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  • 中文名:王雅楠
  • 出生日期:1988年3月
  • 畢業院校:天津大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:管理學
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學


2007.09-2011.06 太原理工大學 會計學專業 大學本科,管理學學士學位
2011.09-2013.06 西北農林科技大學 企業管理專業 碩士研究生,管理學碩士學位
2013.09-2016.06 天津大學 工商管理專業 博士研究生,管理學博士學位
2018.01-至今 西北農林科技大學經濟管理學院 副教授








1. Wang YN, Chen W*, Zhao MJ, Wang BW. Analysis of the influencing factors on CO2 emissions at different urbanization levels: Regional difference in China based on panel estimation. Natural Hazards, 2018. Published online. (SCI 四區,2017 IF=″1.901)
2. Chen W, Shen Y, Wang YN*, Wu Q. Does industrial land price lead to industrial diffusion in China? An empirical study from a spatial perspective. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018, 40, 307-316.(SSCI/SCI 三區,2017 IF=″3.073)
3. Wang YN, Zhao MJ, Chen W*. Spatial effect of factors affecting household CO2 emissions at provincial level in China: a geographically weighted regression model. Carbon Management, 2018, 9(2), 187-200.(SSCI/SCI四區,2017 IF=″1.109)
4. Wang YN*, Chen W, Kang YQ, et al., Spatial correlation of factors affecting CO2 emission at provincial level in China: a geographically weighted regression approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 184: 929-937 (SSCI/SSCI二區,2017 IF=″5.651)
5. Chen W, Shen Y, Wang YN*, Wu Q. How do industrial land price variations affect industrial diffusion? Evidence from a spatial analysis of China. Land Use Policy, 2018, 71, 384-394. (SSCI,2017 IF=″3.194)
6. Chen W, Shen Y, Wang YN*. Evaluation of economic transformation and upgrading of resource-based cities in Shaanxi province based on an improved TOPSIS method. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018, 37, 232-240. (SSCI/SCI 三區,2017 IF=″3.073)
7. Wang YN*, Kang YQ, Wang J, Xu LN. Panel estimation for the impacts of population-related factors on CO2 emissions: A regional analysis in China. Ecological Indicators, 2017, 78: 322-330. (SCI 二區/SSCI,2017 IF=″3.983)
8. Wang YN*, Zhao T. Impacts of energy-related CO2 emissions: Evidence from under developed, developing and highly developed regions in China. Ecological Indicators, 2015 (50), 186-195.(SCI 二區/SSCI,2017 IF=″3.983)
9. Li W, Zhao T, Wang YN*, Guo F. Investigating the learning effects of technological advancement on CO2 emissions: a regional analysis in China. Natural Hazards. (SCI 四區/SSCI,2017 IF=″1.901)
10. Yang YY, Zhao T, Wang YN*, Shi ZH. Research on impacts of population-related factors on carbon emissions in Beijing from 1984 to 2012. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2015 (55), 45-53.(SSCI,2017 IF=″3.054)
11. Zhao LT, Zhao T, Wang YN*. A multi-sectoral decomposition analysis of Beijing carbon emissions. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 2017, 19: 565-575. (SCI 三區/SSCI,2017 IF=″2.337)
12. Guo F, Zhao T, Wang YN*, Wang Y. Estimating the abatement potential of provincial carbon intensity based on the environmental learning curve model in China. Natural Hazards. 2016, 84(1), 685-705. (SCI 四區/SSCI,2017 IF=″1.901)
13. Wang J*, Zhao T, Wang YN. How to achieve the 2020 and 2030 emissions targets of China: Evidence from high, mid and low energy-consumption industrial sub-sectors [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2016, 145:280-292. (SCI 二區/SSCI,2017 IF=″3.708)
14. Kang YQ, Xie BC, Wang J, Wang YN. Environmental assessment and investment strategy for China's manufacturing industry: A non-radial DEA based analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 175: 501-511. (SCI 二區/SSCI,2017 IF=″5.651)
15. 王雅楠,趙濤.基於GWR模型我國碳排放空間差異研究.中國人口資源與環境, 2016, 26(2): 27-34.(CSSCI)
16. 王雅楠, 孫養學, 李威. 人口相關因素對碳排放的影響研究——基於變截距模型的實證分析[J]. 生態經濟, 2017, 33(12):19-23.(CSSCI擴展版,北大核心)
17. 王雅楠, 左藝輝, 陳偉, 王博文. 環境規制對碳排放的門檻效應及其區域差異[J]. 環境科學研究, 2018, 31(4): 601-608.
18. 謝智慧,孫養學,王雅楠. 環境規制對企業環保投資的影響——基於重污染行業的面板數據研究[J]. 乾旱區資源與環境,2018,32(3): 12-16.(CSSCI)
19. 王靜,王禮力,王雅楠. 社會資本對農戶參與農民用水協會意願的影響研究[J].農業現代化研究,2018, 39(02),309-315.(北大核心)
20. 張偉,孫養學,王雅楠. 華山牧場遊客滿意度影響因素實證研究[J]. 黑龍江畜牧獸醫,2018,(06),39-42.(北大核心)
21. 彭月,孫養學,王雅楠. 種子科技企業可持續競爭能力評價研究 [J].種子2018,37(03),63-67.(北大核心)
22. 林朋,趙濤,王雅楠.基於STIRPAT模型的京津冀經濟圈人口因素對碳排放的影響研究.電子科技大學學報, 2016, 18(6): 45-50. (CSCD)




