



  • 中文名:王訓明
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1970年11月
  • 畢業院校:安徽師範大學
  • 職業:教師
  • 出生地:安徽
  • 性別:男


1993年畢業於安徽師範大學地理系,同年進入中國科學院蘭州沙漠研究所攻讀自然地理碩士研究生,1996年獲得學位並留所工作,1998年在該所攻讀自然地理博士,2001年獲得學位。現為中國科學院寒區旱區環境與工程研究所研究員,蘭州大學北京師範大學兼職教授,中國地理學會沙漠分會理事,《Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions》常務編委,博士生導師。


主要從事地貌第四紀、環境演變、荒漠化過程防治、風沙物理等方面的研究,主持和主要參加中國科學院“百人計畫”項目、中國科學院創新方向性項目、科技部973項目、國家自然科學重點基金和面上項目10餘項。有關的研究成果主要發表於Earth Science-Reviews, Geomorphology, Global and Planetary Change, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Journal of Arid Environments,Land Degradation & Development, Sedimentary Geology, CATENA, Environmental Geology, Global Environmental Change, Human Ecology, Chinese Science Bulletin, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Journal of Geophysical Research以及Geophysical Research Letters 等國際主流期刊上,論文被SCI源期刊引用近300次。每年都為大量的投稿於SCI期刊的地貌第四紀、荒漠化、沙塵暴以及現代環境演變方面的研究論文進行評審,近年來的部分研究結果被評為甘肅省自然科學二等獎(排名1)、科技進步二等獎(排名6),2007和2009年發表的有關中國北方乾旱、半乾旱區沙漠化成因的論文分別被Nature China評為中國大陸以及港澳地區科學家有突出成果的工作之一。




1. 國家“八·五”重點科技攻關項目“塔里木沙漠石油公路防沙治沙綜合研究”(一般參加人,1993-1995)。
2. 中國科學院“百人計畫”項目“風沙活動過程中近地表風沙互饋機制”(第二完成人,1999-2002)。
3. 國家自然科學基金項目“近地表風沙流與風速廓線的互饋機制”(第二完成人,2001-2003)。
4. 中國科學院知識創新工程方向性項目“風沙流動力過程及其控制原理”(主要參加人,2000-2003)。
5. 國家973項目子課題“中國北方土壤風蝕的定量評價”(主要參加人,2000-2005)。
6. 國家傑出青年科學基金項目“風沙邊界層動力學”(主要參加人,2002-2006)。
7. 中國科學院知識創新工程方向性項目“西北乾旱區沙塵釋放及其與環境的關係研究”(項目負責人之一,2004-2006)。
8. 國家自然科學基金項目“灌叢沙丘發育過程以及其對沙漠化過程的指征意義”(主持,2004-2006)。
9. 國家自然基金課題目“風沙運動中顆粒碰撞和磨蝕等的間接粉塵釋放量及其物質組成的半定量研究”(負責人,2009-2011)。
10. 國家自然科學基金重點項目“黑河流域生態-水文過程研究集成”(主要參加人,2007-2009)。
11. 中國科學院重大項目“三北防護林生態效益評價研究”(主要參加,2007-2010)。
12. 973項目“乾旱區綠洲化、荒漠化過程及其對人類活動、氣候變化的回響與調控”(主要參加人,2008-2012)。


