線性光子晶體中有效的和頻轉換即要求準相位匹配又要求結構因子的匹配,理論預言被後來的實驗所證實。(d)首次建立了一個能同時處理單分子螢光和喇曼散射的統一的量子模型。
已在SCI源刊雜誌發表學術論文45篇,其中5篇發表在Phys. Rev. Lett.上, 2篇發表在Appl. Phys. Lett.上, 15篇發表在 Phys. Rev. A 、B、E上。論文SCI他引230餘次,單篇平均他引5次。近年在國際、國內學術會議作特邀報8個。
(1). Zhou YS, Wang XH*, Gu BY, and Wang FH, Switching Control of Spontaneous Emission by Polarized Atoms in Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals, PHYS REV LETT 96: 103601 (2006).
(2). Wang XH*, Gu BY, Kivshar YS, Spontaneous emission and Lamb shift in photonic crystals, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS 6 (7):814-822 OCT 2005
(3). Zhao LM, Wang XH*, Gu BY, et al.,Green's function for photonic crystal slabs, PHYS REV E 72 (2): Art. No. 026614 Part 2 AUG 2005
(4). Du ML, Wang FH, Jin YP, Zhou ZS, Wang XH*, Gu BY., Oscillations in the spontaneous emission rate of atoms in a dielectric slab: Effects of photon closed orbits, PHYS REV A 71 (6): Art. No. 065401 JUN 2005
(5). Wang XH*, Kivshar YS, Gu BY, Giant Lamb shift in photonic crystals , PHYSREV LETT 93 (7): Art. No. 073901 AUG 13 2004
(6). Xu HX, Wang XH, Persson MP, et al., Unified treatment of fluorescence and Raman scattering processes near metal surfaces, PHYS REV LETT 93 (24): Art. No. 243002 DEC 10 2004
(7).Wang XH*, Gu BY, Wang RZ, et al.;Decay kinetic properties of atoms in photonic crystals with absolute gaps;PHYS REV LETT 91 (11): Art. No. 113904 SEP 12 2003
(8).Ni PG, Ma BQ, Wang XH, et al.;Second-harmonic generation in two-dimensional periodically poled lithium niobate using second-order quasiphase matching;APPL PHYS LETT 82 (24): 4230-4232 JUN 16 2003
(9).Wang RZ, Wang XH, Gu BY, et al. ;Local density of states in three-dimensional photonic crystals: Calculation and enhancement effects;PHYS REV B 67 (15): Art. No. 155114 APR 15 2003
(10).Wang XH*, Gu BY, Wang RZ;Numerical method of Brillouin zone integrals of vectorial fields in photonic crystals;PHYS LETT A 308 (2-3): 116-119 FEB 24 2003
(11).Wang XH*, Wang RZ, Gu BY, et al.; Decay distribution of spontaneous emission from an assembly of atoms in photonic crystals with pseudogaps; PHYS REV LETT 88 (9): Art. No. 093902 MAR 4 2002
(12).Wang XH*, Gu BY;Nonlinear frequency conversion in 2D chi((2)) photonic crystals and novel nonlinear double-circle construction;EUR PHYS J B 24 (3): 323-326 DEC 2001
(13).Wang RZ, Wang XH*, Gu BY, et al.;Effects of shapes and orientations of scatterers and lattice symmetries on the photonic band gap in two-dimensional photonic crystals; J APPL PHYS 90 (9): 4307-4313 NOV 1 2001
(14).Chen KQ, Wang XH*, Gu BY;Localized interface optical-phonon modes in superlattices with structural defects;PHYS REV B 62 (15): 9919-9922 OCT 15 2000
(15).Wang XH*, Gu BY, Li ZY, et al.;Large absolute photonic band gaps created by rotating noncircular rods in two-dimensional lattices;PHYS REV B 60 (16): 11417-11421 OCT 15 1999
(16).Wang XH, Gu BY, Yang GZ, et al.;Parity anomaly of bound states and optical properties in semiconductor superlattices with structural defects;PHYS REV B 58 (8): 4629-4635 AUG 15 1998
(17).Wang XH, Gu BY, Yang GZ;Coupling between normal and lateral degrees of freedom of an electron in quantum wells and superlattices at zero and finite magnetic fields;PHYS REV B 56 (15): 9224-9227 OCT 15 1997
(18).Wang XH*, Gu BY, Yang GZ;Coupling between the transverse and longitudinal components of an electron in resonant tunneling;PHYS REV B 55 (15): 9340-9343 APR 15 1997