2009年9月— 2012年7月
暨南大學 醫學影像與介入放射學(博士)
1998年9月— 2004年7月 暨南大學
2012/07-至今, 暨南大學, 第一臨床學院, 研究員
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(81671670)(58萬)課題負責人;
2. 國家自然科學基金青年項目(81501456)(18萬)課題負責人;
3. 高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金新教師類(20134401120004)(4萬)課題負責人;
4. 廣東省自然科學基金面上項目(2014A030313375) (10萬)課題負責人;
5. 廣州市科技計畫科學研究專項項目(1563000653) (20萬)課題負責人;
6. 廣東省自然科學基金博士啟動項目(S2013040016820)(3萬)課題負責人;
7. 暨南大學科研培育與創新基金醫學聯合基金項目(21615476)(10萬) 課題負責人;
8. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(81471650)(73萬)第一參與人;
9. 廣東省社會發展領域科技計畫重點項目(2014B020212022)(100萬)第一參與人;
10. 廣州市臨床醫學研究與轉化中心試點建設項目(20160402007)(200萬)第一參與人;
11. 廣州市產學研協同創新重大專項(201604020184)(100萬) 第一參與人;
1. Wang Y*, Deng F, Jia Y, Wang J, Zhong S, Huang H, Chen L, Chen G, Hu H, Huang L, Huang R*. Disrupted rich club organization and structural brain connectome in unmedicated bipolar disorder. Psychological Medicine. 2018 May 8:1-9.
2. Wang Y*, Chen G, Zhong S, Jia Y, Liu X, Lai S, Zhao L, Huang L, Liu T*. Association between resting-state brain functional connectivity and cortisol levels in unmedicated major depressive disorder. J Psychiatr Res. 2018 Sep 1;105: 55-62.
3. Chen L, Wang Y* (共同第一作者), Niu C, Zhong S, Hu H, Chen P, Zhang S, Chen G, Deng F, Lai S, Wang J, Huang L, Huang R*. Common and distinct abnormal frontal-limbic system structural and functional patterns in patients with major depression and bipolar disorder. NeuroImage-Clinical. 2018 Jul 6;20:42-50.
4. Gong J, Chen G, Jia Y, Zhong S, Zhao L, Luo X, Qiu S, Lai S, Qi Z, Huang L*, Wang Y*. Disrupted functional connectivity within the default mode network and salience network in unmedicated bipolar II disorder. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2018. Jun 26; 88:11-18.
5. Wang Y*, Zhong S, Chen G, Liu T, Zhao L, Sun Y, Jia Y, Huang L*. Altered cerebellar functional connectivity in remitted bipolar disorder: A resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2017, Dec 1:4867417745996.
6. Wang Y, Wang J, Jia Y, Zhong S, Zhong M, Sun Y, Niu M, Zhao L, Zhao L, Pan J, Huang L*, Huang R*. Topologically Convergent and Divergent Functional Connectivity Patterns in Unmedicated Unipolar Depression and Bipolar Disorder. Transl Psychiatry. 2017 Jul 4;7(7):e1165.
7. Niu M, Wang Y(共同第一作者), Jia Y, Wang J , Zhong S, Lin J, Yao S, Zhao L, Liu X, Huang L*, Huang R*. Common and Specific Abnormalities in Cortical Thickness in Patients with Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders. EBioMedicine. 2017 Feb;16:162-171.
8. Wang Y*, Zhong S, Jia Y, Yao S, Zhou Z, Wang B, Pan J, Huang L. Disrupted resting-state functional connectivity in nonmedicated bipolar disorder. Radiology. 2016, 280(2):529-536
9. Wang Y*, Zhong S, Jia Y, Zhou Z, Zhou Q, Huang L*. Reduced interhemispheric resting-state functional connectivity in unmedicated bipolar II disorder. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2015,132(5):400-407.
10. Wang Y*, Zhong S, Jia Y, Zhou Z, Wang B, Pan J, Huang L. Interhemispheric resting state functional connectivity abnormalities in unipolar depression and bipolar depression. Bipolar Disord. 2015,17(5):486-495. (A1, IF= 4.96)