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  • 中文名:王維龍
  • 畢業院校:Mälardalen University
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:能源環境工程
  • 任職院校:中山大學
  • 職稱:教授



2007/10 - 2011/01,Mälardalen University,能源環境工估臘挨程,博士
2003/09 - 2007/09,華南理工大學,能源工程,碩博連讀
1997/09 - 2001/08,華南理工大學化學工程與工藝,學士


2015/02 至今 , 中山大學,副教授
2012/01 - 2012/04, 美國The Penn State University, 能源研究所, 訪問學者
2011/02 - 2013/01, 中山大學,講師/師資博後
2009/10 - 2010/03, Malardalen University,中國工程院與瑞典皇家科學院聯合資助學者
2001/07 - 2003/09, 華南理工大學,化工與能源學院,助教




擔任Applied Energy,籃鞏Langmuir, Energy& Fuels, Renewable Energy等多個國際期刊審稿求奔朵整人,審稿30餘篇。



1. HY Chen, J Ding, WL Wang*, XL Wei, JF Lu. Water adsorption characteristics of MCM-41 post-modified by Al grafting and cations doping: equilibrium and kinetics study. Adsorption, 2017,23:113-120
2. LC Du, J Ding, HQ Tian, WL Wang*, XL Wei, M Song.Thermal properties and thermal stability of the ternary eutectic salt NaCl-CaCl2-MgCl2 used in high-temperature thermal energy storage process. Applied Energy, 2017, Accepted
3. B Liu , XL Wei, WL Wang*, JF Lu, J Ding. Corrosion behavior of Inconel 625 and Hastelloy B-3 alloys in molten NaCl-CaCl2-MgCl2 eutectic salt for concentrating solar power. Solar Energy Mateirals and Solar Cells 2017, Accepted
4. HQ Tian, WL Wang*, J Ding, XL Wei, CL Huang. Preparation of binary eutectic chloride/expanded graphiteas high-temperature thermal energy storage materials. Solar Energy Mateirals and Solar Cells, 2016,149:187-194
5. GCQ Pan, J Ding, WL Wang*, J Li, XL Wei. Molecular simulations of the thermal and transport properties of alkali chloridesalts for high-temperature thermal energy storage. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2016, 103:417-427
6. Lu JF, Yuan QY, Ding J, Wang WL, Liang JM. Experimental studies on nonuniform heat transfer and deformation performances for trough solar receiver. Applied Thermal Engineering 2016, 109:497-506
7. L Wang, JF Lu,WL Wang*, J Ding. Energy, environmental and economic evaluation of the CCHP systems for a remote island in south of China. Applied Energy 2016, 183,874-883
8. CT Yang, XL Wei, WL Wang*, ZH Lin, J Ding,Y Wang, Q Peng, JP Yang. NOx emissions and the component changes of ternary molten nitrate salts in thermal energy storage process. Applied Energy, 2016,184:346-352.
9. WL Wang, HL Li, SP Guo, SQ He,J Ding, J Yan, JP Yang. Numerical simulation study on discharging process of the direct-contact phase change energy storage system. Applied Energy 2015, 150:61-68
10. XL Wei, M Song, WL Wang*, J Ding, JP Yang. Design and thermal properties of a novel ternary chloride eutectics for high-temperature solar energy storage. Applied Energy 2015, 156:306-310
11. HQ Tian, WL Wang*, J Ding, XL Wei, M Song, JP Yang. Thermal conductivities and characteristics of ternary eutectic chloride/expanded graphite thermal energy storage composites. Applied Energy 2015, 148:87-92
12. Wang WL, Li J, Wei XL, Ding J, Feng HJ, Yan J, Yang JP. Carbon dioxide adsorption thermodynamics and mechanisms on MCM-41 Supported Polyethylenimine Prepared by Wet Impregnation Method. Applied Energy 2015, 142:221-228
13. Wang WL*, Guo SP, Li HL, Yan *, Zhao J, Li X, Ding J, Experimental Study on the Direct/indirect Contact Energy Storage Container in Mobilized Thermal Energy System (M-TES), Applied Energy, 119, 181-189, 2014
14. Wang WL,He SQ,Guo SP,Yan J,Ding J.A combined experimental and simulation study on charging process of Erythritol-HTO direct-blending based energy storage system. Energy Conversion and Management,83,306-313,2014
15. WL Wang, J Xiao, J Ding, XX Wang, CS Song. Development of a New Clay Supported Polyethylenimine Composite for CO2 Capture. Applied Energy 2014, 113:334-341.


4. HQ Tian, WL Wang*, J Ding, XL Wei, CL Huang. Preparation of binary eutectic chloride/expanded graphiteas high-temperature thermal energy storage materials. Solar Energy Mateirals and Solar Cells, 2016,149:187-194
5. GCQ Pan, J Ding, WL Wang*, J Li, XL Wei. Molecular simulations of the thermal and transport properties of alkali chloridesalts for high-temperature thermal energy storage. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2016, 103:417-427
6. Lu JF, Yuan QY, Ding J, Wang WL, Liang JM. Experimental studies on nonuniform heat transfer and deformation performances for trough solar receiver. Applied Thermal Engineering 2016, 109:497-506
7. L Wang, JF Lu,WL Wang*, J Ding. Energy, environmental and economic evaluation of the CCHP systems for a remote island in south of China. Applied Energy 2016, 183,874-883
8. CT Yang, XL Wei, WL Wang*, ZH Lin, J Ding,Y Wang, Q Peng, JP Yang. NOx emissions and the component changes of ternary molten nitrate salts in thermal energy storage process. Applied Energy, 2016,184:346-352.
9. WL Wang, HL Li, SP Guo, SQ He,J Ding, J Yan, JP Yang. Numerical simulation study on discharging process of the direct-contact phase change energy storage system. Applied Energy 2015, 150:61-68
10. XL Wei, M Song, WL Wang*, J Ding, JP Yang. Design and thermal properties of a novel ternary chloride eutectics for high-temperature solar energy storage. Applied Energy 2015, 156:306-310
11. HQ Tian, WL Wang*, J Ding, XL Wei, M Song, JP Yang. Thermal conductivities and characteristics of ternary eutectic chloride/expanded graphite thermal energy storage composites. Applied Energy 2015, 148:87-92
12. Wang WL, Li J, Wei XL, Ding J, Feng HJ, Yan J, Yang JP. Carbon dioxide adsorption thermodynamics and mechanisms on MCM-41 Supported Polyethylenimine Prepared by Wet Impregnation Method. Applied Energy 2015, 142:221-228
13. Wang WL*, Guo SP, Li HL, Yan *, Zhao J, Li X, Ding J, Experimental Study on the Direct/indirect Contact Energy Storage Container in Mobilized Thermal Energy System (M-TES), Applied Energy, 119, 181-189, 2014
14. Wang WL,He SQ,Guo SP,Yan J,Ding J.A combined experimental and simulation study on charging process of Erythritol-HTO direct-blending based energy storage system. Energy Conversion and Management,83,306-313,2014
15. WL Wang, J Xiao, J Ding, XX Wang, CS Song. Development of a New Clay Supported Polyethylenimine Composite for CO2 Capture. Applied Energy 2014, 113:334-341.




