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  • 中文名:王斌 
  • 專業方向:菌根學
  • 職稱:教授
  • 任職院校:南京大學


1. 菌根學方向 (Mycorrhizal Symbiosis)Ø
2)這些基因及所在家族成員在不同類群植物(如單子葉禾本科植物水稻 與 豆科植物苜蓿)中的功能分化機制;
Ø2. 植物-病原相互作用方向 (Plant-pathogen interaction)


36. Wu M, Liu YN, Zhang C, Liu XT, Liu CC, Guo R, Niu KX, Zhu AQ, Yang JY, Chen JQ*, Wang B* (2019) Molecular mapping of the gene(s) conferring resistances to Soybean mosaic virus and Bean common mosaic virus in the soybean cultivar Raiden. Theor Appl Genet (accepted).
35. Shao ZQ, Xue JY, Wang B, Chen JQ* (2019) Revisiting the origin of plant NBS-LRR genes. Trends in Plant Science 24(1): 9-12.
34. Xu RR, Yang WD, Niu KX, Wang B*, Wang WM* (2018) An update on the evolution of Glucosyltransferase (Gtf) genes in Streptococcus. Frontiers in Microbiology 9: 2979.
33. Wu Y, Wu P, Wang B, Shao ZQ* (2018) Genome-wide analysis reveals ancestral lack of seventeen different tRNAs and clade-specific loss of tRNA-CNNs in Archaea. Frontiers in Microbiology 9: 1245.
32. Wu M, Wu WP, Liu CC , Liu YN, Wu XY, Ma FF, Zhu AQ, Yang JY*, Wang B*, Chen JQ* (2018) A bean common mosaic virus (BCMV)-resistance gene is fine-mapped to the same region as Rsv1-h in the soybean cultivar Suweon 97. Theor Appl Genet 131(9): 1851-1860.
31. Ma FF, Wu M, Liu YN, Feng XY, Wu XZ, Chen JQ*, Wang B* (2018) Molecular characterization of NBS-LRR genes in the soybean Rsv3 locus reveals several divergent alleles that likely confer resistance to the soybean mosaic virus. Theor Appl Genet 131(2): 253-265.
30. Chen YX, Wu M, Ma FF, Chen JQ*, Wang B* (2017) Complete nucleotide sequences of seven soybean mosaic viruses (SMV), isolated from wild soybeans (Glycine soja) in China. Archives of Virology 162(3): 901-904.
29. Ma FF, Wu XY, Chen YX, Liu YN, Shao ZQ, Wu P, Wu M, Liu CC, Wu WP, Yang JY, Li DX, Chen JQ*, Wang B* (2016) Fine mapping of the Rsv1-h gene in the soybean cultivar Suweon97 that confers resistance to two Chinese strains of the soybean mosaic virus. Theor Appl Genet 129: 2227-2236.
28. Shao ZQ, Wang B*, Chen JQ* (2016) Tracking ancestral lineages and recent expansions of NBS-LRR genes in angiosperms. Plant Signaling & Behavior 11(7): e1197470.
27. Wu XY, Zhou GC, Chen YX, Wu P, Liu LW, Ma FF, Wu M, Liu CC, Zeng YJ, Chu AE, Hang YY, Chen JQ*, Wang B* (2016) Soybean cyst nematode resistance emerged via artificial selection of duplicated serine hydroxylmethyltransferase genes. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:998.
26. Wu P, Wu Y, Liu CC, Liu LW, Ma FF, Wu XY, Wu M, Hang YY, Chen JQ, Shao ZQ*, Wang B* (2016) Identification of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM)-responsive microRNAs in tomato. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 429.
25. Shao ZQ, Xue JY, Wu P, Zhang YM, Wu Y, Hang YY, Wang B*, Chen JQ* (2016) Large-scale analyses of angiosperm Nucleotide-Binding Site-Leucine-Rich Repeat (NBS-LRR) Genes reveal three anciently diverged classes with distinct evolutionary patterns. Plant Physiology, 170 (4): 2095-2109. cited: 36
24. Pan HR, Oztas O, Zhang XW, Wu XY, Stonoha C, Wang ET, Wang B, Wang D* (2016) A symbiotic SNARE protein generated by alternative termination of transcription. Nature Plants 2:15197. cited: 28
23. Zhang YM, Shao ZQ, Wang Q, Hang YY, Xue JY, Wang B*, Chen JQ* (2016) Uncovering the dynamic evolution of nucleotide-binding site-leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) genes in Brassicaceae. J Integra Plant Biol 58(2): 165-177.
22. Zhou GC, Shao ZQ, Ma FF, Wu P, Wu XY, Xie ZY, Yu DY, Cheng H, Liu ZH, Jiang ZF, Chen QS, Wang B * , Chen JQ* (2015) The evolution of soybean mosaic virus: An updated analysis by obtaining 18 new genomic sequences of Chinese strains/isolates. Virus Research 208: 189-198.
21. Shao ZQ, Zhang YM, Hang YY, Xue JY, Zhou GC, Wu P, Wu XY, Wu XZ, Wang Q, Wang B*, Chen JQ* (2014) Long-term evolution of nucleotide-binding site-leucine-rich repeat genes: understanding gained from and beyond the legume family. Plant Physiology , 166(1): 217-234. cited: 47
20. Zhou GC, Wu XY, Zhang YM, Wu P, Wu XZ, Liu LW, Wang Q, Hang YY, Yang JY, Shao ZQ*, Wang B*, Chen JQ* (2014) A genomic survey of thirty soybean-infecting bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) isolates from China pointed BCMV as a potential threat to soybean production. Virus Res earch 191: 125-133.