(2000-2009, 英文部分) (Publications published in English 2000-2009)
1.Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Guangting Chen, 2002. Geomorphology of sand dunes in the northeast Taklimakan Sand Sea, Geomorphology, 42, 183-195.
2.Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Aiguo Zhao, 2002. Relations between morphology, airflow, sand flux and particle size on transverse dunes, Taklimakan Sand Sea, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 27, 515-526.
3.Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Guangting Chen, 2000. On efficiency of sand-controlling system along the Tarim Desert Highway in Taklimakan Desert, The Journal of Chinese Geography, 10 (2), 141-150.
4.Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jianjun Qu, Jiawu Zhang, Aiguo Zhao, 2003. Dynamics processes of a simple linear dune in Taklimakan Sand Sea, Geomorphology, 52, 233-241.
5.Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Jianjun Qu, Aiguo Zhao, 2003. Grain size characteristics of dune sands in the central Taklimakan Sand Sea, Sedimentary Geology, 161, 1-14.
6.Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Jianjun Qu, 2004. Formation of the complex linear dunes in the central Taklimakan Sand Sea, China, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29, 677-686.
7.Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Lichao Liu, 2004. Sand sea activity and interactions with climatic parameters in Taklimakan Sand Sea, China, Journal of Arid Environments, 57, 85-98.
8.Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Lichao Liu, 2004. Modern dust storms in China: an overview, Journal of Arid Environments, 58, 559-574.
9.Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Guangqiang Qian, 2005. Wind energy environments and dunefield activity in the Chinese deserts, Geomorphology, 65, 33-48.
10.Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Ping Yan, Zuotao Yang, Zhixin Hu, 2005. Surface sample collection and dust source analysis in northwestern China, CATENA, 59, 35-53.
11.Xunming Wang, Fahu Chen, Zhibao Dong, Dunsheng Xia, 2005. Evolution of the southern Mu Us Desert in North China over the past 50 years: an analysis using proxies of human activity and climate parameters. Land Degradation & Development, 16, 351-366.
12.Xunming Wang, Tao Wang, Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Guangqiang Qian, 2006. Nebkha development and its relationship to wind erosion and land degradation in semiarid northern China, Journal of Arid Environments, 65, 129-141.
13.Xunming Wang, Zijiang Zhou, Zhibao Dong, Fahu Chen, 2005. Do humans create mineral dust in Northwest China? Environmental Geology, 48, 609-614.
14.Xunming Wang, Fahu Chen, Zhibao Dong, 2006. The relative role of climatic and human factors in desertification in semi-arid China. Global Environmental Change, 16, 48-57.
15.Xunming Wang, Zijiang Zhou, Zhibao Dong, 2006. Control of dust emissions by geomorphic conditions, wind environments, and land uses in northern China: an examination based on dust storm frequency from 1960 to 2003. Geomorphology, 81, 292-308.
16.Xunming Wang, Hasi E., Zijiang Zhou, Xiaoping Liu, 2007. Significance of variations in the wind energy environment over the past 50 years with respect to dune activity and desertification in arid and semiarid northern China. Geomorphology, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.09.003.
17.Xunming Wang, Jijun Li, Guangrong Dong, Dunsheng Xia, 2008. Responses of desertification to variations in wind activity over the past five decades in arid and semiarid China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53, 424-433, doi: 10.1007/s11434-008-0100-4.
18.Xunming Wang, Dunsheng Xia, Tao Wang, Xuan Xie, Jinchang, Li, 2008. Dust sources in arid and semiarid China and southern Mongolia: impacts of geomorphologic setting and surface materials. Geomorphology, 97, 583-600, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.09.006.
19.Xunming Wang, Honglang Xiao, Jinchang Li, Mingrui Qiang, Zhizu Su, 2008. Nebkha development and its significances on environmental changes in the Alaxa Plateau, China. Environmental Geology, doi:10.1007/s00254-007-1171-2.
20. Xunming Wang, Fahu Chen, Eerdun Hasi, Jinchang Li, 2008, Desertification in China: an assessment. Earth-Science Reviews, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2008.02.001.
21. Xunming Wang, Yi Yang, Zhibao Dong, 2009. Responses of dune activity and desertification to twenty-first century global warming in China. Global Planetary and Change, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2009.02.004.
22. Xunming Wang , Zhibao Dong, Caixia Zhang, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, 2009. Characterization of the composition of dust fallout and identification of dust sources in arid and semiarid North China. Geomorphology, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.05.013.
23. Xunming Wang, Ning Huang, Zhibao Dong, Caixia Zhang, 2009. Mineral and trace element analysis in dustfall collected in the Hexi Corridor and its significance as an indicator of environmental changes. Environmental Geology, doi: 10.1007/s12665-009-0164-8.
24. Xunming Wang, Caixia Zhang, Eerdun Hasi, Zhibao Dong, 2009. Has the Three Norths Forest Shelterbelt program solved the desertification and dust storm problems in arid and semiarid China? Journal of Arid Environments, doi: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2009.08.001.
25. Xunming Wang, Fahu Chen, Jiawu Zhang, Yi Yang, Jijun Li, Eerdun Hasi, Caixia Zhang, Dunsheng Xia, 2009. Climate, desertification, and the rise and collapse of China's historical dynasties, Human Ecology, accepted for publication.


