浙江大學 營養學 教授,
- 中文名:王福俤
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 畢業院校:第二軍醫大學軍事預防醫學博士畢業
- 主要成就:微量元素穩態代謝的分子和遺傳機制,以及在疾病發生髮展中的作用
發現“鐵死亡”為心臟病致病關鍵機制 - 職務:浙江大學公共衛生學院院長
1992年獲河北醫科大學公共衛生學院學士學位,1995年獲上海同濟大學醫學院營養與食品衛生學碩士學位,1998年第二軍醫大學軍事預防醫學博士學位。1998-2002年在第二軍醫大學海軍醫學系工作,先後任講師、副教授、碩士生導師、教研室主任。2002-2004年在美國密蘇理哥倫比亞大學營養系和生物化學系從事博士後研究。之後在美國哈佛大學醫學院和波士頓兒童醫院任研究員(Instructor);美國佛羅里達大學人類營養與食品系任研究副教授。2009年在中國科學院上海生命科學研究院營養科學研究所研究員、博士生導師、微量元素分子營養學研究組主任。2013年調任浙江大學公共衛生學院,任院長。現任國家衛生部食品安全國家標準評審委員會委員、中國營養學會老年營養分委會委員、上海營養學會理事、上海營養學會副主任委員、上海預防醫學會營養與食品安全分委會委員、美國佛羅里達大學食品與人類營養系Courtesy Professor。承擔國家自然科學基金項目傑出青年項目、重點項目(2項)、面上項目,國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫)項目、科技部支撐計畫及上海市基礎研究重點項目等。在Nature Genetics、Nature、Blood、Hepatology等國際著名雜誌發表論文80餘篇,五年內論文他引近600餘次;主編專著3部;申請專利7項;多次受邀在國內外做大會學術報告。
1) 微量元素穩態代謝的分子和遺傳機制,以及在疾病發生髮展中的作用。礦物質和微量元素是構成人體組織和維持正常生理活動的重要物質,過少會引發相應的缺乏病,例如鋅缺乏可引起小兒厭食、生長發育停滯以及免疫力降低等;鐵缺乏可以引發缺鐵性貧血。但這些礦物質和微量元素過量同樣對健康造成極大危害。因此維持機體礦物質和微量元素平衡對人類健康至關重要。由於分子生物學技術的發展,多種參與離子轉運與代謝的新基因被克隆和鑑定,使人類對離子穩態調控分子機理有了一定的了解,但還有很多問題有待深入研究。
4)公益健康科普?>宣教。致力於營養健康知識大眾科普宣教,榮獲上海市科學技術委員會授予的“上海科普宣講大使”稱號;創建 “西湖營養”微信公眾宣教平台和微博,每天推送營養學新發現、新知識、新理論。
* Corresponding author
1. Zhang Z, Zhang F,Guo X,An P,Tao Y, Wang F*. Ferroportin1 in hepatocytes and macrophages is required for the efficient mobilization of body iron stores. Hepatology. 2012; 56(3): 961-71
2.Jeong J, Walker J , Wang F, J. Park G, Palmer A, Giunta C, Rohrbach M, Steinmann B, Eide DJ. Promotion of vesicular zinc efflux by ZIP13 and its implications for spondylocheiro dysplastic Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2012; 109(51): E3530-8
3. Zhang Z, Zhang F, An P, Guo X, Shen Y, Tao Y, Wu Q, Zhang Y, Yu Y, Ning B, Nie G, Knutson MD, Anderson GJ and Wang F*. Ferroportin1 deficiency in mouse macrophages impairs iron homeostasis and inflammatory responses. Blood. 2011; 118(7): 1912-22
4.Mu M, Wu A, An P, Du X, Wu Q, Shen X, Wang F*. Black soybean seed coat extract regulates iron metabolism by inhibiting the expression of hepcidin. British Journal of Nutrition. 2014; 111(7): 1181-9.
5. Guan Y#,An P#, Zhang Z, Zhang F, Yu Y, Wu Q,Shi Y, Guo X, Tao Y, Wang F*. Screening identifies the Chinese medicinal plant Caulis Spatholobi as an effective HAMP expressioninhibitor. Journal of Nutrition, 2013; 143(7): 1061-6.
6. Guo X#, Zhou DZ#, An P#, Wu Q, Wang H, Wu A, Mu M, Zhang D, Zhang Z, Wang H, He L, Liu Y*, Wang F*. Associations between serum hepcidin, ferritin, hemoglobin, and type 2 diabetes risks in a Chinese Han population. British Journal of Nutrition.2013; 110(12): 2180-5.
7.Yu Y#, Wu A#, Zhang Z, Yan G, Zhang F, Zhang L, Shen X, Hu R, Zhang Y*, ZhangK*, Wang F*. Characterization of the GufA Subfamily Member SLC39A11/Zip11 as a Zinc Transporter.Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 2013; 24(10): 1697-708.