19. Wu P, Shao ZQ, Wu XZ, Wang Q, Wang B, Chen JQ, Hang YY, Xue JY (2014) Loss/retention and evolution of NBS-encoding genes upon whole genome triplication of Brassica rapa. Gene, 540(1): 54-61.
18. Zhang YM, Shao ZQ, Yang LT, Sun XQ, Mao YF, Chen JQ*, Wang B* (2013) Non-random arrangement of synonymous codons in archaea coding sequences. Genomics 101 (6) 362-367.
17. Shao ZQ, Zhang YM, Pan XZ, Wang B*, Chen JQ* (2013) Insight into the evolution of the Histidine Triad Protein (HTP) family in Streptococcus. PLoS ONE 8 (3) e60116.
16. Xue JY, Wang Y, Wu P, Wang Q, Yang LT, Pan XH, Wang B*, Chen JQ* (2012) A primary survey on bryophyte species revealed two novel classes of nucleotide-binding site (NBS) genes. PLoS ONE 7 (5) e36700.
15. Shao ZQ, Zhang YM, Feng XY, Wang B*, Chen JQ* (2012) Synonymous Codon Ordering: A Subtle but Prevalent Strategy of Bacteria to Improve Translational Efficiency. PLoS ONE, 7(3): e33547.
14. Wang B, Shao ZQ, Xu Y, Liu J, Liu Y, Hang YY, Chen JQ (2011) Optimal codon identities in bacteria: Implications from the conflicting results of two different methods. PloS ONE 6 (7) e22714.
13. Wang B , Yuan J, Liu J, Jin L, Chen JQ (2011) Codon usage bias and determining forces in green plant mitochondrial genomes. J Integra Plant Biol 53: 324-334.
12. Wang B , Liu J, Jin L, Feng XY, Chen JQ (2010) Complex mutation and weak selection together determined the codon usage bias in bryophyte mitochondrial genomes. J Integra Plant Biol 52: 1100-1108.
11. Liu Y*, Wang B*, Cui P*, Li LB, Xue JY, Yu J, Qiu YL (2012) The mitochondrial genome of the lycophyte Huperzia squarrosa: the most archaic form in vascular plants. PLoS ONE 7(4) e35168. cited: 19
10. Liu Y, Xue JY, Wang B, Li LB, Qiu YL. (2011) The Mitochondrial Genomes of the Early Land Plants Treubia lacunosa and Anomodon rugelii: Dynamic and Conservative Evolution. PLoS ONE 6 (10) e25836. cited: 44
9. Wang B , Yeun LH, Xue JY, Liu Y, Ane JM, Qiu YL (2010) Presence of three mycorrhizal genes in the common ancestor of land plants suggests a key role of mycorrhizas in the colonization of land by plants. New Phytol 186: 514-525. cited: 133
8. Xue JY, Liu Y, Li L, Wang B, Qiu YL (2010) The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the hornwort Phaeoceros laevis: retention of many ancient pseudogenes and conservative evolution of mitochondrial genomes in hornworts. Curr Genetics 56: 53-61. cited: 42
7. Qiu YL, Li L, Wang B, Xue JY, Hendry TA, Li RQ, Brown JW, Liu Y, Hudson GT, Chen ZD (2010) Angiosperm phylogeny inferred from sequences of four mitochondrial genes. J Syst Evol 48: 391-425. cited: 106
6. Wang B *, Xue JY*, Li L, Liu Y, Qiu YL (2009) The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of liverwort Pleurozia purpurea reveals extremely conservative mitochondrial genome evolution in liverworts. Curr Genetics 55: 601-609. cited: 35
5. Li L*, Wang B*, Liu Y, Qiu YL (2009) The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of hornwort Megaceros aenigmaticus reveals a mixed mode of conservative yet dynamic evolution in early land plant mitochondrial genomes. J Mol Evol. 68: 665-678. cited: 55
4. Hendry TA, Wang B, Yang Y, Davis EC, Braggins JE, Schuster RM, Qiu YL (2007) Evaluating phylogenetic positions of four liverworts from New Zealand, Neogrollea notabilis, Jackiella curvata, Goebelobryum unguiculatum and Herzogianthus vaginatus, using three chloroplast genes. Bryologist 110: 738-751. cited: 12
3. Qiu YL, Li L, Wang B, Chen ZD, Dombrovska O, Lee J, Kent L, Li R, Jobson RW, Hendry TA, Taylor DW, Testa CM, Ambros M (2007) A Non-flowering land plant phylogeny inferred from nucleotide sequences of seven chloroplast, mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Intl J Plant Sci 168: 691-708. cited: 135
2. Qiu YL, Li L, Wang B, Chen ZD, Knoop V, Groth-Malonek M, Dombrovska O, Lee J, Kent L, Rest J, Estabrook GF, Hendry TA, Taylor DW, Testa CM, Ambros M, Crandall-Stotler B, Duff RJ, Stech M, Frey W, Quandt D, Davis CC (2006) The deepest divergences in land plants inferred from phylogenomic evidence. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103: 15511-15516 . cited: 412
1. Wang B, Qiu YL (2006) Phylogenetic distribution and evolution of mycorrhizas in land plants. Mycorrhiza 16: 299-363. cited: 899


