合肥工業大學管理學院副研究員,2008年6月獲得復旦大學管理學博士學位。2008年6月至2010年8月,2011年9月至2011年11月在香港城市大學信息管理系從事相關研究工作。一直從事商務智慧型和數據挖掘的相關研究,HKCS、CNAIS會員,擔任IEEE TKDE,IEEENetwork,Expert Systems with Applications,Knowledge Based Systems,International Journal of Neural Systems,Neurocomputing,Measurement,Journal of the Franklin Institute,ETRI,Science Journal of Business Management等國內外期刊的審稿人,以及國際會議的PC Member和審稿人。
(1) 09/2005—06/2008 復旦大學管理學院 管理科學與工程 博士
(2) 09/2002—06/2005 中南大學商學院 管理科學與工程 碩士
(3) 09/2000—01/2002 中南大學信息科學與工程學院 計算機科學與技術 輔修
(4) 09/1998—06/2002 中南大學商學院 管理科學與工程 學士
(1) 2011年1月—至今:合肥工業大學,副研究員;
(2) 2010年8月—2010年12月:合肥工業大學,講師;
(3) 2011年9月—2011年11月:香港城市大學信息系統系,Research Fellow;
(4) 2008年7月—2010年7月:香港城市大學信息系統系,Senior Research Associate。
教學成果講授課程:管理信息系統;Research and Recent Advances on MIS;信息系統技術概論
(1) Wang Gang, Ma Jian. A Hybrid Ensemble Approach for Enterprise Credit Risk Assessment Based on Support Vector Machine [J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2012, 39(5): 5325-5331. [SCI][EI]
(2) Wang Gang, Ma Jian, Huang Lihua, Xu Kaiquan. Two Credit Scoring Models Based on Dual Strategy Ensemble Trees [J]. Knowledge Based Systems, 2012, 26(1): 61-68. [SCI][EI]
(3) Wang Gang, Ma Jian, Yang Shanlin. Study of Corporate Credit Risk Prediction Based on Integrating Boosting and Random Subspace [J]. Expert Systems with Applications. 2011, 38, 13871-13878. [SCI][EI]
(4) Wang Gang, Ma Jian, Yang Shanlin. IGF-Bagging: information gain based feature selection for bagging [J]. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 2011, 7(12): 1-13 [SCI] [EI]
(5) Wang Gang, Ma Jian, Huang Lihua. ASE-Bagging: an embedded approach for imbalanced customer credit risk assessment [J]. ICIC-ELB. 2011, 2(4): 787-792. [EI]
(6) Wang Gang, Hao Jinxing, Ma Jian, Jiang Hongbin. A comparative assessment of ensemble learning for credit scoring [J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2011, 38(1): 223-230. [SCI] [EI]
(7) Wang Gang, Hao Jinxing, Ma Jian, Huang Lihua. A new approach to intrusion detection using artificial neural networks and fuzzy clustering [J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2010, 37(9): 6225-6232. [SCI] [EI]
(8) Wang Gang. Asymmetric random subspace method for imbalanced credit risk evaluation [A]. In: Proceedings of Second Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering [C], 2010, 510-513. [EI]
(9) Wang Gang, Hao Jinxing, Huang Lihua. Empirical Evaluation of Ensemble learning for Credit Scoring. In S. Y. Wang (Ed.), Business Intelligence in Economic Forecasting: Technologies and Techniques, Pennsylvania: IGI Global Publishing, 2010.
(12) Wang Gang, Huang Lihua, Zhang Chenghong. A Study of Classification Algorithms for Data Mining Based on Hybrid Intelligent Systems. SNPD 2008, Thailand. [EI]
(15) WANG Gang, HUANG Lihua, ZHANG Chenghong. Study of Artificial Neural Network Model Based on Fuzzy Clustering. The 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2713-2717. [EI]