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  • 中文名:王良晨
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生物數學
  • 任職院校:重慶郵電大學




2006/9–2010/6, 西華師範大學, 數學與信息學院, 學士
2010/9–2015/12, 重慶大學, 數學與統計學院, 博士(碩博連讀)
2014/7-2014/8, 香港理工大學, 套用數學系, 助理研究員
2016/1-至今, 重慶郵電大學, 理學院


目前在《Journal of Differential Equations》、《Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series》等雜誌上發表SCI論文30餘篇,ESI高被引3篇。
1. 國家自然科學基金(青年);一類帶增長項的趨化模型的數學理論研究(11601052)2017.01-2019.12(主持)。
2.重慶市科委項目; Chemotaxis-(Navier-)Stokes模型解的定性研究(cstc2017jcyjAX0178) 2017.09-2020.06(主持)。
3. 重慶市教委項目; 帶logistic源趨化模型解的定性分析(KJ1600414) 2016.07-2018.08(主持)
4. 國家自然科學基金(面上)非線性發展方程解的性質和圖像處理中的套用(11371384)2014.01-2017.12(主研)。
6. 國家自然科學基金(青年) 趨化現象中交錯擴散方程組解的漸近行為與爆破分析(11601053)2017.01-2019.12(主研)。
7.重慶市科委項目(重點);圖像處理中的非線性偏微分方程模型研究(cstc2017jcyjBX0037)2017.06 -2020.09(主研)。
8. 重慶市科委項目(重點);關於生命科學中趨化現象的數學模型研究(cstc2015jcyjBX0007)2015.01-2018.12(主研)。
[1]Liangchen Wang, Chunlai Mu, Xuegang Hu, Pan Zheng,Boundedness and asymptotic stability of solutions to a two-species chemotaxis system with consumption of chemoattractant,Journal of Differential Equations,264 (2018).
[2]Liangchen Wang, Chunlai Mu, Pan Zheng,On a quasilinear parabolic-elliptic chemotaxis system with logistic source,Journal of Differential Equations,256 (2014).(ESI高被引)
[3] Liangchen Wang,Jin Zhang, Chunlai Mu, Xuegang Hu, Boundedness and stabilization in a two-species chemotaxis system with two chemicals,Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B,25(2020)
[4]Liangchen Wang, Yuhuan Li, Chunlai Mu, Boundedness in a parabolic-parabolic quasilinear chemotaxis system with logistic source,Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series A, 34 (2014).(ESI高被引)
[5] Liangchen WangImprovement of conditions for boundedness in a two-species chemotaxis competition system of parabolic-parabolic-elliptic type, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 484 (2020).
[6]Liangchen Wang, Chunlai Mu, Shouming Zhou, Boundedness in a parabolic-parabolic chemotaxis system with nonlinear diffusion, Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik,65 (2014).
[7]Liangchen Wang, Chunlai Mu, Ke Lin, Jie Zhao, Global existence to a higher-dimensional quasilinear chemotaxis system with consumption of chemoattractant, Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik,66 (2015) .
[8]Liangchen Wang, Chunlai Mu, Xuegang Hu, Global solutions to a chemotaxis model with consumption of chemoattractant, Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik,67 (2016) .
[9]Liangchen Wang, Chunlai Mu, Xuegang Hu, Ya Tian, Boundedness in a quasilinear chemotaxis-haptotaxis system with logistic source, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 40 (2017).
[10]Liangchen Wang, Xuegang Hu, Pan Zheng, Ling Li, Boundedness in a chemotaxis model with exponentially decaying diffusivity and consumption of chemoattractant, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 74 (2017).
[11]Liangchen Wang, Chunlai Mu, Xuegang Hu, Pan Zheng, Boundedness in a quasilinear chemotaxis model with consumption of chemoattractant and logistic source, Applicable Analysis, 97 (2018).
[12]Liangchen Wang, Shahab Ud-Din Khan, Salah Ud-Din Khan, Boundedness in a chemotaxis system with consumption of chemoattractant and logistic source,Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2013 (2013) 1-9.
[13]Chunlai Mu,Liangchen Wang, Pan Zheng, Extinction and non-extinction for a polytropic filtration equation with absorption and source, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 391 (2012) .
[14]Chunlai Mu,Liangchen Wang, Pan Zheng and Qingna Zhang, Global existence and boundedness of classical solutions to a parabolic–parabolic chemotaxis system, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 14 (2013) .
[15]Xu Pan,Liangchen Wang,Jing Zhang, Jie Wang, Boundedness in a three-dimensional two-species chemotaxis system with two chemicals, Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, (2020) .
[16]Nan Li,Liangchen Wang, Chunlai Mu, Pan Zheng, Disappearance and global existence of interfaces for a doubly degenerate parabolic equation with variable coefficient, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 38 (2015).
[17]Xuegang Hu,Liangchen Wang, Chunlai Mu, Ling Li, Boundedness in a three-dimensional chemotaxis-haptotaxis model with nonlinear diffusion, Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 355 (2017).
[18]Ke Lin, Chunlai Mu,Liangchen Wang, Boundedness in a two-species chemotaxis system,Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 38 (2015).(ESI高被引)
[19]Dan Li, Chunlai Mu, Ke Lin,Liangchen Wang, Large time behavior of solution to an attraction–repulsion chemotaxis system with logistic source in three dimensions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 448(2017).
[20]Pan Zheng, Chunlai Mu,Liangchen Wang, Ling Li, Boundedness and asymptotic behavior in a fully parabolic chemotaxis-growth system with signal-dependent sensitivity. Journal of Evolution Equations, 17 (2017) .
[21]Shouming Zhou, Chunlai Mu,Liangchen Wang, Well-posedness, blow-up phenomena and global existence for the generalized b-equation with higher-order nonlinearities and weak dissipation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series A, 34 (2014) .
[22]Ke Lin, Chunlai Mu,Liangchen Wang, Large time behavior for an attraction-repulsion chemotaxis system, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 426 (2015) .
[23]Yuhuan Li, Chunlai Mu,Liangchen Wang, Lifespan and a new critical exponent for a nonlocal parabolic equation with slowly decay initial values, Applicable Analysis, 92 (2013) .
[24]Shuyan Qiu, Chunlai Mu,Liangchen Wang, Boundedness in the higher dimensional quasilinear chemotaxis growth system with indirect attractant production, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 75 (2018) .
[25]Pan Zheng,Chunlai Mu,Xuegang Hu,Liangchen Wang, Finite-time blow-up in a quasilinear chemotaxis system with an external signal consumption, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 53 (2019), 25-41.
[26]Jing Zhang, Xuegang Hu,Liangchen Wang, Li Qu, Boundedness in a quasilinear two-species chemotaxis system with consumption of chemoattractant, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 31(2019) 1-12.
[27]Jie Zhao, Chunlai Mu,Liangchen Wang, Deqin Zhou, Blow up and Bounded Solutions in a Two-Species Chemotaxis System in Two Dimensional Domains,Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 153(2018).
[28]Dan Li, Chunlai Mu, Ke Lin,Liangchen Wang,Convergence rate estimates of a two-species chemotaxis system with two indirect signal production and logistic source in three dimensions, Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2017.
[29]Dan Li, Chunlai Mu, Ke Lin,Liangchen Wang,Global weak solutions for an attraction‐repulsion system with nonlinear diffusion, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 40 (2017) .
[30]Pan Zheng, Xuegang Hu,Liangchen Wang,Ya Tian,A note on the boundedness in a chemotaxis-growth system with nonlinear sensitivity, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 7(2018) 1-9.