8. An P, Wu Q, Wang H, Guan Y, Mu M, Liao Y, Zhou D, Song P, Wang C, Meng L, Man Q, Li L, Zhang J, Wang F*. TMPRSS6, but not TF, TFR2, or BMP2 Variants are Associated with Increased Risk of Iron Deficiency Anemia. Human Molecular Genetics. 2012; 21(9): 2124-31
9. Zhang F, Tao Y, Zhang Z, Guo X, An P, Shen Y, Wu Q, Yu Y,Wang F*. Metalloreductase Steap3 coordinates the regulation of iron homeostasis and inflammatory responses. Haematologica. 2012; 97(12): 1826-35
10. Gan W, Guan Y, Wu Q, An P, Zhu J, Lu L, Jing L, Yu Y, Ruan S, Xie D, Makrides M, Gibson RA, Anderson GJ, Li H*, Lin X* and Wang F*. Association of TMPRSS6 polymorphisms with ferritin, hemoglobin and type 2 diabetes risk in a Chinese Han population. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2012; 95(3): 626-32
11. Guo L, Lichten LA, Ryu MS, Liuzzi JP, Wang F and Cousins RJ. STAT5-glucocorticoid receptor interaction and MTF-1 regulate the expression of ZnT2 (Slc30a2) in pancreatic acinar cells.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2010; 107(7): 2818-23
12. Feng YX, Zhao JS, Li JJ, Wang T, Cheng SQ, Yuan Y, Wang F, Wang XF, Xie D. Liver cancer: EphrinA2 promotes tumorigenicity through Rac1/Akt/NF-kappaB signaling pathway. Hepatology. 2010; 51(2): 535-44
13. Dong XP, Cheng XP, Mills E, Delling M, Wang F and Xu H. The Type IV Mucolipidosis-Associated Protein TRPML1 is an Endo-lysosomal Iron Release Channel. Nature. 2008; 455(7215): 992-996
14.Wang F, Paradkar PN, Custodio AO, Ward DM, Fleming MD, Campagna D, Roberts KA, Boyartchuk V, Dietrich WF, Kaplan J, and Andrews NC.Genetic variation in Mon1a protein trafficking modifies macrophage iron loading in mice. Nature Genetics. 2007; 39(8): 1025-32
15. Liu S, Suragani RNVS, Wang F, Han A, Zhao W, Fleming MD, Andrews NC and Chen JJ. Deficiency of Heme-Regulated eIF2α Kinase Attenuates Macrophage Maturation Inflammatory Response and Iron Homeostasis. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2007; 117(11): 3296-305
16. Wang F, Lothrop AP, James NG, Griffiths TAM, Lambert LA, Leverence R, Kaltashov IA, Andrews NC, Macgillivray RTA and Mason AB. A novel murine protein with no effect on iron homeostasis is homologous to transferrin and is the putative inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase. Biochemical Journal. 2007; 406(1): 85-95
17. Mao XQ, Kim BE, Wang F, Eide DJ and Petris MJ. A histidine-rich cluster mediates the ubiquitination and degradation of the human zinc transporter, hZIP4, and protects against zinc cytotoxicity. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2007; 282(10): 6992-7000
18. Lim JE, Jin O, Bennett C, Morgan K, Wang F, Trenor III CC, Gilliland DG, Fleming MD and Andrews NC. A mutation in Sec15l1 causes anemia in hemoglobin deficit (hbd) mice. Nature Genetics. 2005; 37: 1270-73
19. Mathews W, Wang F, Eide DJ and Van Doren M. Drosophila fear of intimacy encodes a ZIP family zinc transporter functionally related to mammalian ZIP proteins. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2005; 280(1): 787-95
20. Wang F, Kim BE, Dufner-Beattie J, Andrews GK, Petris MJ and Eide DJ. Acrodermatitis enteropathica mutations affect transport activity, localization, and zinc-responsive trafficking of the mouse Zip4 zinc transporter. Human Molecular Genetics.2004; 13(5): 563-71
21. Wang F, Dufner-Beattie J, Kim BE, Petris MJ, Andrews GK and Eide DJ. Zinc-stimulated endocytosis controls activity of the mouse ZIP1 and ZIP3 zinc uptake transporters. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2004; 279(23): 24631-39
22. Wang F, Kim BE, Petris MJ and Eide DJ. The mammalian ZIP5 protein is a zinc transporter that localizes to the basolateral surface of polarized cells. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2004; 279(49): 51433-41
23. Ellis CD, Wang F, MacDiarmid CW, Clark S, Lyons T and Eide DJ. Zinc and Msc2 zinc transporter protein are required for endoplasmic reticulum function. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2004; 166(3): 325-35
24. Kim BE, Wang F, Dufner-Beattie J, Andrews GK, Eide DJ and Petris MJ. Zn2-stimulated endocytosis of the mZIP4 zinc transporter regulates its location at the plasma. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279(6): 4523-30
25. Dufner-Beattie J, Wang F, Kou YM, Gitschier J, Eide DJ and Andrews GK. The Acrodermatitis Enteropathica gene ZIP4 encodes a tissue-specific, zinc-regulated, zinc transporter in mice. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2003; 278(35): 33474-81
26. Dufner-Beattie J, Langmade SJ, Wang F, Eide DJ and Andrews GK. Structure, function, and regulation of a subfamily of mouse zinc transporter genes. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2003; 278(50): 50142-50
27. Wang F, Bian W, Kong, L., Zhao F, Guo J, Jing, N. Maternal Zinc Deficiency Impairs Brain Nestin Expression in Prenatal and Postnatal Mice. Cell Research. 2001; 11(2): 135-41